1611 Info 4: The Cromptons of Breightmet
Jessica Crompton of Lancaster

Jessie, who married to Edmund POTTER, was the grandmother of the famed children's book author Beatrix POTTER.

Extract from Beatrix Potter Journal © National Trust
Beatrix Potter tree from Diary - kB gif

1611info4, sheet 2

Potter origins and Crompton marriage

James Potter 1710-1770, a flax merchant of Hindley and later New Market Place, Manchester
John of Ardwick Green, Manchester
m.19sep1765 Cathedral, Manchester
Catherine Daughter of Daniel Eccles of Macclesfield
b.07nov1745   c. St Michael, Macclesfield, Cheshire
John                   Son 2       James        Daughter 1  Daughter 2
b......~1766                       b.....~1772  
d.                                 d.
|                                  |
m.17dec1795 Blackburn              m.02nov1799
|                                  |
Sarah Greenaway                    Mary More of Ardwick Green
b.                                 b.....~1774
d.                                 d.
|                                  |
|=========||                       |=========||
Charles                            Edmund      
b......~1798                       b.25jan1802
Charles and Edmond founded         |
Dinting Vale Printworks.           m.....~1829 (LDS estimate)
                                   Crompton of Lancaster
                                   d.3rdQt1891 Hatfield 3a 206
Edmond Potter - 7kB jpg
          Edmund       Clara       Rupert       Walter   Will H    Mary     Lucy        
          crompton                 b.....~1832
                                   m.3rdQt1863 Stockport 8a 119
                                   Helen Leech
                                   helen             walter
                                   Beatrix           Bertram   
                                   b.28jul1866       b......1872
                                   d.22dec1943       d.
1611info4, sheet 3
1841 Census Sun/Mon  6/7 June 1841
Source:   FHL Film TNA Ref HO107
          Piece: 580 Book: 19 Folio: 11 Page: 14/15
Dwelling: Green Heys
Place:    Cholton upon Medlock, Manchester, England
Name              Rel Mar Age  Occupation      Born in County
Edmund Potter    Head  M   39  Calico Printer        Y
Jessey Potter    Wife  M   40                        Y 
Edmund C Potter   Son      10                        Y 
Clara Potter      Dau       9                        Y 
Rupert Potter     Son       8                        Y
Walter Potter     Son       7                        Y
Will H Potter     Son       6                        Y 
Mary Potter       Dau       3                        Y
Lucy Potter       Dau       1                        Y
Note: Ages are usually rounded down to the nearest five years.

By 1842 Edmund POTTER had made enough money to build a new home for his family. Dinting Lodge stood near to the Printworks, overlooking the small reservoirs which fed the mill and surrounded by trees. A driveway led across a carved wooden bridge over the Glossop Brook, passing between hedges of rhododendrons to the front door.

1851 Census Sun/Mon 30/31st March 1851
Source:     FHL Film  TNA Ref H1O7
            Piece: 2152  Folio: 312  Page: 27  Sched: 98
Dwelling:   Dinting Vale    
Place:      Dinting, Hayfield, Manchester, England

Name              Rel Mar  Age  Occupation                  Birthplace 
Edmund Potter    Head  M  49    Calico Printer              Lancs, Manchester 
Jessy Potter     Wife  M  49                                Lancs, Chorley
Edmund Potter    Son   U  20    Apprentice Calico Printer   Lancs, Manchester 
                                500 hands employed
Will H Y Potter  Son   U  16    Scholar                     Lancs, Manchester
Mary Potter      Dau      13    At home                     Lancs, Manchester
Lucy Potter      Dau      10    At home                     Lancs, Manchester 
Ellen Roylance   Serv  U  35    House Servant               Cheshire, Stockport 
Eliza Jones      Serv  U  24    House Servant               Cheshire, Mold
Marion Smith     Serv  U  35    House Servant               Yorks, York
1851 Census Sun/Mon 30/31st March 1851
Source:     FHL Film  TNA Ref H1O7
            Piece:  2171  Folio:  164  Page: 14  Sched: 48
Dwelling:   Chapel House Farm    
Place:      Saighton, Chester, England

Name              Rel Mar Age  Occupation                       Birthplace 
Thomas Potter     Vis  U   21  Student of the Inner Temple B.A. Lancs, Manchester

This is the best match. Though recorded as Thomas, Ancestry has a Glossop Heritage correction to Rupert.

1861 Census Sun/Mon. 7/8th April 1861
Source:     FHL Film  TNA Ref RG09
            Piece: 2626  Folio: 88  Page: 5  Sched: 15a
Dwelling:   Queens Hotel, Flookersbrook     (Best Western, City Road?)
Place:      Boughton, Cheshire, England

Name                   Rel Mar Age  Occupation                  Birthplace 
Rupert* Potter         Vis  U   28  Barrister practising        Lancs, Manchester
Edmund Potter          Vis  M   59  Calico printer              Lancs, Manchester
Edmund Crompton Potter Vis  U   30  Calico printer              Lancs, Manchester  

*transcribed as Robert

1611info4, sheet 4
1871 Census Sun/Mon. 2/3rd April 1871
Source:      FHL Film  TNA Ref RG10
             Piece:  1374; Folio:  160; Page:  22; Sched:  124
Dwelling:    Campsfield House
Place:       Essenden, Hertfordshire, England

Name               Rel   Mar  Age  Occupation                   Birthplace
Edmond Potter      Head   M   69   Calico printer & land owner  Lancs, Manchester
Jessy Potter       Wife   M   69                                Lancs, Chorley
Clara Potter        Dau   U   39                                Lancs, Manchester
Clara Wood          Vis  Wid  71                                Lancs, Chorley
Arthur F Wiker     Serv   U   46   Butler                       Somerset, Bath
George Edwards     Serv   U   17   Under Butler                 Wilts, Market Lewough
Rebana Jones       Serv   U   31   Domestic servant             Herts, Reed
Frances B Webb     Serv   U   29   Domestic servant             Decon, Colyton 
Zipporah Robinson  Serv   U   25   Domestic servant             Derby, Hatfield 
Louisa Rundall     Serv   U   23   Domestic servant             Herts, Hoddesdon 
Fanny Rundall      Serv   U   18   Domestic servant             Herts, Hoddesdon 
Norman Snoxall     Graoom U   23   Groom                        Beds, Leeton
Morey Bowin        Serv   U   22   Domestic servant             Camarthen, Llanelly

By 1871, having married in 1863, Rupert has established his own home and Helen Beatrix has been born, The family remain at 2 Bolton Garden until the 1911 census. Rupert died in 1914.

1871 Census Sun/Mon. 2/3rd April 1871
Source:      FHL Film  TNA Ref RG10
             Piece: 53  Folio: 83 Page: 43/44  Sched 
Dwelling:    2 Bolton Gardens
Place:       Kensington, Brompton, Middlesex, England

Name                  Rel  Mar Age  Occupation               Birthplace
Rupert Potter        Head   M   38  A Barrister in practice  Lancs, Manchester
Helen Potter         Wife   M   31                           Cheshire, Dunkenfield
Helen Beatrix Potter  Dau        4                           Middlesex, Brompton 
Henry G Louch        Serv       30   Butler                  Middlesex, Uxbridge
Sarah Lowe           Serv       38   Cook                    Derbyshire, Edale    
Ann Mackenzie        Serv       44   Nurse                   Invernesshire
Sarah Wallers?       Serv       33   Housemaid               Derbyshire, Bestley  
Jane Peers           Serv       18   Housemaid               Cheshire, Mere

1881 Census  Sun/Mon 2/3rd April 1881
Source:      FHL Film  TNA Ref RG11 
             Piece: 46  Folio: 9  Page: 14/15  Sched                       
Dwelling:    2 Bolton Gardens 
Place:       Kensington, Brompton, Middlesex, England

Name                    Rel  Mar Age Occupation        Birthplace
Rupert Potter          Head   M  48  Barrister         Lancs, Manchester
Helen Potter           Wife   M  41                    Cheshire, Dunkenfield
Helen Beatrice Potter   Dau      14  Scholar           Middlesex, Kensington
Walter Bertram Potter   Son       9  
George Cox             Serv   M  44  Butler            Dorset, Blanford
Sarah Harper           Serv   U  36  Domestic Servant  Cheshire, Stockport
Elizabeth Harper       Serv   U  35  Domestic Servant  Derbyshire, Beard
Catherine Fraser       Serv   U  24  Domestic Servant  Scotland
Isabella Dewar         Serv   U  20  Domestic Servant  Scotland
John Charles Wilson     Vis   M  49  Barrister         Middlesex, Marylebone

1611info4, sheet 5
1891 Census   Sun/Mon 5/6th April 1891
Source:       FHL Film  TNA Ref RG12
              Piece:  33; Folio  99; Page  71;  Sched:  323
Dwelling:     2 Bolton Gardens
Place:        Brompton, Kensington, Middlesex, England

Name               Rel Mar Age Occupation                Birthplace
Rupert Potter     Head  M  58  Retired Barrister at Law  Lancs, Manchester 
Helen Potter      Wife  M  51                            Cheshire, Dunkenfield
Helen B Potter     Dau  U  24                            Middlesex, Kensington 
Walter B Potter    Son  U  19  Student at Oxford         Middlesex, Kensington 
George Cox        Serv  U  55  Butler/Domestic           Dorset, Blanford St. Mary 
Elizabeth Harper  Serv  U  45  Housemaid/Domestic        Derbyshire, Beard 
Maria Shelbourne  Serv  U  16  Kitchenmaid/Domestic      Yorkshire, Doncaster
Elizabeth Wooff   Serv  U  17  Under housemaid/Domestic  Westmorland, Belton

1901 Census   Sun/Mon 31st March/1st April 1901
Source:       FHL Film  TNA Ref RG13
              Piece:  36; Folio:  118; Page:  48;  Sched: 287
Dwelling:     2 Bolton Gardens
Place:        Brompton, Kensington, Middlesex, England

Name               Rel  Mar Age  Occupation                Birthplace
Rupert Potter     Head   M  68   Retired Barrister at Law  Lancs, Manchester 
Helen Potter      Wife   M  61                             Cheshire, Dunkenfield
Helen B Potter     Dau   U  34                             Middlesex, Old Brompton 
Walter B Potter    Son   U  29   Artist/Painter            Middlesex, Old Brompton 
Sarah Harper      Serv   U  58   Cook/Domestic             Cheshire, Stockport
Elizabeth Harper  Serv   U  55   Housemaid/Domestic        Derbyshire, Beard
Ada Head          Serv   U  23   Kitchenmaid/Domestic      Herts, Ware
Annie Woodford    Serv   U  19   Housemaid/Domestic        Herts, Ware

1911 Census: Sun/Mon 2nd April/3rd April 1911
Source:   TNA Ref:        RG14 PN124; En.Dist: 37; Sched: 387  
          Reg. Gen. Ref:  RG78 PN   
          RegDist: Kensington SubDist: Kensington South
Dwelling: 2 Bolton Garden              
Place:    South Kensington, London              
Rooms in dwelling, other than scullery, landing, lobby, closet, bathroom: 16
Years married: 47         
Children:      Alive 2, dead none 

Name                  Rel  Mar  Age  Occupation                Birthplace 
Rupert Potter        Head   M   78   Barrister At Law Retired  Lancashire, Manchester
Helen Potter         Wife   M   71                             Cheshire, Dukinfield
Helen Beatrix Potter  Dau   S   44   Authoress                 Middlesex, London
Elizabeth Harper     Serv   S   65   Cook Domestic             Derbyshire, Beard
Helen Wilkinson      Serv   S   22   Parlour Maid Domestic     Lancashire, Italy Bridge
Ada Howard           Serv   S   27   Housemaid Domestic        Derbyshire, Bakewell
Daisy Quartermaine   Serv   S   17   Under Housemaid Domestic  Oxon, Garssington     
Rose Hedger          Serv   S   17   Kitchen Maid Domestic     Oxon, Oxford

1611info4, sheet 6

The origins of Beatrix Potter's mother - Helen Leech

John Leech
b.20oct1801 at Gorse Hall, Dukinfield, Cheshire
c.22nov1801 at Presbyterian Chaple, Dukinfield
d.23apr1861 at Gorse Hall, Dukinfield, Cheshire age 59
m.06jun1832 Hyde
Jane Ashton, daughter of Thomas Ashton and Harriet Booth.             =//==|========||
b.23mar1809                                                                Ashton
c.26mar1809 Gee Cross Uniterian, Hyde, Cheshire                            b.19oct1841
d.1stQt1884 aged 74, Ashton under Lyne 8d 383                              c. 
|                                                                          d...nov1841
|            Children born Dunkinfield                                 
Jane        Harriet     John        William     Elizabeth   Helen       Mary        
b.14jun1833 b.20aug1834 b.05aug1835 b.24aug1836 b.09nov1837 b.15apr1839 b.10sep1840   
c.29jul1833 c.24sep1834 c.          c.          c.1838      c.26Sep1839 c.                                                                      
d......1876 d.          d.29oct1870 d.08mar1887 d.14jan1865 d.          d...dec1840 
                                                |           |
                                                m.junqt1862 m.08aug1863
                                                |           |
                                                Walter      Rupert
                                                Potter      Potter
                                                            d.2ndQt1914 Kensington 1a 118
                                                helen       walter
                                                Beatrix     Bertram   
                                                b.28jul1866 b......1872
                                                d.22dec1943 d.

Source: Leech family Lancashire Rootsweb archives

1841 Census Sun/Mon  6/7 June 1841
Source:   FHL Film TNA Ref HO107
          Piece: 109 Book: 13   Folio: 6  Page: 6-7 
Dwelling: Gorse Hall
Place:    Dunkinfield, Cheshire, England
Name             Age  Occupation        Born in County
John Leech        39  Cotton Spinery          Y        
Jane Leech        30                          Y
Jane Leech         8                          Y
Harriet Leech      7                          Y
John Leech (Jnr)   6                          Y
William Leech      5                          Y 
Elizabeth Leech    3                          Y
Helen Leech        2                          Y
Thomas Rathasuph  35  MS 
Ann Herbert       40  FS 
Elizabeth Hill    29  FS 
Hannah Fear       20  FS 
Kitty Hurt        40  FS
John Crashtree    50  MS 
Sarah Ishlewood   40  FS

Helen Leech was born 15 April 1839 at Dunkinfield, Cheshire, England and 
christened: 26 September 1839 at Old Presbyterian Chapel, Dukinfield, IGI Ref: Co76441           

Note: Ages are usually rounded down to the nearest five years.

1611info4, sheet 7
1851 Census Sun/Mon 30/31st March 1851
Source:     FHL Film  TNA Ref H1O7
            Piece: 1480  Folio: 845  Page: 15-16  Sched: 53
Dwelling:   Palace Gardens    
Place:      Knightsbridge, Westminster, London, England

Name             Rel  Mar  Age  Occupation           Birthplace 
John Leech      Head   M   49   General Merchant     Lancashire, Stanlybridge   
Jane Leech      Wife   M   42                        Cheshire, Hyde                  
Jane Leech       Dau   U   17   Scholar at home      Cheshire, Dunkinfield     
Harriet Leech    Dau   U   16   Scholar at home      Cheshire, Dunkinfield         
John Leech       Son   U   15   Scholar              Cheshire, Dunkinfield       
Wm Leech         Son       14   Scholar              Cheshire, Dunkinfield
Eliz Leech       Dau       13   Scholar              Cheshire, Dunkinfield
Helen Leech      Dau       11   Scholar              Cheshire, Dunkinfield
Harriet Ashton  Vist  Wid  65                        Cheshire, Motham?
Harriet Ashton  Vist   U   40                        Cheshire, Hyde
William Sharp   Serv   U   22                        Yorkshire
John Barnett    Serv   U   13  
Hannah Pace     Serv   U   54  
Ann Hebbert     Serv   U   51  
Elizah Louise   Serv   U   37  
Eliza Hackworth Serv   U   35  
Eliza Allott    Serv   U   37  
Eliza Barlass   Serv   U   26  

1861 Census Sun/Mon. 7/8th April 1861
Source:     FHL Film  TNA Ref RG09
            Piece: 2995  Folio  Page  Sched
Dwelling:   Gorse Hall    
Place:      Dunkinfield, England

Name            Rel   Mar  Age  Occupation                  Birthplace 

Gorse Hall is not listed in District 15. It is possible that John sold it or it was unoccupied.
However, the Enumerator, in his District description, lists it as Mr Leech's Masion, Gorse Hall.

1871 Census Sun/Mon. 2/3rd April 1871
Source:      FHL Film  TNA Ref RG10
             Piece: 131  Folio: 75  Page: 13  Sched 
Dwelling:    20 Palace Gardens
Place:       Knightsbridge, London, England

Name              Rel  Mar  Age  Occupation           Birthplace
Jane Leech       Head   W  62    Interest of Money    Cheshire, Hyde
Jane Leech        Dau   U  37                         Cheshire, Dunkinfield 
Edith Potter     Gdau       7                         Lancs, Manchester
Edmund Potter    Gson       6                         Lancs, Manchester
Ann Newsome      Serv   U  36    Nurse                            
William Andrews  Serv   U  38    Butler                           
Mary Hughes      Serv   U  29    Cook                              
Jane  Hopkins    Serv   U  34    House maid                     
Ellen Wingfield  Serv   U  27    Ladies maid                      
Mary Boyer       Serv   U  21    House maid                      
Betsey  Wardle   Serv   U  21    Kitchen maid
Frederick W Lily Serv   U  21    Footman

It is possible that Edith and Edmund POTTER are the children of Walter POTTER and Elizabeth Leech. Elizabeth died 14 January 1865, perhaps explaining why the children were with their grandmother and why later, in the 1881 census. the two children went to boarding schools.

1611info4, sheet 8
1881 Census  Sun/Mon 2/3rd April 1881
Source:      FHL Film  TNA Ref RG11 
             Piece: 121  Folio: 47  Page: 11  Sched: 46                       
Dwelling:    20 Palace Garden House 
Place:       Westmister, London, England

Name                  Rel  Mar Age Occupation         Birthplace
Jane Leech           Head  Wid 72  Annuitant          Cheshire, Hyde
Ada B Smalllfield    Comp   U  24  Companion          Surrey, Kingsland
Ellen Wingfield      Serv   U  36  Maid domestic      Lancs, Eccles
Jane Hopkins         Serv   U  48  Cook domestic      Yorks, Ossett 
Mary A Sharp         Serv   U  28  Housemiad domestic Barronhen??
Jemima E. Lampard    Serv   U  27  Housemaid domestic Surrey, Dorking
Eliza E. Oakley      Serv   U  15  Kitchen domestic   Yorks, Ossett
Kennet T. Mc Lennon  Serv   U  36  Butler             ??? Row   
William B. Westcott  Serv   U  21  Footman            Somerset, Bishop Lydeard

Extract from The Friends of Gorse Hall

Helen Leech and Rupert POTTER were married on 08 August 1863 at Gee Cross, Stockport, Cheshire.

John Leech, one of the many wealthy cotton manufacturers of the district, bought land from Mr. Astley to build his mills. His son John bought the Gorse Hall estate and with stone from the local quarries built a “New” Gorse Hall mansion in 1835/6. He laid out formal gardens, an orchard and a bowling green, now used as an open classroom. John and Jane Leech had eight children, one being Helen born at Gorse Hall, she was later to become the mother of Beatrix POTTER, the famous children’s author. A Blue Plaque can be seen at the main entrance on High St. Stalybridge.

Right: Gorse Hall
Gorse Hall - 46kB gif

The journal logged events dating as early as 1881. She recorded conversations with relatives, observations, and reactions to events happening in other parts of the world. Her journal begins with a conversation with her grandmother: Grandmamma Leech was telling us today about when she came to London. She did not say the date. They came up by the stage coach because great grandfather was going to buy a new one and did not wish to come in his own. The journal continues to explain that two trips were required to bring the family safely to London, from Gorse Hall, Stalybridge.

Sources: More about the Potters origins (Accessed 10 Aril 2010) and More about the Potters origins #2 (Accessed 10 Aril 2010)

John Leech had died at Gorse Hall in 1861 but Jane lived on there until her death ??? in 1884. They are buried in the family vault at Old Chapel, Dukinfield. Beatrix's parents Helen and Rupert POTTER are buried in the Potter family vault at Hyde Chapel, Gee Cross. It was at this chapel that the children of John Harper CROMPTON (1852-1935) worshipped in the 1930s.

Right: Joel Lane Chapel opened in 1873 and closed in 1960. At one time it had its own little school.

Joel Lane Chapel circa 1960 - 20kB gif
1611info4, sheet 9
Above: A 1932 map locating Joel Lane Chapel marked yellow - scale 1:10560 A 1932 map locating Joel Lane Chapel - 31kB jpg

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This page was created by Richard Crompton
and maintained by Chris Glass
  Version A5
Updated 10 April 2020