Blackman Info 2f: for Henrietta (Ettie) Blackman

Henrietta was born in 1879 but was known Hetty (Vic BMD 11123/1879) in Pleasant Creek/Stawell and died, as Ettie, on 01 December 1951 in Ararat aged 73 (Vic BMD 22494/1951) . In 1904 she married, as Ettie, James GREENWOOD (Vic BMD 2646/1904). James was born in 1878 in Pleasant Creek/Stawell (Vic BMD 18122/1878) and died in Stawell in 1934 aged 55 (Vic BMD 19082/1934).

Right: The Greenwood grave Plot A295 Stawell Pleasant Creek Cemetery Photo: Elizabeth Driscoll Greenwood grave Stawell - 55kB jpg

The Australian Electoral Roll 1903-1977, available on Ancestry, records their homes and occupations in the 1909-19 Rolls as:

In the 1922-34 Rolls there was a change of address and occupation:

In 1936-49, Ettie was living alone:

19 Wakeman Street, Stawell does not appear to be on Google maps. The buildings below 26 have been replace by industry or Stawell Railway goods yard. It would seem James once lived across the road from his job.

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This page was created by Richard Crompton
and maintained by Chris Glass
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Updated 31 July 2023