Blackman Info 2d: for Annie Louise Blackman

Annie Louise BLACKMAN married in 1898 (Vic BMD 6998/1898) to Edward Thomas JONES who was born about 1875 in Sebastopol, Victoria to Mary née LANDER. There is no obvious record in Victoria Birth Marriage Death. Annie died on 30 April 1952 at Healsville, South Melbourne ( Vic BMD 11471/1952) aged 77.

Possible children born in Maryborough and Timor. Timor is 11km north of Maryborough.

   Raymond         Thomas                      Reginald
   edward          george                      albert
   b.30jan1900     b.07apr1903                 b.17feb1907
   d.22may1987     d.12feb1990                 d.03aug1997
   |               |                           |
   m......1925     m1.08sep1928  m2.05aug1939  m......1936
   |               |             |
   Lilian neilson  Mary olive    mary Patti    Esma amy
   Lindsay         Laing         Phelan        Williams
   b.              b......1898   b......1903   b.22nov1907
   d......1983     d.27may1939   d......1994   d.10oct1992   
                                               Graeme      Lorraine     Murray           

The Australian Electoral Roll 1903-1977, available on Ancestry, records their homes and occupations in the 1916 through to 1954 Roll as:

Right: 151 Duke Street, Castlemaine, Annie Louise' home for many years 151 Duke Street, Castlemaine - 39kB jpg

In 1916 an unknown Jones lived in Duke Street, who is a suspected relative:

It is possible that Edward Thomas JONES died on 13 February 1909 aged 34, in Maryborough, Victoria (Vic BMD 2150/1909). Annie Louise JONES died 20 April? 1952, in South Melbourne aged 77 recorded as 'Father George BLACKMAN and mother's maiden name COX' (Vic BMD 11471/1952).

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Their known children

Raymond Edward - Annie Louise and Edward Thomas JONES' first child

Raymond Edward was born on 30 January 1900 in Timor, Victoria (Vic BMD 7000/1900). He married Lilian Neilson LINDSAY in 1925 (Vic BMD 5603/1925).

Raymond Edward was recorded in 1921 as:

In 1922-24 he had moved to:

In 1931 through to 1977 he had married and moved:

In 1949, whilst at the same address, he had been promoted to 'supervisor':  By 1968 Raymond had retired.

Raymond Edward died on 22 May 1987 in Box Hill aged 87 years (Vic BMD 12187/1987). Lillian Neilson died in Box Hill in 1983 aged 82 (Vic BMD 16315/1983).

Right: Raymond Jones' home for life at 23 Laudale Street Box Hill Jones 23 Laudale Street Box Hill - 40kb jpg

Thomas George - Annie Louise and Edward Thomas JONES' second child

Thomas George was born on 07 April 1903 in Timor, Victoria (Vic BMD 14123/1903). Thomas George first married Mary Olive LAING in 1928 (Vic BMD 8812/1928) at Footscray Presbyterian Church. Mary Olive died on 27 May 1939 (Vic BMD 3472/1939). He then remarried Mary Patricia 'Patti' PHELAN on 05 August 1939 (Vic BMD 462/1939) who died in 1994. There is no record in the Queensland records. Thomas George died on 12 February 1990 in Nambour, Queensland (Qld BMD 1990/51347).

There are many Thomas George JONES' in the Ancestry Electoral Roll. Thomas George would be recorded on the Electoral Roll in 1924 at the age of 21. He and his wife Mary would be recorded after marriage in the 1928 Roll.

In 1928 Thomas George lived in Taralgon, Gippsland as a railway signal man but is recorded in the Roll as:

The first Roll record of the couple, and so being more certain of being the right Jones, was in 1936 when he was married and had moved to North Melbourne:

In 1937 the couple had moved:

Then in 1939 to 10 Normandy st., Windsor, Melbourne.

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In 1943 they Thomas George and his new wife had moved within Melbourne:

1949 they were living at 391 Bay st., Brighton, Balaclava, with Thomas George employed as a shopkeeper.

In 1954 through to 1963 the couple lived on the Mornington Peninsular:

In 1963 Thomas George was employed:

By 1972 Thomas George had retired and they had moved again to:

There is no obvious record beyond this date.

With thanks to Jessica Sambell in Ancestry Public Members Tree.

Reginald Albert - Annie Louise and Edward Thomas JONES' third child

Reginald Albert was born in Maryborough on 17 February 1907 (Vic BMD 4548/1907). Raymond married Esma Amy WILLIAMS in 1936 (Vic BMD 8079/1936). Esma was born in Golden Square on 22 November 1907 (Vic BMD 804/1908). There is no obvious record of Raymond's death on 03 August 1997 in Vic BMD. Esma died on 10 October 1992 aged 84 (Vic BMD 25605/1908).

The Australian Electoral Roll 1903-1977, available on Ancestry, records their homes and occupations in the 1937 Roll as:

being close to where is brother Raymond Edward lived in the 1920s.

By 1943-49 the couple had moved to:

In 1963-80 they had moved homes and Reginald changed jobs:

This house has been redeveloped.

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Reginald and Esma are buried in Andersons Creek Cemetery, Warrandyte

Right: Reginald Jones' headstone
Reginald Jones' headstone - 82kB jpg

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Updated 01 August 2023