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Thomas b.1803 John b.1805 James b.1807 William b.1808 Elizabeth b.1811
Mary b.1813 Richardson b.1815 Martha b.1817 Jane b.1819 Caleb b.1821

Edmond Crompton 1825 - 10kB gif
Edmond Crompton 13th child of Thomas richardson Crompton and Martha Hyde
d.2ndQt1855         1825Info 1, The life of Edmund Crompton
Betsy ann    ................. m2.1stQt1863 .............. John  1825Info 2, The life of Betsy Ann Kingston
Kingston                       |                           Browne
c.29jun1832                    |                           b.....~1811
d.17aug1900                    |                           d.4thQt1896 
                               |       children born Driffield
                               James                           Ada
                               william                         mary    
                               b.2ndQt1864                     b.1stQt1868
                               d.07apr1925                     d.18aug1924
                               |                               |
                               m.3rdQt1895                     m.1stQt1898
                               |                               |
                               Harriet                         James 
                               Forbes                          Burrell 
                               b.01nov1866                     b.4thQt1867 
                               d.1stQt1954                     d.2ndQt1927 Bridlington 9d 382
                               |                               |
cr1825, sheet 2
                               |                               |
     |============|============|============|============||    |============|============|============||
     Mary         Lillian      William      Margaret           Jeanne       Francis Luke Ina Maud
     kingston     forbes                    annie                           Kingston
     b.27mar1896  b.11apr1902  b.4thQt1905  b.17aug1908        b.24aug1897  b.08sep1899  b.4thQt1901
     d.07sep1984  d.3rdQt1982  d.           d.2ndQt2000        d.2ndQt1970  d.30jan1957  d.4thQt1901
     |            |            |            |                    *********  | 
     m.3rdQt1918  m.2ndQt1926               m.3rdQt1931                     m...oct1945 
     |            |                         |                               |
     George       Arthur                    Harold                          Anne 
     Porter       Chester                   Featherstone                    Askham
     b.10jun1894  b......1902               b.06sep1904                     b.23aug1905
     George N

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This page was created by Richard Crompton
and maintained by Chris Glass
Version D.9
Updated 26 August 2024