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Thomas b.1803 James b.1807 William b.1808 Elizabeth b.1811 Mary b.1813
Richardson b.1815 Martha b.1817 Jane b.1819 Caleb b.1821 Edmund b.1825

Richard Huddlestone 1818-1901+
of Kilnwick and Flamborough
Richard Huddlestone 2nd husband of Hannah Crompton
             Thomas Huddleston.....m......Mary             
          Children christened      |      at Kilnwick
William  Richard                   Matthew      Rachael                  
         c.22nov1818               c.30jul1820  c.02dec1821 Info 1 Richard Huddleston
         d.~10feb1912              d.09feb1915  d.3rdQt1866
         |                         |              *********
         m.2ndQt1863               m.           
         |                         |                                     
         Hannah                    Sarah
         Crompton                  |                                     
         c.23jan1825               b.....~1833
         d.02feb1892               d.16feb1899
         |                         |
         |============|========||  |============|============|========|| 
         John         George w.    Ada jane     Ernest       Sarah       
         b.02jun1863  b.1stQt1867  b.2ndQt1867  b.3rdQt1869  b.1stQt1871
         d...sep1946  d.11oct1949  d. sept1956  d.March1948  d.  dec1965
         |            |            |            |              ********* 
hd1818, sheet 2
         |            |            |            |
         m.3rdQt1888  m.3rdQt1890  m.3rdQt1906  m.3rdQt1919  
         |                         |            |
         Maud mary    Emma         Ralph        Mary e
         Parker       Smith        Lowther      Garbutt
         b.26dec1869  b.02apr1873
         d.1stQt1960  d.26aug1938
         |            |
         |            William Claude
         |            b.    ~1909
         |            d.19aug1981 Waihola, Otago
         |                                          Children registered at Bridlington
         Oswald       Edith         Clifford     Robert       Arthur       Gertrude     George       Jessie       John  
         cowton       agnes                      parker                                 william                   kenneth
         b.13aug1891  b.06sep1893   b.03apr1896  b.11jul1897  b.10jan1899  b.05mar1902  b.11aug1904  b.26may1909  b.12sep1911
         d.21apr1975  d...jul1917   d.26nov1971  d.24feb1973  d.04apr1962  d.4thQt1995  d.20jul1989  d.14mar2001  d.02feb2009
         |              *********   |            |            |            |            |            |              *********
         |                          |            |            |            |            |            |
         m.1stQt1923                m.4thQt1918  m.01jan1924  m.07may1919  m.4thQt1924  m.3rdQt1938  m.4thQt1932 .. m2.09nov1944 
         |                          |            |            |            |            |            |              |  
         Ada mary                   Nellie       Emma         Margaret vs  John F       Phyllis e    Leslie rhodes  James p
         Carnall                    Carnall      Stead        Binns        Forrest      Baker        Spence         Taylor  
         b.21jan1894                b.14sep1896  b.25nov1900  b.17sep1897  b.11apr1897  b.09feb1912  b.09feb1907    b.11oct1903
         d.30jan1981                d.07oct1983  d.12jun1984  d.05may1966  d.1stQt1971  d.04dec2004  d.13apr1939    d.25jan1987
         |                          |            |            |            |                                          *********
         |=========||               |            |=========|| |            |============|=========||
         John edward                |            Geoffrey     |            Peter        Adrian leo
         b.01nov1923                |            b.21jul1924  |            b.4thQt1925  b.03feb1933
         d.11oct1998                |            d...aug1999  |            d.3rdQt1972  d.01oct1992
                                    |                         |
hd1818, sheet 3
                                    |                         |
     |=============|================|=========||              |============|==============|============|=========||
     clifford Alan Richard          Jean                      Stuart       Arthur vernon  Peter        Colin
     b.08jul1919   b.1stQt1922      b.25jan1925               b.04nov1919  b.16mar1922    b.3rdQt1925  b.20aug1932
     b.2ndQt1978   d.14nov2007      d.18oct2014               d.10mar1972  d.18feb1944    d.28sep2010  d.3rdQt2002
                   |                |                         |              *********    |            |
                   m.3rdQt1960      m.4thQt1946               m.4thQt1941                 m.4thQt1950  m.1stQt1957
                   |                |                         |                           |            |
                   Mildred          Alan                      Mary                        Doris ethel  Violet
                   Thwaite          Vine                      Pickles                     Smith        Dransfield
                                    b.07jul1923                                           b......1931  b.2ndQt1937

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This page was created by Richard Crompton
and maintained by Chris Glass
Version A12
Updated 2 June 2024