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Blackman line from 1821 - kB jpg
of Victoria, Australia
The family of the husband of Frances Emily Crompton - fourth child of Caleb Crompton 

   John Blackman   7th child of Mary Weller (1784-1874) and Joseph Blackman (b.1781 Kingsdown d.1852 Dartford) 
   d.22feb1865   br.05mar1865          
   m.08apr1843   Chislehurst, Kent
   |                                    Children born in Wilmington, Kent  
   James         William       George        Mary ann      Lucy (Louisa) Joseph        Charlotte        
   b13may1843    b.13oct1844   b.12jul1846   b.20may1848   b......1851   b...jul1853   b.14oct1855
                 c.13oct1844   c.12jul1846   c.20may1848   c.12apr1851   c.31jul1853   c.14oct1855
   d10aug1843    d.23jun1931   d.30may1936   d.22jan1934   d.25jun1911   d.....~1930   d.02feb1939
    **********   |             |             |             |                           |
                 m.~06apr1872  m.25dec1868   m.05nov1881   m......1908                 m.02oct1878
                 |             |             |             |                           |               
                 frances Emily Mary jane     James         John alfred                 Ernest alexander
                 Crompton      Cox           Kinneally     Spooner                     Neely           
                 b......1852   b.23mar1850   b......1842   b......1858                 b......1857
                 d.~10dec1923  d.18jan1908   d......1900   d......1930                 d.31jan1913   
  Frances and William - kB jpg To George Blackman's line - kB jpg To Mary ann Blackman's line - kB jpg To Lucy Blackman's line - kB jpg To Joseph Blackman's line - kB jpg To Neely line - kB jpg  
sheet 1 cont.
                                John Blackman's children cont
                 John          Harry         Emma          Leonard
                               (Henry)                     william   
                 b.14oct1855   b.28aug1857   b...sep1860   b......1863
                 c.            c.27sep1857   c.30sep1860   c.28apr1866
                 d...jun1930   d.26may1940   d.~3may1934   d.....-1957
                               |             |             |
                               m.26feb1884   m.19jun1882   m.04aug1900
                               |             |             |         
                               Sarah         Robert        Margaret
                               anne          thomas        frederika sophia
                               Wilkins       Smith         Odewhan   
                               b.06mar1862   b.03mar1858   b.16dec1883 
                               d.22jul1942   d.~13jul1903  d.09may1957 
  To John Blackman's line - kB jpg To Harry Blackman line - kB jpg To Smith line - kB jpg To Odewhan line - kB jpg  

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Leonard Blackman's Line - 10kB jpg
   George Blackman  - John and Charlotte's third child  info2a
   b.2ndQt1846    Dartford (Wilmington)                                                 
   c.12jul1846    Wilmington, Kent 
   Mary jane
   Cox          daughter of Mary ann Warren b.1817, and John Cox b.1809
   b. ....1852  Adelaide perhaps Cock
   |        14 Children born Pleasant Creek renamed Stawell 1861 - seven sons and seven daughters.
   Francis wm    george        Emma          John(jack)    Annie         Thomas        henriette     Joseph
   (frank)       Henry         jane          james         louise        howbury       (Ettie)       walter         
   b......1869   b......1870   b......1871   b......1873   b.01jun1875   b......1877   b......1879   b.24nov1880
   d.12oct1959   d......1875   d.11nov1964   d......1881   d.30apr1952   d.02sep1957   d.01dec1951   d.12dec1969
   |               *********   |               *********   |             |             |             |
   m......1893                 m......1894                 m......1898   m......1902   m......1904   m.16mar1907
   |                           |                           |             |             | (as Ettie)  |               
   Elizabeth ann               Alfred henry                Edward thomas Elizabeth ann James         Edith may
   Harris                      Moulden                     Jones         Riley         Greenwood     Miller           
   b......1872                 b.15nov1867                 b.~    1875   b......1878   b......1878   b......1881 
   d......1967                 d.04nov1906                 d.13feb1909   d......1951   d......1955   d.09jul1961     
  info2c info2d info2e info2f info2g info2h  

sheet 2 cont.
                   children of Mary jane Cox and George Blackman - continued
        Florence        Ernest          Ethel             john (Jack)   hilda (Tottie)   Ruby           
        mabel           claxton (Gus)   maud              reginald MC   charlotte                    
        b.28jun1882     b.16jun1884     b......1886       b.16aug1888   b......1890      b......1892
        d.21jan1939     d.09may1955     d.16aug1964       d.24apr1975   d.19feb1968      d......1960
        |               |               |                 |             |                |  
        m.27may1903     m.05jun1909     m......1907       m......1919   m......1914      p?
        |               |               |                 |             |                            
        William james   Elsie gwen      walter Rutledge   Marianne      Francis archibald   
        Tomlinson       Davies          Rowlands          Edmonds       Rogers                        
        b.03feb1879     b......1886     b.                b......1893   b.17jan1879
        d.25dec1936     d......1963     d.11aug1970       d......1971   d.24may1946
  info2h info2i info2j info2k info2l info2m  

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   Mary ann Blackman - John and Charlotte's fourth child   info 3a, - 2kB gif
   c.20may1848   Wilmington, Kent
  br.~20jan1934  Geelong West, Geelong City, Victoria
   |.............Alfred Blackman 1870-1934 Annie Blackman 1878-?
   James Kenneally (also Kinneally)
   James (jim)                                John henry      Thomas
   b......1882                                b...aug1889     b......1893
   d.17mar1949                                d.07apr1961     d.16jan1946    
   |                                          |                 *********
   m......1916                                m......1915
   |                                          |
   Ada georgina                               Alvina wilhelmena
   Marshall                                   Rau                           
   b......1888                                b......1895
   d.26dec1974                                d.09dec1961
   |                                          |
   |=============|=============|==========||  |============|==============|===========||
   Lloyd allan   Arthur james  Dau            Irene        John           Norman         
                                              hilda        willis         blackman     
   b.            b.19apr1923                  b......1916  b.09mar1920    b.15jun1921
   d.            d.07oct2017                               d.10nov1997    d.24aug2011
                 |                                         |              |
                 m......1950                               m......1946    m.3rdQt1945 UK
                 |                                         |              |
                 Heather elizabeth                         Hazel blanche  Elizabeth jane (Betty)  
                 Cornish                                   Trebilcock     Lewis
                                                           b......1918    b.15may1919
                                                           d.15apr1985    d.24aug2011
                                                           |              |
                          |=======|========|========|=====||              |============|============|===========|| 
                          Heather Noel     Margaret Judi                  Janice       Graham       Wendy

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   Lucy Blackman - John and Charlotte's fifth child
   b..~apr1851    Wilmington Kent
   c.12apr1851    St. Paulinus, Crayford, Kent 
   br.26jun1911   Fawkner Memorial Park, Moreland City, Victoria Methodist B 
   m......1908                     info4a
   John Alfred

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   Joseph Blackman - John and Charlotte's sixth child 
   b..~jul1853    Wilmington Kent                                               info5a
   c.31jul1853    St. Paulinus, Crayford, Kent 
   d.....~1930    Australia 

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The Neely Line - 7kB jpg
   Charlotte Blackman - John and Charlotte's seventh child .. m.02oct1878 .. Ernest alexander Neely 
   b.14oct1855   c.14oct1855                                                 b......1857 Ireland
   d.02feb1939                                                               d.31jan1913
   Ernest james      Sydney john  James          John (Jack)       charlotte May  Leonard william  Adelaide lucy (Addie)
   b.16oct1881       b......1883  b.17feb1886    b.01dec1888       b.24may1891    b.05nov1894      b......1896      
   d.27jun1917       d.18sep1968  KIA 29jul1916  KIA 8-9aug1915    d.21dec1971    d.19jul1982      d.09mar1961
   |                 |            VB Memorial    Johnston's Jolly  |                *********      |
   m......1908       m......1952    *********      *********       m......1920                     m......1919
   |                 |                                             |                               |
   Margaret Henwood  Caroline esther Snowden                       edward Edgar Martin             John thomas Burton
   b......1888       b                                             b.05nov1889                     b......1897
   d.15mar1935       d.~06jul1976                                  d.20nov1934                     d.~09aug1956
   |                    *********                                  |
   |=====================|===========||                            |===========||
   Beryl mary            Ivy margaret                              Edna Joyce
   b......1910           b......1912                               b.09dec1922
   d.15feb2007           d......2000                               d.info6dinfo6cinfo6binfo6a
   |                     |                                         |
   m......1933           m......1933                               m.27oct1945
   |                     |                                         |
   William james Maltby  Frederick charles Brooker                 Frederick robert Bulliman 
   b......1910           b.07sep1908 Woolwich UK                   b......1922
   d......1986           d.                                        d.06jun1999
   |                                                               |
   |==================|========||                                  |=============|========||
   Shirley margt.     Yvonne                                       Llyris        Rosslyn kay
   b.                 b.                                           b.21feb1950   b.30apr1957
   |                  |
   m......1953        m.
   |                  |
   Fredk harold Cole  Brian Leishman

With thanks to Heather Schoffelen for her Neely research

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John Blackman's Line - 11kB jpg

   John Blackman - John and Charlotte's eight child, (twin of Charlotte)
   b.14oct1855    Wilmington Kent                     info7a
   c.14oct1855    St. Paulinus, Crayford, Kent 
   d..~jun1930    Australia 

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Harry Blackman's Line - 11kB jpg
info8b info8a

   Harry Blackman - John and Charlotte's ninth child 
   b.28aug1857 c.27sep1857                                         
   Sarah anne
   |                                                                                            cont.
   Harry              Herbert          Ella               George                        Edith  
   william            howbury          ruby               charles                       margaret
   b......1885        b......1886      b......1888        b......1891                   b.20sep1893    
   d.13nov1936        d.18mar1970      d.14apr1983        d.24jan1967                   d.17oct1980    
   |                  |                |                  |                             |             
   m......1919        m.21mar1930      m......1920        m......1914                   m.21feb1921    
   |                  |                |                  |                             |              
   Lily Ashman        Ruth eleanor     James thomas       Elizabeth                     Ernest lawson  
                      Gilsenan         Coe                mitchell Ellis                Gilmour        
   b......1892        b.21mar1891      b......1885        b......1893                   b......1893    
   d.16dec1939        d.03sep1967      d......1955        d.~29jan1974                  d.~25jan1973   
   |                    *********      |                  |                             |              
   |=======|=======||                  |=======|=====||   |=========|========|======||  |==========|==========|=========||
   Edna    Keith                       Stanley Joan       George    Jean     Jack       Noel       Shirley    Valerie  
sheet 8 cont
   continued children of Sarah and Harry Blackman
   Leslie          Stanley         Cecil           Arnold 
   john            ernest          robert          floyd            
   b.24jan1896     b......1898     b......1902     b.16mar1905
   d.23nov1965     d.18jun1981     d.03jul1972     d.11apr1974
   |               |               |               |
   m......1919     m.21mar1930     m......1920     m......1914   
   |               |               |               |              
   Gertrude        Flora isabel    louie clara     Winifred alice
   Ivy Watts       MacDonald       Deane           Crossley    
   b.02sep1898     b......1899     b......1905     b.22mar1913
   d.25nov1964     d.~15sep1954    d.~21oct972     d.31oct2003
   |                               |               |
   |                               |==========||   |=========|==========||
   |                               Deane           Barbara   Margaret        
   leslie         Joyce edith    Doris          Donald         Raymond        Barbara          Glenys
   Clifton (Clif)                frances        william        lionel         |                margaret     
   b.21nov1919    b.23sep1921    b.07jan1923    b.13aug1924    b.12sep1930    b.Bet.1932-1940  b.07aug1941
   d.25apr1997    d.25may2013    d.02aug2016    d.13sep1990    d.03may1982    d.Bet.1932-1940  d.14aug2016
   |              |              |              |              |              *************    |
   m.12dec1940    m.15feb1947    m.24jan1948    m.05nov1949    m.16jan1954                     m.05jan1959
   |              |              |              |              |                               |            
   Mary margaret  Ernest alfred  Allan james    Gwendoline     Beverley joan                   Ian malcolm
   Gibson (Peg)   Oldham         Mackinnon      Evelyn McLean  Lillywhite                      Campbell     
                                                3 children              
With thanks to Kaye Smith, Leslie John Blackman's granddaughter, for her contribution. Email Kaye at E-MAIL

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Harry Blackman's Line - 11kB jpg
   Emma Blackman - John and Charlotte's tenth child. 
   b..~sep1860  c.30sep1860                           
   d.01may1934                info9a
   Robert thomas 
   Edward john  Robert thomas  William sydney  Amy            Elsie may    Sydney stanley Daisy        Violet       George clayton
   b.27mar1883  b......1884    b.16jul1887     b......1888    b......1891  b......1892    b......1894  b......1896  b.25may1899
   d......1968  d......1969    d.06may1966     d......1934    d.03may1975  d......1912    d......1964  d......1974  d.05jul1949
   |            |              |               |              |              *********    |            |            |
   m......1908  m......1939    m.19apr1924     m......1914    m......1910                 m......1926  m.           m......1927
   |            |              |               |              |                           |            |            |
   amelia Jean/ Clara silvia   Ruby sophia     Leslie carnie  Frank sydney                Ernest       James Wm.    Doris emma
   jane Mason   Tilley         Williams        Yewdall        Savage                      george Lewis Green        Woods
   b.           b......1913    b.22aug1893     b......1887    b......1889                 b......1895  b......1896  b......1903
   d.           d.....+1993    d.22mar1991     d......1968    d......1975                 d.....+1954  d......1957  d.~22sep1986
   |                           |               |              |                                        |            |
   |=======|                   |===========|   |===========|  |=======|...                             |============|=====||
   Child 1                     Howard william  Vernon leslie  Child 1                                  Alan         Joyce amos
   Edward Alfred               b.17jan1925     b......1919      Child 2                                b.           b.
   b.1909                      d.01oct1994     d.                 Child 3                              d.           d.
   |                           |               |                    Child 4                                         |
   Child 2                     m......1949     m......1943            Frank e                                       m......1962
   Sydney Stanley              |               |                      b.1912                                        |
   b.1913                      Aylice eleanor  Beryl may              d.1976                                        Albert arthur  
   |                           Reynolds        Cox                                                                  Foley
   Child 3                     b......1924     b......1922
   Daisy Jean                  d.29aug1983     d.....+1993
   b.1915                      |
sheet 9 cont
               Russell howard  Jennifer
       Kieran   Anastasia  Felicity  Caieta  Dancia
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Leonard Blackman's Line - 10kB jpg

   Leonard Blackman - John and Charlotte's eleventh child
   b.4thQt1863    Wilmington, Kent   c.28apr1866         info10a 
   m.04aug1900    Coolamon, NSW
   fredericka sophia 
   d.09may1957    br.11may1957     info10b 
   b.07sep1900      registered Junee, NSW
   d.13sep1964      Phillip, Canberra, ACT
   m.1 16feb1925 ............ p.
   sep.25sep1939              |
   div.13jul1944              |
   |                          | 
   Harry william              William thomas 
   Shields                    Crowder
   b.22aug1889                b......1893
   d.14jul1947                d......1961
   Harold arthur  Keith james  Jean lillian  Eileen margaret  Mervyn george  Joan lucy    Doreen mary
   b.21apr1925    b.01oct1926  b.01apr1928   b.20jul1929      b.22mar1933    b.29feb1936  b.18feb1913
   d.21oct1995    d.04jun1992  d.21dec2007   d.28aug2009      d.10nov1995    d.02oct2002  d.
sheet 10 cont
                  Marjorie Ryan
                  Vivian lynne     Rhonda yvonne    Lynette gay    Mark christoper
With thanks to © Vivian Bugden, 2019 great granddaughter of Leonard Blackman, who is researching John BLACKMAN's line. Email her at E-MAIL

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This page was created by Richard Crompton
and maintained by Chris Glass
Version B13
Updated 20 March 2024