Blackman Info 2j: for Ethel Maud Blackman

   Ethel maud Blackman ... m......1907 ... Walter rutledge Rowlands
   b......1886                             b......1887
   d.16aug1964                             d.11aug1970
   Roland john  Audrey annie  Walton rutlidge  Ruby maud    Dorothy may
   b......1908  b......1909   b......1913      b.16sep1920  b.15jan1922
   d.~01jul1986 d......1991   d.03dec1986      b.03aug2016  d.15sep2004
   |            |             |                |            |
   m......1932  m..~jan1932   m......1936      m......1944  m......1940
   |            |             |                |            |
   Sarah emily  Eric george   Jessie may       Allan edward Gilbert chas. edw.
   Lewis        Pallot        Arthur           Round        Roberts
   b......1902  b......1904   b......1915      b.24feb1921  b.12oct1920
   d.~31jul1991 d......1975   d.12aug1992      d.06dec1995  d.04sep2009 
   |                          |                |            |
   |========||   |========|========|======||   |   |========|========|========|======||
   Evan john     Ian      Graeme   Lynette     |    Rhonda   Barry    Ian      Kaye         
   b......1934                                 | 
   d.22dec1971                                 |
   |                                           |===========|===========|========||
   m......1956                                 John        Lynton      Allan
   |                                           edward      edward      david
   Dorothy helena                              b.....~1946 b.....~1951 b.....~1956
   Hurnall                                                 |           |
                                                           m.          m.
                                                           |           | 
                                                           Monika      Jacqueline 
                                                           eva         maree

Ethel Maud married Walter Rutledge ROWLANDS, also recorded as Walton, in 1907 (Vic BMD 5665/1907). This entry records the death of father and son:

Family name Given name Mother's family name Place of birth Place of death Reg. year
ROWLANDS Walton Rutlidge BLACKMAN Horsham Bairnsdale 1986
ROWLANDS Walton Rutcledge (sic) SHORT Stawell Ballarat 1970

Ethel Maud died on 16 August 1964 in Ararat and is buried in Warracknabeal Cemetery (Vic BMD 17484/1964).

The Australian Electoral Roll 1903-1977, available on Ancestry, records their homes and occupations. The 1913 Roll for Walter Routledge ROWLANDS shows he followed the family tradition of being a grocer. They lived at:

In the 1914-15 Rolls they had moved home to:

From 1919-1924 there was another change of address:

bl_info2j, sheet 2

From 1927 there was a change of address and occupation:

In 1931 and 1934 there was another change of address and they were joined by two children older than 21 years:

In 1936, whilst now in Gippsland, Walter and his son's name change to Walton and another child had come of age:

The 1937 Roll shows an increase in family living in the town, Ronald John and his wife Sarah Emily having joined them from Horsham:

Sarah Emily (recorded as Emely) LEWIS, was born in Crowlands, Pyrenees Shire in 1902 (Vic BMD 25619/1902) and married Roland in (Vic BMD 7954/1932) recorded as Saram Emily.

In 1943 the Roll shows:

By the 1949 Roll the family had moved to Coburg in Melbourne, with may other Rowlands living in the district though not at the same address:

The 1954 Roll shows the couple back in Gippsland:

The second 1954 Roll shows Walton had retired and moved back to Stawell:

The 1963 Roll shows perhaps their last address in the same town as their son:

Ethel Maud died on 16 August 1964 (Vic BMD 17874/1964) and Walton on 11 August 1970 in Ballarat City (Vic BMD 19340/1970). Both Emily and Walter, recorded as Walton, were buried in Plot WM 288 Warracknabeal Cemetery.

bl_info2j, sheet 3

Their children

Roland John - Ethel Maud and Walton Rutledge's first child

Roland John born in about January 1908 (Vic BMD 7024/1908) to Walton Rutledge in Stawell. He married Sarah Emily LEWIS, in 1932 (Vic BMD 7954/1932). Roland John died in July 1986 (Vic BMD 17564/1986) aged 78 and his wife about 31 July 1991 (Vic BMD 22626/1991) aged 88. Both were buried in Warracknabeal Cemetery: There is no obvious record in Vic BMD of the birth of their son Evan John in 1934. Evan John married Dorothy Helena HURNALL in 1956 (Vic BMD 5829/1956) and they had three children: David born 1957, Wendy born 1960 and Jenny born 1962. Evan lectured at Monash Teachers' College. Whilst he lived in Norway Avenue, Blackburn, he died on 22 December 1970 in Austin Hospital, Heidelberg of leukaemia (Vic BMD 1209/1971) aged 37.

The Australian Electoral Roll 1903-1977, available on Ancestry, records their homes and occupations for 1936:

The 1937 Roll shows a couple as a grocer living in Gippsland:

In 1942 they had moved home back to Warracknabeal as a carpenter:

And again in 1954 through to 1977:

Audrey Annie - Ethel Maud and Walton Rutledge's second child

Audrey Annie was born in 1909 (Vic BMD 14608/1909) to Walton Rutledge in Stawell. In early 1932 she married Eric George PALLOT (Vic BMD 2752/1932) who was born in Tarnagulla in 1904 (Vic BMD 29167/1904). Audrey Annie died in 1991 aged 82 (Vic BMD 26246/1991) and Eric George in Bairnsdale in 1975 aged 70 (Vic BMD 14545/1975). There is no record in Bairnsdale Cemetery.

In 1931, Eric as a single man lived, perhaps with is mother and father:

In 1934-1937, when married:

In 1943 there was a change of address:

In 1954 there was another change of address and occupation:

By 1963-1967 there was a change of address:

bl_info2j, sheet 4

By 1968-1972 there was yet another change of address:

Walton Rutlidge junior

Walton Rutledge junior, also known as Walter, was born 1913 (Vic BMD 35276/1913) in Stawell. In 1936 he married Jessie May ARTHUR (Vic BMD 15094/1936). He died as Walton on 03 December 1986 aged 73 years in Bairnsdale, Gippsland (Vic BMD 28707/1986). Jessie May died in Bairnsdale on 12 August 1992 aged 77 years (Vic BMD 20852/1992).

Right: Walton and Jessie Rowland's headstone in Bairnsdale Cemetery
Walton Rowland headstone - 72kB jpg

The Australian Electoral Roll 1903-1977, available on Ancestry, records his home and occupation for 1937 as:

with Jessie May living at a different address from her husbands parents.

In 1943 they were together:

In 1949-72 there was a change of address within Bairnsdale:

By 1977-80 Walton had retired and the couple had moved into a retirement village:

bl_info2j, sheet 5
Right: Rowlands' retire home at 10 Meades Road in the Clifton Waters retirement village. Rowlands 10 Meades Road - 32kB jpg

Ruby Maud

Ruby Maud was born 1920 (Vic BMD 22847/1920) to Walter RUTLEDGE in Stawell. In 1944 she married Allen Edward ROUND (Vic BMD 18113/1944). She died on 03 August 2016 in Pakenham, Victoria, aged 96 years.

Right: Ruby Round's headstone in Pakenham Cemetery
Ruby Round's headstone - 103kB jpg
bl_info2j, sheet 6
Allan Round's headstone - 81kB jpg Allan died on 06 December 1995 aged 74 in Pakenham, Victoria

Left: Allan Round's headstone in Pakenham Cemetery

The Australian Electoral Roll 1903-1977, available on Ancestry, records his home and occupation for 1949 to 1954 as:

In 1963-67 there was a change of address:

and an unemployed son joined them:

A John Edward Round seems to have been unemployed through to 1980.

In 1968, whilst at the same address another, perhaps directly unrelated, Round was registered:

In 1972 there was another son registered, a change of address and Allan Edwards job was re-titled:

In 1977 another son was registered:

bl_info2j, sheet 7

Still in 1977 Lynton was a qualified teacher, married and living in his own home, where they remained until 1980:

In 1980 Alan David had married and moved home:

In the 1980 Roll Ruby and Allan remained at 10 Douglas Avenue.

Right: Round 10 Douglas Avenue
Round 10 Douglas Avenue - 36kB jpg

Dorothy May

Dorothy May was born in 1922 (Vic BMD 4841/1922) to Walton RUTLEDGE in Horsham. Dorothy died on 15 September 2004. In 1940 she married Gilbert Charles Edward ROBERTS (Vic BMD 15764/1940) who was born on 12 October 1920 (Vic BMD 30377/1920) and died on 04 September 2009. Gilbert is described as a confusing 'Captain, ex RAAF and AIF' since the RAAF was formed in August 1921 with air force ranks.

Right: Dorothy May and Gilbert Charles Edward Roberts' headstone in Bairnsdale Cemetery
Dorothy May Roberts headstone - 42kB jpg
bl_info2j, sheet 8
Frank Alfred Roberts'headstone - 28kB jpg Left The headstone of Frank Alfred Roberts, Gilbert Charles Edward's brother's headstone in Bairnsdale Cemetery

The Australian Electoral Roll 1903-1977, available on Ancestry, records his home and occupation for 1943 as:

The 1949 Roll records him with his wife:

By 1977 the couple had moved:

Right: Dorothy May Roberts' home at Lakes Entrance Dorothy May Roberts Lakes Entrance - 18kB jpg

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Updated 27 September 2023