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1611: The Cromptons of the Stuart Period
The Cromptons of Breightmet

Abraham Crompton       m.20jul1605    Alice Roscoe (Roscow)(Roscowe)
of Breightmet Lancashire         1611info1 Modern maps locating family homes - 2kB gif
b.~1585                               b.~1589
d.20jan1626 Will 1626                 d.
Henry                            Rev John MA of Church Minster        Alice
b.1606/7                         b.1611                               b.
                                 c.29sep1611 in Bolton                c.25jun1621 in Bolton
d.1698                           d.09jan1669 in Mapperley             d.
                                 buried in Westhallow (West Hallam)
|                                |
m.10jan1638 Bolton               m.1611info2 Cromptons of Chorley Hall - 2kB gif
|                                |
Rebecca Crompton                 Mary ?
of Hacking                       of Arnold
b.1620/21                        b.
d.                               d.
|                                |
|=========||        |============|============================|==========|==========|============|=========||
John                Rebecca      Abraham                      Joshua     Samuel     Mary         Elizabeth
                                 of Derby (Purchased Chorley  Old Hall
                                 Estates Empocarda 1715)      Stand
b.                  b.~1647      b......1649                  b.         b.~1650    b.           b.
                    c.23jan1647  c.08apr1649 Brailford                              c.08may1653  c.14jan1654
d.                  d.           d.13feb1724                  d.1728     d.1734     d.           d.
|                                | All Saints, Derby          |          |
cr1611, sheet 2
|                                |                            |          |
m.                               m.                           m.         m.1 ........ m.2 24sep1695 Campsall
|                                |                            |          |            |  
May                              Elizabeth                    ?          Mary         Anne Wareham of Longlington or
?                                Bourne                                  Cram(n)er    Elizabeth Wharam          
                                                                                To Samuel's
b.                               b.....~1653                  b.
d.                               d.11jan1690                  d.1715
|                                |                            |
|=========|=======||             |                 |=========||
John      Grace                  |                 5 daughters
                                 To Abraham's
cr1611, sheet 3
Abraham and Elizabeth's line
Elizabeth        John                                 Samuel                                     Mary    Abraham
                 of Chorley Hall                      of Mapperly, Derby
b......1671?     b.....~1690                          b.1677 or ~1680                            b.1679  b.1690?
d......1757      d.....~1750                          d.15/18apr1759                             d.1728  d.1766/7
|                |                                    |                                          |         ******
m.1 .... m.2     m.1 06apr1719 ...... m.2 26dec1743?  m.1 03apr1710 .....................m.2     m.1 ...... m.2
|        |       | St.Werburg, Derby  | Standish      | Long Houghton                    |       |          |     
Henry    Samuel  Hannah               Ann             Anne                               Martha  Henry      John
Co(a)pe  Hacker  Mather               Rigby           R(h)odes                           Rich    Seal       Heslop
b.       d.      b......1701?         b.....1731?     b.                                 b.      b.         b.
b.       d.      d......1723          d.              d......1714                        d.      d.         d.
                 To John of Chorley Hall's                  To John of Chorley Hall's                                              
                                         |============|===========|=========|========||  |=======||
                                         Samuel       John        Joshua    Abraham      Elkana    
                                         b......1714  b.1710/12   b.        b.1710/11    b.06mar1728
                                                                                         c. All Saints, Derby
                                         d.10jan1782  d......1770 d.        d......1714  d.
                                         |                                    *********    *********
                                         m.08may1744  m.04apr1753 m.01nov1758
                                         | Maston     |           | St John, Chester               
                                         Elizabeth    Antonia     Elizabeth
                                         Fox          Woodhouse   Coulthurst                       
                                         b.           b.          b.
                                         d.           d.          d.
                                         |            |           |
                                         |             *******    |=========|=========|=======||
                                         |                        William   Thomas    Peter MP for Derby & Liverpool
                                         |                        b.        b.        b.       
                                         |                        d.Infancy d.        d.
                                         |                          *******   ******  |
                                         |                                            m.20mar1787
                                         |                                            | at Chorley
                                         |                                            Mary
                                         |                                            Crompton
cr1611, sheet 4
Samuel                     John          Joshua              Gilbert     
of Woodend                 of Derby
b......1752                b......1753   b.25aug1754         b.
d......1810                d......1834   d.13feb1832 Esholt  d.
|                          |             |                   |
m......1783                m.01mar1784   m.28feb1786         m.30sep1798
|                          | Manchester  | Otley, Yorks      | Norton
Sarah                      Eliz Bell     Anne marie          Elizabeth
Fox?                       of Manch'ter  Rookes              Johnson
b.                         b.            b.07jul1763         b.
d.                         d.            d.05jul1619         d.
                                                       To Abraham's line - 2kB gif
|========||  |=============|========||   |===========|==========|==========|=========|===========|=========|=======|| 
Sir Samuel   John bell     Gilbert       William     Stansfield Charles    Joshua    John        Samuel    Robert     
MP Derby     Mayor Derby                 rookes      rookes                          stansfield            edward     
b.           b.12jan1785   b...sep1786   b.03aug1790 b.         b.         b.        b......1799 b.        b.         
d.           d......1859   d.4thQt1844   d.05dec1871 d. young   d. young   d.        d.          d.        d.         
|            |             |Chest'field  |             ******      ******  |                                         
m.03nov1829  m...mar1810   m.21jan1817   m.17jun1824                       m.                                        
|            |             |             |                                 |     
Isabella sph Jane          Deborah cath. Emma frances                      ?    
Cathcart     Sitwell       Bor(s)l(e)y   Markham                           ? 
b.           b.            b.1794        b.                                |    
d.           d.            d.1879        d.                                |     
|            |========||   |                                               |=======||
|            Jane          |                                               William henry Capt
|            b.            |                                               b.
|            d......1835   |                                               d.
|                          |                                                               
|===========|========||    |================|============|===========|============|========||          1611info3 Gilbert b.1786 and family - 2kB gif
Elizabeth   Isabella       Deborah          John         Mary        George       Charles                
mary        mary           sarah            gilbert      ann                      william      
b.          b.             b.1817           b.29dec1819  b.1821      b......1824  b.               
d.          d.             d.01may1897      d.29nov1913  d.          d......1897  d.               
|                          |                |            |             *********  |
cr1611 sheet 5
|                          |                |            |                        |
m.                         m.16sep1845      |            m.22jun1856              m......1858
|                          |                |            |                        | Fillingham, Lincs 
3rd Earl                   Rev. Alexander c |            William                  Frances elizabeth
Cathcart                   Bromehead        |            Firmston Evans           Dalton
                           b.~1816          |            b.                       b.
                           d.1stQt1868      |            d.....-1881              d.
                           |                |            |
                           |========||      |            |========||
                           Mary A           |            Frederic
                           b.1850           |            b.....~1859
                           d.               |            d.
                           |                |
                           m.               m.1~1852 ....... m2.21sept1865
                           |                |                |            
                           Cecil brooks     Millicent usula  Caroline georgina
                           Palmer           mary Smedley     Chaplin      
                                            b.....~1820      b.
                                            d.4thQt1859      d.....-1881
                                            |                |
                                            |========||      |========||
                                            Isabella         Millicent e. The Lillies, Derby
                                            b.....~1855      b.....~1867
                                            d.               d.
                                            Charles e.
                                            Arkwright Bodenham, Leominster
cr1611 sheet 6
John of Chorley Hall's line
                      John of Chorley Hall
                      m.1 06apr1719 .......... m.2 26dec1743?
                      Hannah                   Ann
                      Mather                   Rigby         
                      |                        |
|=========|===========|============|=======||  |===========|===========|===========|===========|===========|========||
Abraham   Hannah      John         Joseph      Margaret    Samuel      Mary        Rebecca     Deborah     Edward     
b.1720?   b.1720      b.27jul1722  b.~1723     b.~1732     b.~1734     b.          b.~1739     b.          b.1743?
d.        d.1788      d.           d.          d.          d.          d.          d. Young    d.          d. Bolton
          |           |              *******               |                          ******               |
m.        m.          m.17jul1756 Liverpool                m.                                              m.
          |           |                                    |                                               |          
          Thomas      Catherine                            Elizabeth                                       Ann
          Stamford    Wharton of Liverpool                 b.                                              Bury
          b.          c.12dec1722 Kaye St Presbyterian     d.                                              b.
          d.1787?     d.          Liverpool                                                                d.
          |           |  Christened Bank Street Uniterian, Bolton le Moors                                 |
|========||           |============|============|============|============||                               |=======||
Elizabeth             Abraham      Mary         john         Catherine                                     1 Dau     
b.                    b.21may1757  b.14jul1759  b.01apr1861  b.21jun1762
                      c.15jun1757  c.16aug1759  c.23apr1761  c.14jul1762
d.                    d.           d.           d.           d.
|                     |            |
m.1785                m.....~1788  m.20mar1787
|                     |            |           
?                     Alice        Peter
Caldwell              Hayhurst     Crompton MP for Derby
b.                    b.25aug1763  b.
d.                    d.           d.    
cr1611 Sheet 6b
Abraham  son of Catherine Wharton and John Crompton of Chorley
c.15jun1757 Bank St Uniterian, Bolton Le Moors, Lancashire       
c.20sep1863 Kaye Street Presbyterian, Liverpool       
|       Crompton  children born Chorley source LDS member submissions
Ellen        Catherine    Hannah       Elizabeth    Susan        Abraham      Susan        Jessie       Janet
|            |            |            |            |            wharton      |            |            |           
b.02apr1789  b.05apr1790  b.28sep1791  b.07feb1793  b.16aug1794  b.07jan1796  b.25dec1797  b.09apr1801  b.15dec1802
c.23apr1789  c.10may1790  c.18oct1791  c.15feb1893  c.29oct1794  c.30jan1796  c.           c.14aug1801  c.
d.           d.           d.           |            d.********   d.           d.           d.3rdQt1891  d.
|            |            |                                      |                         |
m.27aug1812  m......1819  m......1823                            m.03jan1835               m.....~1829 
| Chorley    |            |                                      | St Olave York           |         
Henry        Adam         John                                   Anne                      Edmund1611info 3b Jessie Crompton - Edmund Potter - 2kB gif
Booth        Thornborrow  Armstrong                              Willman                   Potter 
b.1807?      b.           b.                                     b.                        b.25jan1802
d.           d.           d.                                     d.                        d......1883
cr1611 sheet 7
Samuel and Anne's line
Samuel  m.1  Anne Wareham of Longlington
|========================================================|=========||            Will of John Crompton of Gainsborough - 4kB gif
John                                                     Anne       
of Gainsborough                                          of Doncaster
b.                                                       b......1699
d.-02mar1776                                             d.07feb1733
|                                                        |
m.1 28feb1735 ................ m.2                       m.08jan1722 Rooston Paynel, Yorks
| St Anns, Aldergate, London   |                         |
Elizabeth                      Dorothy                   Robert
Woodhouse of London            Lewis or Windlow of York  Moody of Doncaster                               
b.                             b.                        b.
d.                             d.                        d.
|======================================|=======================8=// //===|==========||
Elizabeth                              Samuel of Gainsborough           Joshua
b......1737                            b.02sep1738                      b.....~1750
d.20mar1792 of Leeds                   d.                               d.
|                                      |                                |
m.1 12mar1766 .......m.2 -1775         m.04may1769                      m.12may1783 Saddleworth 
|                    |                 | St Bartholomew, London         | 
William              George            Hannah                           Sarah
Whitaker             Biochoffe         Woodhouse                        Whitehead?
of Leeds             of Leeds          of London
b......1736          b.                b.                               b.
d.....-1775          d.                d.                               d.
|                                      |                                |
|============|========||  |============|===========||                   |============|============|===========||
Elizabeth    Dorothea     Woodhouse    John                             Henry        Thomas       Hannah
ann                       of Warwick   william of Birmingham            dickinson                               
b.03mar1770  b.12nov1772  b.15nov1771  b.16jul1777 ?????                b.            b......1787  b......1790
c.28may1770  c.15dec1772  c.22dec1771  c.12aug1777 Presby               c.18jun1784
d.           d.           d......1807  d.                               d.            d.          d.
                          |            |                                |
                          m.~11nov1787 m.                               m.09dec1810
                          |            |                                |
cr1611, sheet 8
                          | Dudley     |                                | St Martin-in-the-field, London        
                          Mary         Martha                           Sarah
                          Twamley      Webster                          Crompton
                          b.           b.                               b.
                          d.           d.                               d.
  3 christened 29aug1808 & 3 15may1815 | New Meeting House, Moore Street Unitarian, Birmingham
Woodhouse    Sarah        Dorothy      Dickinson    Martha       Joseph       Susan       William
b.           b.           b.1803       b.24aug1808  b.           b.           b.          b.
d.17jan1842  d.           d.           d......1894  d.           d.           d.          d.
                          |            |                                                      1611info4 Dickenson Crompton - 2kB gif
                          m.24feb1824  m.21may1833
                          |            |  
                          James        Catherine elizabeth
                          Yate         Woolley        
                          b.           b.10sep1802 Lutterworth
                          d.           d.
                                       Henry dickinson
                                       c.21may1844 St Phillip's Birmingham 
                                       m.3rdQt1868 Basford
                                       Annie maud
                                       Starey of Nottingham
                                       | Children born in Birmingham 
John         Hubert       Edward       Francis     Dorothea    Catherine   Walter      Jane        Reginald
arthur                    kenneth      hilary                              henry                                
b.1871/2     b.1873/4     b.1875/6     b.1878/9    b.1881/2    b.1882/3    b.          b.          b.2ndQt1889    
cr1611, sheet 9
Gilbert and Elizabeth's line - 2kB gif
Gilbert .... m.30sep1798 .... Elizabeth Johnson
| 1611info5 Gilbert and Elizabeth Crompton - 2kB gif
| Children christened at York
Gilbert      George       Robert       William      Ann
samuel Rev   Captain                                            
b.....-1794  b.....~1781   b.....~1783  b.....~1785  b.....~1787
d.4thQt1842  d...jan1815   d.           d.           d.
| Liverpool
m.13dec1814 at Friern Barnet, London 


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To the Stuart Cromptons
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This page was created by Richard Crompton
and maintained by Chris Glass
Version C12
Updated 10 April 2020