© 2002-23 RG Crompton. Email me at
of Spring Vale, Lake River, Van Diemen's Land,
Adelaide and Miners Rest, Victoria |
Caleb Crompton 11th child of Thomas richardson Crompton and Martha Hyde
c.17aug1821.............. m.1. Frances Lombe ........m.2. William Brown
14aug1844 c.31mar1822 12nov1862 b....~1812
d.29dec1854 d.15sep1900 d.30aug1894 South Melbourne
| ********
Maralena (Madelena) Elizabeth Charles frances Caroline
louisa emily milner walter Emily laura
b.06jul1845 b.30jun1847 b.07apr1850 b.16mar1852 b......1854
d.05mar1924 d.17sep1926 d.25jun1929 d.09dec1923 d......1930
| | | | |
m......1865 m.04apr1867 m......1873 m.24apr1872 m.......1879
| | | | |
Donald William henry Elizabeth William Frederick
MacDonald Cox Cox Blackman Sale
b.20may1839 b.10apr1842 b.....~1854 b.3rdQt1844 b......1857
d.07oct1922 d.14aug1882 d.22jul1925 d......1931 d......1946
cr1821, sheet 2a: Maralena, Caleb's first child
Maralena (aka Madeline Madalena Maraline) louise Crompton - first child of Caleb Crompton
b.06jul1845 Spring Dale/Vale, Longford, Tasmania
d.07mar1924 buried Ballarat Old Cemetery (F1-2-14)
| Alexander Macdonald ... m. ... Ann Fraser
m......1865 |
| |
Donald fraser MacDonald ....................................................|
b.20may1839 Inverness, Inverness-shire, Scotland
d.07oct1922 buried Ballarat Old Cemetery (F1-2-14)
| Children born Miners Rest, except Annie at Dowling
Annie elizabeth Alexander Charles madeline Donald
louise Maud william Laura (Lil) fraser
b.22aug1866 b......1867 b......1869 b......1871 b......1873 b......1874
d.07may1934 d......1942 d......1948 d.25jul1949 d.19dec1950 d..~jun1943
********* ********* | | | |
m.27sep1899 m......1897 m.13aug1910 m......1925
| | | |
Laura may Mary hannah Joseph wm. Hilda ruby
Langsford Tingate (cissy) Gilmore Odgers
b......1873 b......1873 b. b......1886
d......1964 d......1957 d.28sep1942 d......1965
| | *********
|=============|========|| |=================|================|================|============|==========||
Donald leslie John raynor Adeline hazel Alexander Lorna gill Madeline John
charles elizabeth crompton
b......1900 b......1902 b.10feb1898 b......1902 b......1904 b......1907 b......1910
d.~23mar1970 d.27dec1971 d.24sep1988 d......1976 d. d......1997 d.....-1949
| | | | | | *********
m......1933 m.....-1924 m......1927 m......1930 m......1936 m......1929
| | | | | |
Mary eileen Laura may Gordon william Veronica doreen Cyril frank robert samuel
Young rivers Dickinson mary Glenister raymond Gilbert Keith May
b......1904 b. b.29nov1901 b......1903 b.26dec1904 b......1905 Horsham
d.~06jul1979 d.....+1949 d.28feb1991 d......1978 KIA 24jun1944 d......1977
| | | |
cr1821, sheet 2b: Maralena, Caleb's first child continued
| | | |
|========|| |==============|========|| |==========|========|| |============|========||
Jean Heather rivers Peter rivers Annette Graham donald Jock Peter
b. b.10sep1928 b.30mar1930 b. b. b......1933 b.
d. d.05jun2019 d...dec2022 d......1978 d.
| | |
m. m. m.
| | |
Keith Shirley Nicholls Shirley eleanor
b. b.11jan1933 b.
d. d. d.
| | |
|============|============|========|| |============|========|| |========||
Kay Laurie Peter Jill rivers Child 2 Daughter
lynette joy
b.15sep1956 b.27may1958 b......1962 b.03dec1959
| | |
m. m. m.
| | |
? Christopher ?
Dernam McMicken Matty
cr1821 sheet 3a: Elizabeth, Caleb's second child, first marriage
Elizabeth emily milner Crompton - second child of Caleb Crompton
b.30jun1847 Spring Dale/Vale, Longford, Tasmania
d.17sep1926 Buried Box Hill, Victoria
m1.04apr1867 Miners Rest Church ................. m2. 12oct1883 Mount Jeffcott
| |
William henry Thomas taylor
Cox Forsyth
b.1stQt1842 b.....~1855
d.14aug1882 Ballarat Hospital d......1900 Melbourne East
| Children born at Miners Rest | Children born at Mount Jeffcott
Charles Elizabeth John Charles Thomas Caroline Annie Unnamed William
francis emily arthur francis frank louisa florence male henry (jnr)
b......1868 b......1869 b......1870 b......1872 b......1874 b.19jun1876 b......1879 b......1881 b......1882
d......1869 d......1958 d......1951 d......1969 d......1875 d.16nov1958 d......1956 d......1881 d......1944
******* | | | b.31may1875 | | ********* |
m......1893 m......1901 m......1898 ********* m.26aug1905 m......1905 m.03may1913
| | | | | |
Thomas Eliza maud Julia may battersby Wm j t James john Alice jessie
Caldwell McCann McCann Pearson McLeish mabel Dobson
b. b. b......1878 b.22jan1880 b......1882 b......1890
d. d. d......1965 d.15feb1971 d......1959 d.....+1958
cr1821, sheet
4a: Caldwell line: Elizabeth emily milner Cox, nee Crompton, and William henry Cox's second child
Elizabeth emily Cox - second child of Elizabeth emily milner Cox, nee Crompton, and William henry Cox
Thomas Caldwell
William Effie
henry thomas
b...apr1894 b.28oct1901
d.25jul1916 d.23nov1985 Parkville, Victoria
Pozieres |
******** m.10apr1922
Richard squire
d.04jul1990 Melbourne, Victoria
| Children born Melbourne
Mavis olive Richard Shirley Rae
william caldwell jean milner barbara
b.30nov1922 b.09dec1924 b.16nov1926 b.25apr1930
d.25nov2004 d.17oct1999 d.19jan2002 d.13jan2006
| | | |
m.29nov1944 m.26jul1952 m1.29jan1949 .. m2.15jun1991 m......1955
| | | | |
Earnest Norma margaret Leslie wm. Albert Leslie geo.
alfred Clarke Moore Sanders edward Doe Griffin
b.03dec1918 b.07mar1929 b.30sep1916 b. b.19sep1917
d.26jun2001 d. d.26sep2009 d. d.29jul2002
cr1821, sheet 4b Cox/Caldwell line continued
Neil thomas Wayne Ross Christine
Mason Mason Mason mary ann
b......1954 b......1957 b......1968 b......1970
© Neil Mason, 2009, who is researching
the CALDWELL line. Email
Neil at |
cr1821, sheet 5a: Cox/McCann line: John arthur Cox, Elizabeth emily milner Cox, nee Crompton, and William henry Co's third child
John arthur Cox - third child of Elizabeth emily milner Cox, nee Crompton, and William henry Cox
Eliza maud McCann
b......1880 Tallarook, Victoria
d......1955 Foster, Victoria
Arthur William Irene Olive John Ethel Francis
herbert james maud may henry annie leslie
b.23dec1902 b.14mar1904 b......1905 b......1907 b......1909 b......1910 b.21jul1912
d......1973 d......1985 d...... d...... d......1949 d......1985 d......1968
| | | | | | |
m......1927 m. m.....1929 m.......1933 m......1927 m......1928 m......1947
| | | | | | |
Isabel Frank Marjorie maud William a Mavis/Maris daisy
Whyte Clark Ransom Bentley Kellet
b......1905 b......1907 b......1911 b.25feb1905 b.
d......1984 d. d.-1977/1981 d.....+1968
Arthur john William Allan James Peter Geoffrey Brian Betty Faye Graham
george francis david herbert owen edward margaret wilma charles
b.....~1929 b.....~1930 b.....~1931 b.....~1933 b.....~1934 b.....~1936 b.....~1937 b.....~1939 b.....~1944 b......1947
d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d.
| | | | | | | |
m......1950 m......1953 m......19 m......1957 m......19 m......1959 m......1961 m......19
| | | | | | | |
Dorothy lilian Margaret jean Lynette Patricia dawn Sheila Emanuel john George russell Pauline
Bond Ward margaret Keogh Forbes Haines margaret
cr1821, sheet 5b:: Cox/McCann line: continued
Yvonne Virginia
anne amber
b......1953 b.
d. d.
| |
m......1976 m......1975
| |
Gregory neil Peter
Fraser Farrell
b.......1953 b. England
d. d.
Leigh Kim
| |
Scott james
© Yvonne Frazer, 2009-2023, who is
researching the COX and LOMBE line. Email Yvonne at |
cr1821, sheet 6a: Pearson line: Elizabeth emily milner Cox, nee Crompton, and William henry Cox's sixth child
Caroline louisa Cox - sixth child of Elizabeth emily milner Cox, nee Crompton, and William henry Cox
d.16nov1958 Bayswater, Mornington, Victoria
b.18nov1958 CE2312 Box Hill, Victoria
m.26aug1905 Melbourne William francis frederick Pearson ... m. ... Sarah ann Chid(g)widden
| of Balaclava, South Australia |
William john thomas Pearson Oliver Otto Pearson
b.22jan1880 Dalkey, South Australia
Donald Hector William Myra
william leslie elizabeth
b.19jan1902 b.22apr1906 b.30jun1912 b.02oct1914
d.11nov1983 d.01jul1999 d.29may2004 d.04aug1972
| | | |
m.1 22dec1923 ... m.2 06jun1931 m.01may1937 m.23apr1937 m.27mar1937
| | | | |
Lilian Annie florence May Magdalene Harold kardo
Heib Murphy Brown isabel Forrester Marshall
b.10sep1902 b.04sep1903 b.24oct1915 b.07may1912 b.06sep1911
d.11jul1926 d.27mar1978 d.21nov2007 d.05sep2007 d.11jul1996
| | | |
|========|| |============|========|| |============|========|| |============|========||
Myrtle Beryl Donald wm. Alan Sylvia Cheryl Vicki
dorothy margaret barrie hector may caroline elizabeth
b.08jan1924 b.....~1935 b.....~1937 b.....~1938 b.....~1942 b.....~1945 b.....~1948
d.11jun2007 d. d. d. d. d. d.
| | | |
m.28aug1948 m. m.....~1967 m.
| | div...~1980 |
Harold john J Faye ?
Stephens Dowd Kerr
cr1821, sheet 6b:: Pearson line continued
Edward Robert Donald Harold Ian Irene
john bruce leslie brian maxwell carolyn ann
b......1947 b......1948 b......1949 b......1951 b......1953 b......1957
d. d. d. d. d. d.
m1. ........ m.2 .....2009
| |
? Elaine Schlink (née Kominiarczuk - Coran by deed poll)
One daughter
Ian Stephens, 2009, who is researching the PEARSON line. Email Ian at |
cr1821, sheet
7: McLeish line: Elizabeth emily milner Co, nee Crompton, and William henry Cox's seventh child
Anne florence Cox - seventh child of Elizabeth emily milner Cox, nee Crompton, and William henry Cox
James john pritchard McLeish
Olive Sylvia James Charles
milner may wm henry robert leslie
b......1906 b......1908 b.01jan1911 b......1915
d.16jun1991 d.18feb1991 d.08nov2003 d.02jul1984
| | | |
m......1924 m......1927 m......1937 m......1941
| | | |
Alfred geo Alex wm chas Dorothy may Rita catherine
Gow Edwards Waldron
b......1900 b......1899 b......1914 b.
d.15mar1969 d.....+1977 d.15sep1990 d.....+1984
| | |
|=========|| |==============|=========||
Stanley Charles Janice
george james ann
b. alexander ada
d. b......1943 b......1951
d. d.
| |
m. m.
| |
Joan regelson Leslie russell
cr1821, sheet 8a: William henry Cox Jnr. line: Elizabeth emily milner Cox, ne Crompton, and William henry Cox's ninth child
William henry Cox (jnr) - ninth child of Elizabeth emily milner Cox, nee Crompton, and William henry Cox
Alice jessie mabel Dobson
| Continued next page
Colin william Alice jessie Walter Heather
(Cox-Crompton) eliz(Bonnie) henry jean
b......1914 b.....~1916 b.04nov1917 b......1919
d......1981 d.....~1994 d.24aug1987 d.....~2012
| | | |
m......1935 p. m......1941 m.1 ........ m.2
| | | | |
Daisy maud(e) Norman Joan Wm. graham ?
Cotton Pritchard Smith Haydon Robinson
b......1913 b. b. b. b.
d. d. Deceased d. d. d. Deceased
| ********* | |
| | |
|===========|=========|| |===========|=========|| |========||
Faye colin Neil Gary Brian Mark
b. b.16aug1937 b. b. b.
d. d.11dec2003 d. d. Deceased d.
| |
m. m.....~1968
| |
? Pamela
Parker ?
b. b.
d. d.
Child 1 Child 2
cr1821, sheet 8b: William henry Cox Jnr. line continued
Continued from previous page
Stella Carmen (Charles) Neil robert Janet
may jane bruce (nicky) isobel
b.19mar1922 b......1924 b......1926 b.05oct1928 b......1935
d.07aug1978 d...dec2000 d.....~2000 d.26aug2014 d.....+2021
| | | | |
m.09jan1943 m.1 ............. m.2 p. m.10oct1959 m.1 .......... m.2
| | | | | | |
Francis earle William chas. Clarence Joyce Margaret Gary David
Edmonds bermin Wallin Hunt mary Barrett Fox Carey
b.05mar1918 b......1921 b...1913/14 b. b.09apr1933 b. b.
d.10sep1980 d. d. Deceased d. Deceased d.15oct2016 d. d. Deceased
| | ******** | |
|============|========|======|| |============|========|| |=======||
Ross Keith Greg Ian Jane Dianna
william margaret
b. b. b. b......1960 b......1962 b.25jan1962
d. Deceased d. d. d. d. d.
m......1986 div.13jun2022
patricia Labour
Renee marie- Jon william
francoise roth
b......1993 b......1996
d. d.
| |
cr1821, sheet 8c: William henry Cox Jnr. line continued
Stella may Cox - William henry Cox Jnr's fifth child
Francis earle Edmonds
Diane Richard
elizabeth francis
b......1948 b......1946
d. d.
| |
m......1972 m......1969
| |
Kenneth douglass Pamela
Thorne Innes
b......1944 b.
d. d.
| |
|============|========|| |=========||
Andrew James Celina
douglass francis
b......1975 b......1978 b......1971
d. d. d.
| |
m......2003 m......1997
| |
Assunta David
De Zotti Breen
b......1978 b.
d. d.
Hugo Darcy Luella ruby
b......1997 b......1999 b......2003
d. d. d.
cr1821, sheet
9a: Elizabeth emily milner Cox's second marriage
Elizabeth emily milner Cox, nee Crompton - second child of Caleb Crompton - her second marriage
d.17sep1926 Bayswater, buried Box Hill, Victoria
m.2. 12oct1883 St Arnaud, Victoria
Thomas taylor Forsyth
Thomas Thomas Leslie (Les)
taylor crompton milo MM
b.17oct1883 b.15dec1885 b.20oct1888 Donald, Victoria
d.31oct1883 d.30jul1930 d.28jun1966 Heidelberg, Victoria
********* | |
m.07mar1916 m.03jul1920
| |
|============Florence Beatrice (Betty)
Daphne McDonald Moore
b......1911 b.09feb1891 b.3rdQt1889
d.25apr1919 d.29nov1970 d.27oct1948
| |
| |=========================|========================|=========||
| Joy(ce) doreen h Gladys lesley Joan milner
| b......1921 Melbourne b.25mar1923 Wangaratta b.16oct1926 Rutherglen, Victoria
| d.~1995 Southport Qld d.13nov2006 Cairns d.16(25)may1999 Cairns
| | | |
| m2 ..... m.~10nov1939 m.~14jan1944 m.01sep1945
| | | | |
| ? Arthur james (Jim) Ron(ald) lawrence Richard (Dick) shoemaker
| Drury edward Cotsworth Falla Evans
| b.~1913 b.31dec1922 Brunswick N. b.01aug1922 Huron County, Ohio
| d.~1964 Brunswick, Vic d.2000 Yamba, NSW d.04aug1981 Anaheim, California
| | | |
| | |==========|| |=============|=====||
| | Diane Ricky steven Denise California
| | b. b.....~1947
| | | |
cr1821, sheet 9b: Elizabeth emily milner Cox's second marriage cont:
| | | |
| | m. m.
| | | |
| |==========|==========|| |========|======|| |====|====|====|==||
| Arthur Sandra joy Candice Nicole Ken Son Son Son
| b. b......~1943/6 b.~1972 b.~1975
| d. d.~18dec1963 d. d.
| | |
| m. 22jun1963 m.
| | |
| Harold edward
| Richardson
| b......~1920 b.
| d.~08dec1966 d.
| |
| |========|======||
| Tayler Roman
Jean ellen Ellen milner (Nellie) Leslie thomas John francis (Jack)
b...aug1916 b.31may1918 b......1920 b.25nov1921
d.06feb1917 d.21mar1975 d.11nov1976 d.20jun2000
********* | ********* |
| m.1 13jun1942 ................. m2.....+1948
| div......1948 |
| | |
| marjorie Lillian Beale Jean lindsay James
| b.21apr1921 b.04jan1921
| d.21mar2008 d.30jul2004 Ballarat
| | |
| |==========|| |=============|==========||
| Jeannine marjorie Russell john Glen raymond
| b......1944 Sydney b......1950 b......1958
| d. d.20mar2017
| | |
| Luciano Asciak Anne christine Harvey
| | |
| |=============|=============|| |================|==========||
| Stephen john Raymond anthony Andrew kenneth Catherine jean
| b......1964 b......1966 b......1979 b......1982
cr1821, sheet 9c: Elizabeth emily milner Cox's second marriage cont:
William (Bill) harold Smith
Cheryl dawn Gary robert
b......1950 b......1953
| |
m.1......1967..........m2......1981 m.1....1985 London m2 Sydney
div......1981 | div....1990
| | |
Philip john Wilkin Wayne james Ashley Susan jane Roots
b......1948 b......1956 b......1960
| |
| |
|=================================|=================================|===========|| |
Paul philip Timothy alan Amanda jane |
b......1967 b......1969 b......1970 |
| | | |
m......1998 m......1999 m......1994 m.2....1995
| | | |
Janet elizabeth Lovett Sarah elizabeth Baker Michael (Mick) Connolly Pamela ann Mooney
b......1966 b......1973 b......1964 Scotland of b......1972
| | | Irish parents |
|================|============|| |===============|=============|| |============|==========|| |============|==========||
Mitchell thomas Lachlan andrew Emma dawn eliz Chloe alice eliz Lauren jane Caitlin anne Dakota lee Allanah jayne
b......1999 b......2001 b......2003 b......2009 b......1997 b......1999 b......1999 b......2001
© Cheryl Ashley, 2016, who is researching Thomas Crompton FORSYTH's line. Email Cheryl at |
cr1821, sheet 10a: Charles walter Crompton, Caleb's third child
Charles walter Crompton - third child of Caleb Crompton
Francis m. Jane Cox of Bovey Tracey, Devon and Clunes
b.07apr1850 b. |
d.25jun1929 d.20feb1882 |
| |
m.15apr1873 |................|
| |
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Cox John thomas Jessie Henry
b.1stQt1854 b......1856 b.....1858 b......1861
d.22jul1925 d.23jul1913 d.....1930 d......1861
| | | br.28nov1861
| | m.....1889 ********
| | |
| | William thompson McCelland
| | |
| | |===========|========||
| | William Jessie
| |
| m.1 1882 ...................... m.2 1889 ....... m.3 .....1893
| | | |
| Sarah Richardson Minnie may Bird Bredt agnes OBrien
| b......1866 b.......1870 b.
| d......1897 d. d.
| |
| no issue - adopted relatives children |
|=======================================|===================|| |=========
William henry Jessie maria <--------> Jessie
cox Crompton (Jnr) Cox Crompton maria
b......1887 b......1887 b......1887 (Vic BMD 21550/1887)
d......1944 d. d.
9th child of Elizabeth emily milner Daughter of Eliz. Cox's brother and Minnie Bird
Crompton and William henry Cox |
see sheet 8a m.21sep1910 Ref: 5681/1910 South Melbourne
Alfred percy Cooke
d......1956 Wangaratta (Trove)
cr1821, sheet 10b: Charles Walter Crompton cont:
b......1910 (Vic BMD 30923/1910)
d......1994 (br.Memorial Park Glenroy)
sheet 11a: Frances emily, Caleb's fourth child
Frances emily Crompton - fourth child of Caleb Crompton
b.16mar1852 at Daisy Hill Victoria, Australia
m.06apr1872 at Bald Hills, Creswick, Australia
William Blackman 2nd child of Charlotte Clackstone and John Blackman
b.3rdQt1844 Wilmington, Kent
| Children born Miners Rest, Victoria
John Emily Louisa William Mabel Leslie Ida walter john Lyle

charlotte henry (Harry) frances crompton may Thomas (Tom) aubrey MC
b......1873 b.21apr1874 b.06oct1875 b.05jul1878 b.30apr1881 b...jun1885 b.22nov1886 b.22dec1887 b.07mar1890
d......1883 d.24dec1960 d.13nov1961 d.21apr1942 d.09may1961 d.29jun1916 d.16oct1964 d.28nov1967 d.03nov1964
b.16jan1883 | | | | Ploegsteert | ********* |
********* | | | | Belgium | |
m.17dec1932 m.01jan1904 m1......1901 m.06apr1912 ********** m.14nov1911 m.15feb1917
| | | | | | Lincs
Joseph Wm. james Margaret daisy Oliver otto Nelson frederick Vida mary
Cox Wines Murphy Pearson Wellington DSO MC Vickers
b.11mar1870 b.26oct1868 b......1879 b.12nov1886 b.04apr1889 b.21jun1891
d.24nov1962 d.02apr1957 d.29aug1918 d.27nov1972 d.24aug1952 d.24may1974
sheet 11h: Frances emily Blackman, nee Crompton, and William Blackman's second child
Emily Blackman - second child of Frances emily Crompton and William Blackman
m1. .....1907 ............. Joseph Cox .. m2.12dec1933
| b.11mar1870
Sophia Quak d.24nov1962
b......1870 Avoc Victoria *********
Mary Allen
sheet 11e: Frances emily Blackman, nee Crompton, and William Blackman's third child
Louisa charlotte Blackman - third child of Frances emily Crompton and William Blackman
William james Wines
Hazel Mavis Mabel Gwenneth Lyle
jean louise murray crompton
b.26jun1905 b.24jun1907 b......1911 b.05jun1914 b.07may1918
d.26aug1986 SA d.07dec1993 d......1911 d.07nov1999 d.16aug2012
| | ********* | |
m......1934 m.~24feb1941 m.~22apr1939 m......1941
| | | |
Francis cyril Alan carlyle James joseph Albert william
Hunting Harris Hawe Houghton
b.08mar1910 b.13mar1911 b.29jul1909 b.12jun1918
d.22dec1999 SA d.21may1994 d.23jul1985 d.13jun2008
| | |
| |========|| |============|=============|=============|========||
| Ann Robert John edwin Peter thomas Glenys
| b. b. b......~1955 b......~1955 b.
| d. d. d. d.
|=========|================|=============|========|| | |
Jan frances William Elizabeth francis m. m.
(Bill) (Tup) John | |
Marilyn John
b. b.
d. d.....-2012
cr1821, sheet 11g_1: Frances emily Blackman, nee Crompton, and William Blackman's fourth child
William henry (Harry) Blackman - fourth child of Frances emily Crompton and William Blackman
m1 .....1901 ................... m2 .....1920
| |
margaret Daisy Murphy Elizabeth (Bess) keziah Dell
b......1879 b......1898
d.29aug1918 d.02jan1978
| |
|==============|=============|==============|=============|| |=====================================|===========||
William henry John leonard thomas Keith Leslie crompton Ronald lindsay Norman alfred
b.14jul1901 b.08jan1910 b.18aug1912 b.23oct1915 b.20mar1921 b.13jun1922
d.11apr1925 d.29apr1967 d.14apr1977 d.14jul1967 d.28oct1986 d.
********* ********* | | | |
m.18mar1939 m......1940 m......1940 m......1948 (div?)
| | | |
Meryl Titford Florence Mayoh Valda theresa Morris Noreen gladys Mitchell
b.02feb1916 b.4thQt1918 b.07sep1921 b.
d.09aug2002 d.19mar1967 d.20sep2003 d......+1972
| | | (Blackers) |
see next |=======|| |============|===========|========|| |========|========|=======||
sheet Kaye Margaret John wm. Christine Diane Colin Lynette
b......1945 b......1941 b.14jul1947 b......1952 b. b. b......1952
d. d. d. d......1952
| | | *********
m.27feb1965 m. m.02dec1972
div...~1979 | |
m.2 .......... Gerald Cecile
Jeanne Fisher Sumeracki Hayley
b.04sep1938 b. b......1947
d.25jan2022 d. d.
| | |
|===========|=======|=========|======|| |=======|| |========||
Debra Jeffrey Bradley Michael Monique Tiffany
b.10dec1965 b. b. b. b. b......1974
| | | |
m. m. m. p.
| | | |
sheet 11g_2:- Frances emily Blackman, nee Crompton, and William Blackman's fourth child cont:
| | |
Kurt d Mary Jennifer Pisei
Rachel kaye
cr1821, sheet 11g_3: thomas Keith Blackman - Frances emily Blackman, nee Crompton, and William Blackman's fourth child cont:
thomas Keith Blackman Third child of Daisy and William henry Blackman
b.18aug1912 South Melbourne
Meryl alice
Grant robert Pamela margaret
b.20sep1948 b.31mar1950
d.01mar2004 d.
| |
m......1975 m.01nov1973
| |
Jane margaret Keith sydney
McLouglin Pollock
b. b.28nov1946
d. d.
| |
|================|| |===============================|=================||
Zoe charlotte Naomi kirstan Emma janella
b.22apr1981 b.20sep1977 b.06nov1979
| | |
m.30oct2009 m.09jan1999 m.24nov2007
| div.2013 |
Douglas Matthew james Peter john
Sterling Glover Joy
b. b.09jan1999 b.11aug1978
| | |
|=========== |==============|==========|| |==========||
Briony beth Marcus rohan Isaac keith
b.16mar2008 b.12aug2010 b.30apr2014
With thanks to Pamela Pollock for her contribution
and who is researching her family. |
sheet 12a: Frances emily Blackman, nee Crompton, and William Blackman's fifth child
Mabel frances Blackman - fifth child of Frances emily Crompton and William Blackman
| son of William john thomas Pearson
m.06apr1912 |
Oliver otto Pearson ... m.2 1963 ... Milly Ruth Wallace
b.12nov1886 b......1989 Devenish, Vic.
d.27nov1972 d......1975 Murrumbeena, Melbourne
Frank robert leslie Eileen mabel frances Marion eve Thomas william henry iris Rita
b.10apr1914 b.30may1915 b.13feb1918 b.13may1919 b.04jun1923
d.05may1999 d.23may1979 d.18aug2003 d.14jan1981 NSW d.13sep1996
| | | | |
m.30sep1941 m.02sep1939 m.31may1941 m.12jan1944 NSW m.04apr1942
| | | | |
Jean margaret John Alan james Perry Horace gerard Brown yvonne Patricia Blanche Eric arthur Horne
b.10sep1920 b.10mar1912 b.11feb1914 UK b.04jan1925 NSW b.06oct1921
d.23jul2020 d.22aug1989 d.24dec2004 d.....~2012 d.12oct2005
| |============|========|| |============|========|| |========||
| Maxwell Kevin Joan Rosalie Sharyn
| james leslie denise june
| b......1943 b......1947 b......1942 b......1944 b......1947
| d......2013 d.....+2023 d......2015
Christopher Richard Andrew Ross
ian john james kelvin
b......1945 b......1947 b......1955 b......1957
d. d. d...sep2019 d.
cr1821, sheet 12b: Mabel farnces Blackman cont: The children of iris Rita Pearson and Eric arthur Horne
iris Rita Pearson
Eric arthur Horne
Trevor Heather Douglas Janice
neil june eric rita
b......1945 b......1948 b......1949 b......1950
| | | |
m......1993 m......1979 m......1973 m......1976 ... div.20sep1979
| | | |
Gabrielle Wynand (Wayne) Faye Leslie
Henwood jozeph elizabeth
(nee Stevens) Schoffelen Garrett Horner
b......1944 b......1933 b......1950 b......1951
d. d. d. d......2013
| |
|=============|========|| |===========================|===============|=============|========||
Stephen Kerri Kate Sarah Megan Travis
eric leon louise amanda jayne faye benjamin
b......1980 b......1983 b......1975 b......1977 b......1979 b......1981
| | | | | |
m......2007 p. p.1 ......... p.2 m......2008 m......2007 m.2013 Victoria
| | | | | | |
Kelly Pilling Nathan Sharrock Daniel Frood Rodney Smith Gavin Simonson Heath McLeod Joanne Simons
b......1983 b. b. b. b.23mar1977 b......1979 b......1984 Qld
| | | | | | |.......................
| |=========|| | | | | |===========|==========||
| Heidi june | | | | Eli Ashton
| b.2021 | | | | b.2014 b.2017
| | | | |
|=========|=========|| |===========|| |===========|=========|| |=========|| |===========|===========|==========||
Malik Saul Joshua lucan Yemaya Sha'nir Abby Elyssa jade Lara jazz Cruze jax
b.2014 b.2016 b.2000 b.2006 b.2011 b.2016 b.2004 b.2007 b.2011
© Heather Schoffelen, 2016-2023, who is researching Oliver Otto PEARSON's line. Email Heather at |
cr1821, sheet 13a: Frances emily Blackman, nee Crompton, and William Blackman's seventh child
Ida may Blackman - seventh child of Frances emily Crompton and William Blackman
m.14nov1911 Nelson Wellington m. Margaret (Minnie) elizabeth Smith
| |
Nelson frederick Wellington.......................|
Dr Patricia frances nelson thomas Lyle (Chip) Lesley joan (Mickie)
b.31oct1913 b.03mar1915 b.03may1921
d.24mar1998 d.14aug1987 d.18dec1978 Kansas City, Missouri
| |.......................| |
m.21dec1937 m.1.....1936 m.2.1952 & 1955 m.25sep1943 Rockhampton
| | | (Div 1954 & 1976) |
Dr andrew william Medwyn Hutson Pearl gweneth Ramsdale Dorothy jean Wood Alva B (Barney)Howard .. m2
b......1912 b......1913 b......1920 b.04may1913 09oct1982
d......1984 d.24nov1950 d. d.16jan1987 |
|=========================|====================|==============|| |========|| |
Dr. Bruce andrew Geoffrey david Ph.D Prof. John medwyn Elizabeth ida (Libby) Thelma marie Peek
b......1945 b......1947 b......1948 b.31jan1948 b.04may1915
| | | |
m. m.~1968 m......1971 m.
| | | |
Julie Betsa Mole Susan ann Hubbard
b. b. b......1947 b.
d. d.27nov2016 d. d.
| | | |
|======|=========|====|| |======|====|| |=============|========|========|====|| |========||
Jenny Dr. Jane Robert Ruth Dr. Kate Dr.Kathleen Andrew Rowena Iain Rebecca (Becky)
bronwyn james frances medwyn
b. b. b. b. b. b......1976 b. b. b. b.....~1975 New York City
| | | |
cr1821, sheet 13b: Ida May Blackman cont:
| | | |
m. m. m......2001 p.
| | | |
| |
Stefan Richard Henry Kim
Bush Saunders Neal Jaeger
| | |
|======|====|| |=====|| |=================||
Emily Amy Eleanor Sylvie hutson Jaeger
cr1821, sheet 13e
nelson thomas Lyle (Chip) Wellington
m1......1936 m2 .. 1952 & 1955
| | (Div 1954 & 1976)
Pearl gwenneth Dorothy jean
Ramsdale Woods
b......1913 b......1920
d.24nov1950 d.04apr2013
| |
|============|============|============|========|| |===================|=======================|======||
Lyle digby William John cecil Madaline Barbara jane Matthew peter Dr Heather
frederick nelson rose louise
b.~25mar1939 b......1940 b......1943 b...nov1948 b......1956 b......1957 b......1959
d. d. d. d. d. d. d.
| | | | | | |
m. m. m. m. m. m.(Div) m......1987
| | | | | | |
Margaret Judith Lynette Christopher Jacqueline Ian hamilton
maria marie Ward Taylor Kelly
| | |
|========|========|| |===========|==========|========|| |=========|=======||
Lochran Catherine Bethany Myles Julian Paul Andrew
abigail charlotte hamilton john
b. 1988 b. 1990
cr1821, sheet 11c_1: Frances emily Blackman, nee Crompton, and William Blackman's ninth child
Lyle aubrey Blackman - ninth child of Frances emily Crompton and William Blackman
Vida mary Vickers
Margery joyce
b.20may1918 Bourne, Lincolnshire
Oswald aloysius Coghlan
Jillian Oswald James
margaret phillip
b. b.06nov1954 b.
d. d.05mar2009 d.
********* |
cr1821, sheet
14a Caroline laura, Caleb's fifth child
Caroline laura Crompton - fifth child of Caleb Crompton John Sale ......... m.2 1stQt1853......Hannah Pratt
b.24sep1854 Miners Rest, Victoria b......1807 Yardley b.4thQt1839 Aston 16 201?
d.05jul1930 Cauldfield, Victoria d. d.
| |
m......1879 |============|============|============|========||
| Jane John Frederick Elizabeth
| b.1stQt1842 b.1stQt1844 | b.4thQt1858
Frederick Sale .....................................................................|
Maude louise Ethel Emily may Madeline laura Frederick john crompton MC and bar
b......1880 b......1881 b......1883 b......1888 b.14jun1892
d.30mar1939 d......1881 d......1952 d.-24aug1954 d.28jul1937
| ********* | | |
m......1921 m. m......1914 m......1922
| | | |
Francis marven Peter stuart Dr george edward Irene
Chambers Smith Payne payne Philpots James
b......1880 b. b......1879 b.3rdQt1898
d.23jul1949 d. d.-10jul1952 d.~15jun1983
********* | | |
|==========|| | |
Peter Major WX3396 | |
| |
|================|==========|| |=======================|==========||
Robert suckling John sale linford Richard john crompton Claire elizabeth
b.05oct1916 b. ~jul1923 b......1926 b.....~1929
d.....+2009 d.....-2009 d.01dec1990 d.27aug2023
| | |
m......1941 m.....1954 m.
| | |
Marjorie isabel Rosemary John campbell
Flack Roberts Timlock (Tim)
b. b.
d. d.....+1980 d.17oct2015
| | |
cr1821, sheet 14b: Caroline laura, Caleb's fifth child cont:
| | |
|============|==========|========|| |========|=======|| |===========|===========|===========|========||
Unknown Wayne Peter Mandy Peter Keri Jason Scott Rohan
elizabeth william john
b......1949 b. b. b.09jul1948 b.~....1957 b.~....1961 b.~....1963
d.+2days d.
This page was created by Richard Crompton
and maintained by Chris Glass |
Version J6
Updated 18 August 2024 |