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Thomas b.1803 John b.1805 James b.1807 William b.1808 Elizabeth b.1811
Mary b.1813 Martha b.1817 Jane b.1819 Caleb b.1821 Edmund b.1825

Richardson Crompton 1815-1859
of Flamborough

Richardson Crompton 8th child of Thomas richardson Crompton and Martha Hyde
c.02nov1815 at Nafferton
d.24aug1859 at Flamborough                          1815Info1a,
Flamborough census1851
m.1 2ndQt1842 ..... Agnes Johnson
|                   b.....~1816
|                   d.1stQt1844        Thomas Huddleston   m. Mary Kaggs of Kilnwick
m2.4thQt1845                                               |
|                                |=========================|============|========|| 
Hannah  ..... m2.30apr1863 ..... Richard Huddleston        Matthew      Rachel Info 1b, Hannah Clubley/Huddlestone
Pickering                        |                         |            |           
b..~jan1825                      b.                        b.           b.
c.23jan1825                      c.22nov1818               c.30jun1820  c.02dec1821
d.02feb1892                      d.1stQt1912               d.1stQt1914  d.3rdQt1866
|                                |                                        *********
|                                |============|========||
|                                John         George w     
|                                b.2ndQt1863  b.1stQt1867           
|                                |             
|                                m.3rdQt1888  
|                                |                         
|                                Maud m Parker      
|                                b.1stQt1869
cr1815, sheet 1b
|                                  Children christened at Flamborough from South Sea Farm
Stephen      thomas       Sarah        Caleb        John         James        Emily                      Edmond
clubley      Richardson   |            |            |            william      hyde                       | 
b.3rdQt1846  b.3rdQt1848  b.3rdQt1850  b.3rdQt1851  b.06nov1852  b.2ndQt1854  b.4thQt1855                b.1stQt1858
c.28oct1846  c.19oct1848  c.15jun1850  c.17jul1851  c.17may1853  c.10aug1854  c.05oct1855                c. 
d.15jul1924  d.01mar1919  d.1stQt1851  d.08mar1915  d.....-1901  d.   in NZ?  d.11oct1935                d.4thQt1934
  *********  b.03mar1919    *********    *********    *********               |                          |
             |                                                                |                          |
             m.19aug1871                                                      m1.10feb1883 m2......1891  m1.4thQt1883  m2.2ndQt1894
             |                                                                |            |             |             |            
             Mary jane                                                        Paul roach   Thomas edward Dorothy jane  Ellen
             Sowen (Soan)                                                     Glasson      Lewis         Hunter        Gaulter 
             b.2ndQt1849                                                      b.20jun1855  b.            b.1stQt1864   b.1stQt1870 
             d.20apr1928                                                      d.21dec1887  d.12dec1942   d.-05apr1891  d.4thQt1918
To Stephen clubley Crompton's line To Thomas richardson Crompton's line To Caleb Crompton's line To John Crompton's line To James william Crompton's line To Paul roach Glasson's line To Edmund Crompton' line
More information about Hannah's children from her first marriage, who emigrated to New Zealand and New South Wales
Info 1c, Emigration to New Zealand

cr1815, sheet 2a
    Steven Clubley CROMPTON  1st child of Hannah CLUBLEY and Richardson CROMPTON 1815Info2a, Stephen Cludley Crompton

    b.3rdQt1846 Bridlington      
    c.28oct1846 Flamborough
    d.15jul1924 Ashburton, New Zealand                                                                  

cr1815, sheet 3a
    Thomas Richardson CROMPTON 2nd child of Hannah CLUBLEY and Richardson CROMPTON  1815Info3a, Thomas richardson Crompton
    b.3rdQt1847 Beverley    
    c.19oct1848 Flamborough
    d.01mar1919 New Zealand   
    br03mar1919 New Zealand
    m.19aug1871 New Zealand           
    Mary jane Sowen (Soan)

cr1815, sheet 4a
    Caleb CROMPTON   4th child of Hannah CLUBLEY and Richardson CROMPTON 1815Info 4a, Caleb Crompton
    b.3rdQt1851 Bridlington    
    c.17jul1851 Flamborough
    d.08mar1915 Orange, NSW, Australia

cr1815, sheet 5a
    John CROMPTON   5th child of Hannah CLUBLEY and Richardson CROMPTON 1815Info5a John Crompton
    b.4thQt1852 Bridlington     
    c.17may1853 Flamborough

cr1815, sheet 6a

    James William CROMPTON   6th child of Hannah CLUBLEY and Richardson CROMPTON 1815Info 6a, James william Crompton
    b.2ndQt1854 Bridlington   
    c.10aug1854 Flamborough
    d.New Zealand?                       

cr1815, sheet 7a
Glasson header - kB gif
             Emily hyde Crompton  7th child of Hannah CLUBLEY and Richardson Crompton  1815Info 7a, Emily hyde Crompton
             b.4thQt1855  Bridlington (Flamborough)
             d.11oct1935  Christchurch, New Zealand             
             m1.10feb1883 Temuka New Zealand .................................................... m2? .....1891
             |                                                                                    |    
             Paul roach                                                                           Thomas edward
             Glasson                                                                              Lewis
             b.20jun1855  Lelant Cornwall                                                         b.          
             d.21dec1887  Hilton, New Zealand                                                     d.12dec1942
             |                                                                                    |
             |                         Children born in New Zealand                               |
             |===========================|=======================|=================|===========|| |=========||
             William                     James                   Joseph            Mary           Thomas
             richardson                  thomas                  |                 jane           henry
             b.26jun1883                 b.01aug1884             b.03may1886       b.26jun1887    b......1898
             d.23jul1938                 d.06jan1920 UK          d.10may1886       d.26feb1963    d. ...+1935
             |                           |                         *********       |
             m.07apr1910                 m.24feb1917 UK                            m.08may1911
             |                           |                                         |             
             Amy matilda                 Evelyn mary                               Alexander donald          
             Young                       Martin                                    McConnel     
             b.17jun1889                 b.4thQt1897 UK                            b.
             d.22apr1940                 d.New Zealand                             d.17jul1970 
                                       To James thomas Glasson's line                                       
             |                                                                     |
|============|==============|============|============|============|===========||  |============|=============|========||
Robert       Doris          Amy          William      Maisie       Freda           Beverley     Kenneth donald +2 boys
james        emily          patricia     thomas       eileen       joan                         crompton        1 girl
b.29oct1916  b.16jan1919    b.08sep1920  b.15feb1924  b.17may1929  b.30nov1932     b.           b.04jun1919
d.12jun2006  d.             d.11oct1979  d.12nov2001  d.           d.              d.           d.02feb2004
|            |              |            |            |            |               |            |
m......1956  m......1939    m.           m......1953  m......1947  m......1954     m......1956  m.
| F16409     | F11745       |            | F06680     | F17877     | F09414        | F10115                   
Jean mary    George albert  ?            Violet joyce Francis hugh Clifford raynor Ronald bert  Nola lily        
Allan        Vincent        Ranson       Bishop       Gorse        Horrell         Barr         Welch         
|                                        |                                                      |
cr1815, sheet 7b
Jean mary                                Violet joyce                                           Nola lily    
Allan                                    Bishop                                                 Welch       
b.                                       b.                                                     b.21may1921 Zwartz, SA
d.                                       d.                                                     d.14nov1992
|                                        |                                                      |
|================|===========||          |=========================|===========||               |=========== 
Eric james       Maryann jean            Robert francis            Stewart william              Graine elizabeth             
b.....~1959      b.....~1964             b.....~1954               b.18oct1962                  b.
|                |                       |                         |                            |
m.               m.                      m.                        m.                           m.
|                |                       |                         |                            |             
Sharon terese    ?                       Andrea jane               Joy
Anderson         Murray                  Foot                      Wynands                      Burns         
b.                                       b.                        b.                           b.
|                                        |                         |
|============|===========||              |============|========||  |============|========||     |===========    
Nathan       Christopher                 Phillipa     Kirstan      Jeremy       Samuel          Samantha
robert       james                       joy          Ailsa        paul         ian                           
b.....~1989  b.....~1990                 b.....~1984  b.....~1986  b.....~1986  b.....~1988     b.

cr1815, sheet 7c

James Thomas GLASSON - second child of Emily Hyde CROMPTON and Paul Roach GLASSON

                                         James thomas Glasson                    1815Info 7b James thomas Glasson
                                         b.05jan1884   Temuka, New Zealand
                                         d.06jan1920   Illogan, Cornwall
                                         m1.24feb1917  Illogan, Cornwall
                                         Evelyn mary Martin ........... m2 01nov1922  John Gebbie 
                                         b.4thQt1897                                  b......1880
                                         d.+1957-1963 Kaiapoi, New Zealand            d......1951/33163 
                                         Pery         Victor       Kenneth
                                         lorriane     james
                                         b.4thQt1917  b.3rdQt1919  b.2ndQt1921
                                         d.Kaiapoi NZ d......1966  d.
                                         |              *********
With thanks to Aaron Clark, a descendant of Paul roach Glasson's brother Joseph. Email Aaron at E-MAIL

cr1815, sheet 8a
Edmond Crompton header - kB gif
Edmond Crompton   8th child of Hannah CLUBLEY and Richardson CROMPTON  1815Info8a, Edmond Crompton
m1.4thQt1883 .................. m2.2ndQt1894     
|                               |       
Dorothy jane                    Ellen
Hunter                          Gaulter 
b.1stQt1864                     b.1stQt1870 
d.-05apr1891                    d.4thQt1918
|                               |
|============||    |========================|============|============|=============================|================|=========||
Edmond             James                     Sarah        Emily        Rose ellen                    Dorothy          Betsy
richardson         william                   isabel                                                  jane             
b..~dec1890        b.08nov1894               b.09sep1896  b.04oct1899  b.2ndQt1903                   b.25feb1907      b.1stQt1909
d.1stQt1891        d.1stQt1955               d...aug1987  d.05jan1994  d.....-1937                   d...feb1999      d.
  *********        |                         |            |            |                             |                  *********
                   |                         |            |            |                             |
   4thQt1935 m.2...m.4thQt1916               m.2ndQt1922  m.1stQt1925  m.4thQt1928                   m.3rdQt1930                   
   |               |                         |            |            |                             |
   Doris           Elizabeth j               John         Thomas       Tom pearson ... Margaret      James sanderson  
   Lawton          Bickerstaffe              Kewley       Huck         Topham          Kenyon        Taylor         
   b.1stQt1894     b.2ndQt1889               b.22jul1897  b.           b.23may1904     b.25feb1911   b.03feb1901
   d.3rdQt1949     d.3rdQt1924               d.4thQt1978  d.17nov1982  d.1stQt1969     d.4thQt1998   d.2ndQt1981
     *********     | *********               |                                         |             |
                   |                         |                                         m2.3rdQt1937  |
        Step children born Bickerstaffe      |                                         |             |
      |============|============|=========|| |=========||                 |============|=========||  |=========|| 
      Robert james John thomas  Clara may    Barbara                      Anthony p    John          Redacted   
      b...jan1907  b...jan1909  b...nov1910  b.4thQt1932                  b.1stQt1939  b.1stQt1946                     
                                             Brian w Ward

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This page was created by Richard Crompton
and maintained by Chris Glass
Version F12
Updated 23 July 2024