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Cromptons of the Stuart Period
The line of Thomas Crompton of Bennyngton and Bishop Burton
Johanna a widow (?)
John Crompton of Prestolee, Lancashire    Ralph Assheton of Great Lever (VCH)
|                                         |
m.1502                                    m.
|                                         |
Katherine Hulton (Ballard)                Eleanor daughter of Alan(?) Hulton of Farnworth Hall
|                                         |
|========||                               |========
John ........... m. 27may15?? ........... Anne (Asheton) (Vis. Lancs)
of Prestolee and London                   of Great Lever, Lancashire
|                                                                                          1600info 1, Dr Thomas Crompton and his arrival in Driffield - 2kB gif
John         Dr Thomas Crompton LLD      Richard
of Beverley  of Bishop Burton            of Hacking  1660info 2, The children of Dr Thomas Crompton
b.           b.....~1556                 b.
d.....1610   d.31oct1601                 d.....-1598
             |  Will proved 18feb1601/2    Will proved 1598 Chester (not available) The will of Thomas of Bennyington
             Mary Hudson dau of Henry Hudson of Surrey
cr1600, sheet 2
             |                                                          all born 1581-1600 (Mundy)The will of Mary Crompton 1632
             |                                         .../=========|========|========|========|========|========||
             Mary Hudson dau of Henry of Surrey           Alice     Margaret Suzan    Sara     Ann      Grace
             b.                                           b.        b.       b.       b.       b.       b.
             d.....+1635                                  d.+1635   d.-1624  d.+1624  d.+1624  d.-1624  d.+1635
             |                                            |                                             |
             |                                            m.                                            m. 

             |                                            |                                             |
             |                                            ?                                             ?
             |                                            Colenton                                      Hrobald?          
             |                                           Sir John's will
Sir Thomas                Sir John     Robert Esq    Rev. Edward      Mary         Frances      Elizabeth       Magdalene
                          of Skerne    of Driffield  of Leckonfield                                             Madlyn)
b.....~1579(?)            b.....~1585  b.            b.               b......1582  b.....+1581  b.~1580         b.
d......1606               d.08dec1623  d.04sep1646   d.-1635          d.06sep1649  d.02jul1658  d.-1635         d.-1635
b.St Gregory by St Paul's |            Robert's tree Vis and          |            |  VCH       |               |       
|                         |                          Sir John's will  |            |            |               |
m.23oct1597 (Vis)         m.....-1610                                 m.03jul1601  m.           m.-1601         m.
|                         |                                           |            |            |               |
Murial (Meriall)          Frances                                     Sir William  Sir Robert   Roger Raute or  ?
Carey                     Crofts                                      Gee          Fenn[e]      John Brewster   Roger
                                                                                                or ? Hyatt
dau. of Sir               dau. of Sir Henry                           of Bishop    Clerk Controller
Edward Carey              Crofts of Suffolk                           Burton       to His Majesty
b......1585? (Vis)        b.                                          b.1553       b.1600 info 3 - The Gee family of Bishop Burton
d.16may1600 Aldenham(Vis) d. 1661                                     d.-jan1611-2 d.
                        To John of Skerne's line                                          
|==========||                                                  |======|========|=======||
Dame Catherine                                                 John   William  4 others1600info4, Dame Catherine Crompton
d.24jun1666 Worcester Cathedral
|The will of Thomas Lyttelton
m.23dec1616 (Vis)
Sir Thomas Lyttelton (Littleton/Littelton) of c. Wigorn 1st Bt. of Frankley
d.22feb1649/50 Worcester Cathedral
cr1600, sheet 3
| dvp = died before father                                        |        Position in family not known
Son  Son  Son  Son  Sir Henry    Catherine      Son  Sir Charles  Son  Capt. William  Ferdinando    Edward
b.   b.   b.   b.   b.13nov1623  b.15mar1624-5  b.   b......1629  b.   b.             b.~1639 (IGI) b.
dvp  dvp  dvp  dvp  d.24jun1693  d.             dvp  d.02may1716  dvp  d.             d.+1649       br.03aug1657

                                                                                    Arthur           Dau  Dau  Dau
                                                                                    b.11apr1635(IGI) b.   b.   b.

cr1600, sheet 4
Sir John of Skerne's banner - kB gif
Sir John of Skerne...................... m.....-1610 .......Frances Crofts daughter of Sir John of Little Saxham
b.....~1585                         History of Parliament   b.
d.08dec1623/4 Will proved London 04may1624                  d......1661
|                    As recorded in will order, except Mary who is recorded as the eldest daughter
|============|============|==========|========|============|============|============|===========|==========/..Info 5, The children of Sir John of Skerne
John         Sir Robert   Elizabeth  Henry    Thomas       Charles      Edward       Frances      Anthony 
b.15jul1610  b.03feb1613  b.1613     b.       b.27aug1617  b.08sep1618  b.11jun1620  b.28oct1621  b.18jul1623
d.+1623      d......1669  d.+will    d.+will  d.+will      d.+will      d.+will      d.+will      d.+will          Pending - The will of Sir John Crompton of Skerne
             |            |                                                          |                            
             m.           m.+will                                                    m.
             |                                                                       |    
             Catherine Holland                                                       Sir Robert Fenn    
             dau. of Sir Thomas Holland Quidenham                                    Clerk Comtroller of HM Household 
             b.                                                                      b.
             d.20nov1633 Quiddenham, Norfolk                                      
             |                                                                      of unknown position/4th 
             |=======||                                                           ../========||
             C(K)atherine                                                            Mary
             b.                                                                      b.
             d.23jan1669 West Woodhay, (Newbury), West Berkshire                     d.+will
             |                                                                       |            
             Engaged                                                                 m.-1624? will
             |                                                                       |
             Sir Henry North of Mildenhall                                           Sir William Gee of Bishop Burton

Family papers and research
Dugdale, Sir William: The Visitation of the County of York begun A.D. MDCLXV and finished A.D. MDCLXVI, Vol. III William Pollard, Exeter, 1917

The Cromptons of Crompton The Cromptons of Hacking The Cromptons of Breightmet

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This page was created by Richard Crompton
and maintained by Chris Glass
Version C34
Updated 28 May 2020