of Holme on Spalding Moor, East
Riding, and Hyde, Cheshire
John harper Crompton 6th child of James Crompton b.1807
Sarah jane Kneeshaw To Kneeshaw family
William Florence Richard Whyrill Henry Francis Fanny Jessie Agnes
harper (florrie) harper | john | | | |
b.4thQt1875 b.18may1877 b.4thQt1878 b.3rdQt1880 b.19mar1882 b.1stQt1884 b.24jul1885 b.05nov1886 b.07dec1886
d.4thQt1875 d.06may1950 d.13oct1901 d.02aug1938 d...jul1957 d.24dec1894 d.16may1971 d.12jul1942 d.24may1953
********* ********* ********* | | ********* | Canada | *********
Pocklington | | | |
9d 57 m.3rdQt1903 m.2ndQt1911 m.....-1912 m.10jun1916
| | | |
Esther Lily John robert Ernest
Barlow Birchenough Nixon Barlow
b.4thQt1877 b.04dec1886 b.02sep1882 b.04jan1885
d.20jul1940 d.20jul1972 d.08oct1978 d.4thQt1967
More information below |
************ |
cr1852, sheet 1b
John Harper's children continued
Lottie Mary Margaret
| cecelia (Maggie)
| (Cissy) |
b.26sep1889 b.26sep1890 b.13jul1894
d.20jun1940 d.24may1953 d.26dec1983
********* ********* |
Edith mary Geoffrey Malcolm
| | |
b.27sep1927 b.30dec1930 b.07aug1933
d. mar2021 d......1986 d.
| | |
m......1954 m......1953 m......1956
| | |
Arthur Beryl Patricia
Warner Andrew Kenyon
b......1921 b......1931 b......1932
| | |
|=========|========|========|| |=========|=======|| |=========|=======||
Alison Judith Christopher Graham Ian Helen Stephen
b.1955 b.1957 b.1960 b.1961 b.1964 b.1960 b.1963
cr1852, sheet 2
Whyrill 4th child of John Harper
Esther (Hettie) Barlow
Harper Frank L Whyrill Nellie Charles florence
| | | | henry Mary
b.26mar1906 b.15jun1908 b.09may1910 b.03mar1912 b.11mar1916 b.16sep1918 Stockport 8a 33
d.18jun1983 d.24mar1995 d.....~1981 d.3rdQt1998 d...jun1990 d.3rdQt1921 Stockport 8a 16
| | | | | *********
m.28feb1931 m.27aug1927 m.4thQt1935 m.4thQt1945 m.22jul1939
| | | | |
Florence Ada Evaline(Hilda) Alec Frances
Boote Entwistle Kershaw Shaw Shaw
cr1852, sheet 3a
Henry john 5th child of John harper
Lily Birchenough
b.04dec1886 (04dec1887on death certificte)
Richard Walter Henry
harper john (Harry) MBE (Mil)
b.25mar1912 b.14aug1914 b.10jul1916
d.19dec1964 d.....+2007 d.08nov1989
| | |
m.3rdQt1939 m.1stQt1940 m.4thQt1942
| | |
Margaret olivier Marjorie booth Eileen daphne
Roberts Bennett Ward
b.02jan1913 b.11aug1915 b.03aug1921
d.19dec1964 d.3rdQt2005 d.02jan1997
| | |
|============|========|| |============|========|| |=========|========||
margaret john richard Susan Alison jonathan roger Martyn francis
Clare Mark Terrance (Rev. Martyn)
b.18oct1941 b.25feb1944 b. +1949 b. +1940 b. b.24jun1947
d. d. d. d. d. d.
| | | |
m. m. m. m.
| | | |
Patricia Ronald Sheila Virginia mary
Rennison Bardsley Marmon (Gini)
b. b. b. b.20mar1950
d. d. d. d.
| |
cr1852, sheet 3b
| | |
|============|========| |============|========| |============|============|============|========||
Richard Frances Deborah Richard Heather Bryony Rowan Holly
matthew caroline rose may judith elizabeth suzanne
b.02feb1972 31aug1978 b. b. b.25sep1976 b.26may1978 b.15feb1981 b.03dec1983
| d. d. d. d. d. d.
m. | |
| m. m.
| |
? James
Webster Royston
| |
|============|========|| |============|========||
Female1 Female2 Isaac david Daisy grace
b.12may2002 b.01aug2004
cr1852, sheet 4a
Fanny Crompton
b.24jul1885 (Howden 9d 83)
m.15may1911 Toronto, York County, Ontario
John robert Nixon (Jack)
b.20sep1882 Hyde Road, Bredbury (Stockport 8a 26) Source: Pat Ryde
d.08oct1978 London, Ontario, Canada Additional recording by James Pickles circa 1980
John harper Hilda Marion Dorothy Twin Male John harper
(Jack) mary (jack)
b.14oct1913 b.08dec1915 b.15oct1917 b......1921 b.....1921 b......1931
d. d.28jan1990 d.11jan2014 d......1985 d....~1921 d.....-2002
| | | | ******** |
m......1941 m......1935 m...nov1940 m......1945 m.
| | | | |
Rita Jack Roy john Joe ?
Plumridge Lawton Keron Byway
b. b...jan1910 (Bolton) b...aug1915 b. b.
d......1970 d.06oct1969 d...jun1988 d.....-2002 d.....-2002
| | | | |
|========|| |============|========|| |============|========|| |============|========|| |========||
Douglas Betty Margaret Dr. James Nancy Joseph Judy Son
b. b. b.05feb1934 b......1947 b.....1950 b......1946 b......1948 b.
d. d. d.17jan2021 d. d. d. d. d.
| | | | | | | |
m. m.09apr1955 m.1 (Div)... m2 m......1973 m......1969 m......1969 m......1970 m.
| | | | | | | | |
Vicky Gerald leroy R Herbert Patricia Paul Kathy Steve
Dakins Dodge Barker Collins Monger Marr McLaughlin
b.13sep1932 b. b. b. b. b. b.
d.22nov1958 d. d......2012 d. d. d. d.
| | | | |
cr1852, sheet 4b
| | | | |
| | | | |========||
| | | | Jeffrey
| | | | b......1978
| | | |
| | | |============|========||
| | | Sarah Jennifer
| | | b......1976 b......1978
| | |
| | |============|========||
| | Susan Cindy
| | b......1977 b......1979
| |
| |============|============|========||
| Brian Robert Catherine
| b......1975 b......1977 b......1979
Kevin Kenneth john
william edward Brian
b......1960 b......1960 b......1962
| | |
m/div m......1987 m.....~1981 ......... m.2 .....1995
| | | |
Leil Deborah ? Diane
| | |
|============|========|| |==========|======|| |==========|=========|===========|========||
Stephanie Jeremy Jason Brian MacKenzie Megan Riley Ryan
jean robert alexander andrew joseph jean john patrick
b......1988 b......1991 b....1982 b....1983 b....1996 b....2000 b....2004 b....2007
cr1852, sheet 4c
The children of Gerald leroy and Betty Dakins
Patricia Jerald
b.17aug1957 b.18feb1956
d. d.
| |
m. sep1983 m.12jun1891
| |
Peter Marilyn jean
Ryde Lewery
b. dec1955 b.11jul1955
d. d.
| |
|===========================|========|| |============|========||
Hillary Julia Jason Darren
evelyn ryde scott phillip
b.22dec1984 b.18mar1987 b.24jan1984 b.28jan1987
| |
m. m.27may2011
| |
Jay Matt
Collins Stoop
b. b.
| |
|==========|========|| |==========|========||
Charles James Olivia Ryder
b. b. may2021
cr1852, sheet 5a
Harper 1st child of Whyrill
John Gwynneth (Wendy) Kathleen (Kate)
b.07jun1933 b.30jul1935 b.3rdQt1939
d.06nov2021 d. d.
| | |
m.03jan1959 m.2ndQt1955.......m.2 04sep1993 m.4thQt1965
| | | |
Valerie Buckley Roy(ston) Pickles Rodney a Evans John clifford (Jerry) Wilmot
b.01jan1936 b.16aug1930 b......1934 b.1stQt1942
d. d.16dec1986 d. d.
| | |
|=============|============|========|| | |============|============|========||
Miles Huw Zoe | Heidi Jonathan Hardy
| caroline mark scott
b.1stQt1962 b.1stQt1964 b.3rdQt1965 | b.1stQt1967 b.3rdQt1968 b.1stQt1972
| |
m. |============|============|========||
| Robert James Stuart
Ingrid granville gregory gary
b. b.3rQt1957 b.1stQt1960 b.2ndQt1964
| | | |
|=============|=======twins=========|| m......1983 m......1986 m......1990
Alexand. joel Theo Alice | | |
b......2015 b......2017 b......2017 | | |
cr1852, sheet 5b
| | |
Kate Patricia Sarah
Rosevere Ryan Gaades
b......1959 b......1961 b.
| | |
|============|============|========|| | |============|============|=======twins=========||
Joseph Guy Fay | Samuel Fergus Benjamin Florence
william matthew | alistair owen james hannah rose
| | | b.1997 (Oxford No2 2017)
m. m. |
| | |
Daphne Hannah |
Marvel Mayhill |
| | |
|========|| |========|| |============|============|============|========||
Astrid june Remy joseph Still born Daniel Helen Harry
marvel oliver twins john amy james
b.22oct2024 b.09au2023
cr1852, sheet 6
Frank L 2nd child of Whyrill
m.27aug 1932
Mary Wyril Frank
b.20jun1933 b.1stQt1944 b.2ndQt1946
d......2012 d. d.
| | |
m.2ndQt1967 m.4thQt1966 m.3rdQt1965
| | |
Leslie a[llan] Yvonne Helen y
Monk [Crompton] Burroughs Hall
b.04aug1925 b......1946 b.3rdQt1946
d.11mar1993 d. d.
| | |
|========|| |============|=========|| |============|========||
Dean m Robert David Donna Nigel
whyril ian louisa frank
b.1stQt1960 b.4thQt1967 b.2ndQt1969 b.2ndQt1967 b.4thQt1969
d. d. d. d. d.
| | | | |
m...may1999 m. m. m.16sep1985 m.
| |
Paula Keates Simon Green
b. b.
| |
|============|========|| |================|=========||
Harvey john Polly Caroline helena Ross
b......2000 b......2004 b......1983 b......1987
cr1852, sheet 7
Whyrill 3rd child of Whyrill
(hilda) Evaline Kershaw
d......1996 (France)
Margaret j Barbara anne
b.2ndQt1939 b.3rdQt1941
d.18aug2013 (France) d.
| |
m1.3rdQt1963 ...... m2.4thQt1972 .... m3 ..jan1995 m.1stQt1964
div. ...1972 div.....1994
| | | |
David m Rees (Dai) James O Huggan George Graham Allan King
b. b. b. b.
d. d. d. d.
| | |
| | Children of James |
|==========|| |============|========|| |=========================|========||
Caroline (A) Andrew (A) Catherine (A) Stephen Janette
nigel sally
b......1968 b......1967 b......1970 b.29jan965 b.11mar1966
| | | |
m. m. m..1990 (div) m.
| | | |
? ? Kerri Blackman Stephen Rudd
| | | |
|========|| |============|=========|| |============|========|| |============|========||
Ella freha Charlotte Lloyd Garion Laurne Courtney Michael
| george margaret amber steven
b......2004 b......2010 b.24apr1995 b.28apr1998 b.28jun1996 04may1999
cr1852, sheet 8
Nellie 4th child of Whyrill
william Aleck Shaw
Ian r Aleck Derek a
b.4thQt1946 b.2ndQt1948 b.2ndQt1950
d. d......1948 d.
Gaye Whiffen
Emma Mark Nicholas
louise ashley james
b.2ndQt1975 b.2ndQt1979 b......1985
cr1852, sheet 9
Charles henry 5th child of Whyrill
Frances Shaw
David brian charles Roger Kenneth harper
b.3rdQt1942 b.2ndQt1944 b.4thQt1945
| |
m.3rdQt1973 m.3rdQt1971 .......... m2...aug1999 North Yorkshire 650 736 039
| | |
Susan jane Precious Pamela lydia Hall Kathleen Hunt
b.1stQt1947 York b.17oct1947
d. d...dec1994 Leeds
| |
|========|| |========+======|=========||
Phillipa Andrew Robert mark
jane christopher
b.3rdQt1978 b.1stQt1976 b.1stQt1981
| |
m......2008 p.
| |
Angela Whitely Chrissie Kirby
| |
|=========|| |=============|============|=========||
Emmie Lydia Max crompton Joshua Jake
b......2006 b......2011 b......2015 b......2017
This page was created by Richard Crompton
and maintained by Chris Glass |
Version N39
Updated 11 December 2024 |
The information for pages 3 to 9 were originally compiled in 1937, by Harper Crompton, from the
memories of his parents Whyrill and Esther. It was updated in 1984, by LA Crompton, of Southampton,
from information from the Public Record Office. It was provided by Patricia Ryde. It was updated by
CH Crompton in 1988 and Val Crompton in 1998