1825 Info 1 for Edmund Crompton
His life

His christening

Source: IGI film 919202 Nafferton church records
Edmund Crompton   c. 17aug1825 Nafferton
                  by Martha and Richardson Crompton farmer, Nafferton
                  Curate Thomas Ibbotson
37kB jpg
Above: A composite image of Edmond Crompton's baptism on 29 March 1825. Note the different dates from the IGI film

His early life

1841 Census Sun/Mon  6/7 June 1841
Source:   FHL Film TNA Ref HO107
          Piece: 1217 Book: 3 Folio: 10 Page: 13 Line: 13
Dwelling: Middle Street
Place:    Driffield, Yorks ER, England
Name              Age  Occupation         Born in County
John Jarratt      25   Grocer                   Y
Jane Jarratt      25                            Y
William Jarratt    4mo                          Y
Mary Gofson       35   Ind[ependent means]      Y
William Serson    35   Grocer's junior          Y
David Hardy       25   Draper's junior          Y
Edmund Crompton   15   Grocer's apprentice      Y
Archibald McCurby 13   Grocer's apprentice      Y 
Charlotte Pearson 15   I[ndoor] S[ervant]       Y 
Mary Hudson       15   I[ndoor] S[ervant]       Y 

Note: Ages are usually rounded down to the nearest five years.

In his father's will of 1846 and codicil of 1847 Edmund was to receive a legacy of £45 on reaching the age of 25 years. With the exception of Thomas Richardson CROMPTON's eldest son John, who received the real estate, Edmund is most frequently mentioned child. The codicil names Edmund CROMPTON, a draper of Kingston-upon-Hull, as one of the three executors.

Edmund has not been found in the 1851 census index of Ancestry, Genes Reunited or EYFHS. He is not in the Flamborough census.

His marriage certificate records him as a warehouseman, with a residential address of Cheetham Co., Lancaster. A long way to travel from Driffield! There is no obvious on-line reference to Cheetham Co., however, Chetham is/was a district of Lancaster.

His marriage

Source: GRO marriage, 1stQt1855 Bridlington vol.9d page 367
Crompton Edmond to Betsy ann Kingston
IGI LDA submission
Edmond Compton married Betsy ann Kingston
1st January 1855 Flamborough
1855 Marriage solemnised at St Oswalds Church of Flamborough in the County of York
When married Name and Surname Age Condition Rank or
Residence Father's
January 1st Edmond
29 Bachelor Warehouse
Cheetham Co: Lancaster Thomas Richardson
No. 155 Betsy Ann
22 Spinster   Flamborough James Kingston Farmer
Married in the Church at Flamborough according to the Established Church by Licence
by me
Henry Richardson Curate
This Marriage
 between us

Edmond Crompton's signature - 10kB gif    in the
   of us
  John Kingston

  Jane Lowden
Above: Edmond Crompton and Betsy Ann Kinston's signature on their 1855 wedding certificate
1825info1, sheet 2

The witness John KINGSTON is now Edmond CROMPTON's brother-in-law. They may have been childhood friends or near neighbours.

Edmond died in Nafferton in the second quarter of 1855 (GRO ref: Driffield 9d 157) the same year as his marriage. The 1861 census shows Betsy Ann as a widow living with her brother. Had their been a child by Edmond and Betsy Ann's marriage, I believe it would be shown in this census as a Crompton. There is no record of a Kinston child born between the 1851 census and Betsy Ann's marriage in 1855.

1861 Census Sun/Mon. 7/8th April 1861
Source:     FHL Film  TNA Ref RG09
            Piece: 3613; Folio: 90; Page: 20; Sched: 126 
Dwelling:   [Moon Farm] Farm House    
Place:      Flamborough, York ER, England

Name                     Rel   Mar Age  Occupation            Birthplace          
Richard Kingston       HeadSon  U   20  Farmer of 180 acres   Yorks, Flambro'
Betsy Ann Crompton     ????Dau Wid  27  Housekeeper           Yorks, Flambro'
Rachel Elliot             Vis   U   20                        Yorks, Harpham
Anne Elliot               Vis   U   24  Housekeeper           Yorks, Harpham 
John Collingwood         Serv   U   20  Farmer's foreman      Yorks, Flambro'
Tom Rudd                 Serv   U   17  Waggoner              Yorks, Thwing      
Robert Coates            Serv   U   14  Groom                 Yorks, Thwing 
Headley Wise             Serv   U   34  Labourer              Yorks, Flambro'
Sarah Monkman            Serv   U   19  House servant         Yorks, Hutton Bushel

The relationship between the CROMPTONs and the KINGSTONs

There is a close but as yet unknown relationship between the CROMPTONs and KINGSTONs. Both families are farming families from Flamborough, suggesting they knew each other from the locality and their occupation. As well as Edmund's friendship with James KINGSTON, there was a close relationship between Richardson and Hannah CROMPTON. The census show that on two occasions the two families had adjacent farms.

1861 Census   Sun/Mon. 7/8th April 1861
Source:       FHL Film PRO Ref RG09
              Piece: 3613; Folio: 90; Page: 20;
Dwelling:     Moon Farm
Place:        Flamborough, York, England

Name                      Rel   Mar Age  Occupation          Birthplace
Hannah Crompton           Head  Wid  33  Farmer 130 acres    Yorks, Swine
Stephen Clubley Crompton  Son        14  Farmer's son        Yorks, Flamborough
Tho. Richardson Crompton  Son        12  Farmer's son        Yorks, Flamborough
James Wm Crompton         Son         7  Farmer's son        Yorks, Flamborough
Emily Hyde Crompton       Dau         5  Farmer's daughter   Yorks, Flamborough
Edmond Crompton           Son         3  Farmer's son        Yorks, Flamborough
John Frankish             Serv   U   23  Farmer servant      Yorks, Hunmanby
Mary Ann Carter           Serv   U   19  Farmer servant      Yorks, Flamborough

Next on the enumerators list is 'Farm House', the home of Betsy Ann CROMPTON née KINGSTON, widow of Edmund CROMPTON. Edmond CROMPTON was Hannah CROMPTON's brother-in-law by marriage. 

1861 Census Sun/Mon. 7/8th April 1861
Source:     FHL Film  TNA Ref RG09
            Piece: 3613; Folio: 90; Page: 20; Sched: 126 
Dwelling:   [Moon Farm] Farm House    
Place:      Flamborough, York ER, England

Name                     Rel   Mar Age  Occupation            Birthplace          
Richard Kingston       HeadSon  U   20  Farmer of 180 acres   Yorks, Flambro'
Betsy Ann Crompton     ????Dau Wid  27  Housekeeper           Yorks, Flambro'
Rachel Elliot             Vis   U   20                        Yorks, Harpham
Anne Elliot               Vis   U   24  Housekeeper           Yorks, Harpham 
John Collingwood         Serv   U   20  Farmer's foreman      Yorks, Flambro'
Tom Rudd                 Serv   U   17  Waggoner              Yorks, Thwing      
Robert Coates            Serv   U   14  Groom                 Yorks, Thwing 
Headley Wise             Serv   U   34  Labourer              Yorks, Flambro'
Sarah Monkman            Serv   U   19  House servant         Yorks, Hutton Bushel

And again in 1871 the families shared adjacent properties.

1871 Census   Sun/Mon. 2/3rd April 1871
Source:       FHL Film PRO Ref RG10
              Piece: 4812; Folio: 103; Page: 23;  Sched: 127
Dwelling:     South Sea Farm
Place:        Flamborough, York, England

Name                 Rel  Mar Age  Occupation                            Birthplace
Richard Huddlestone  Head  M   52   Farmer of 124 acres employing 3 men  Yorks, Killingwick                                     
Hannah Huddlestone   Wife  M   44   Farmer's wife                        Yorks, Skirlaugh
James Crompton       Son   S   16   Farmer's son                         Yorks, Flamborough
Emily Crompton       Dau   S   15   Farmer's daughter                    Yorks, Flamborough
John Huddlestone     Son        7   Farmer's son                         Yorks, Flamborough
George Huddlestone   Son        4   Farmer's son                         Yorks, Flamborough
William Hutchinson   Serv  S   64   Farm labourer                        Yorks, Flamborough
George Creaser       Serv  S   15   Farm servant                         Yorks, Boynton
Jane Smith           Serv  S        Domestic servant                     Yorks, Flamborough
1825info1, sheet 3
1871 Census Sun/Mon. 2/3rd April 1871
Source:      FHL Film  TNA Ref RG10
             Piece: 4812;  Folio: 103;  Page: 23;  Sched: 128  
Dwelling:    Ocean View Farm
Place:       Flamborough, York ER, England

Name                Rel  Mar Age  Occupation           Birthplace
James Kingston     Head   M  73   Farmer of 170 acres  Yorks, Strensall
Rebecca Kingston   Wife   M  63   Farmer's wife        Yorks, North Burton
Richard Kingston    Son   M  32                        Yorks, Flambro
Harriet Kingston    Dau   M  26                        Yorks, North Burton
Mary M Kingston    GDau       6                        Yorks, Flambro
Kate M Kingston    GDau       5                        Yorks, Flambro
Clara N Kingston   GDau       3                        Yorks, Flambro
John J Kingston    GSon       1                        Yorks, Flambro
John Heddley       Serv   U  24   Farm Servant         Yorks, Flambro
George Duke        Serv   U  19   Farm Servant         Yorks, North Burton 
Tom H Worlden      Serv   U  16   Farm Servant         Yorks, Bridlington
Edwin Wise         Serv   U  13   Farm Servant         Yorks, Flambro
Headley Wise       Serv   U  50   Farm Servant         Yorks, Flambro
Jane Coatham       Serv   U  23   Domestic Servant     Yorks, Flambro
Fanny Coatham      Serv   U  14   Domestic Servant     Yorks, Flambro

In 1861, Richardson and Hannah CROMPTON's first child was boarding as a scholar with the KINGSTON's in Bridlington Quay. This may have been a simple matter of there being no appropriate school for a farmer's son in Flamborough. However, the choice of a KINGSTON as 'guardian' is significant. Though recorded as 'nephew' there is no known family connection to Sarah KINGSTON, born 1800, being a CROMPTON. Liz Vine suggests the enumerator should have recorded 'great nephew'.

1861 Census Sun/Mon. 7/8th April 1861
Source:     FHL Film  TNA Ref RG09
            Piece: 3613; Folio: 41; Page: 37; Sched: 239
Dwelling:   Sea Breezes    
Place:      Bridlington Quay, York ER, England

Name               Rel   Mar  Age  Occupation             Birthplace 
James Kingston     Head   M   63   Lodging House Keeper   Yorks, Strensall
Sarah Kingston     Wife   M   61   Lodging House Keeper   Yorks, Hull
Caleb Crompton 	   Neph        8   Scholar                Yorks, Flamborough
Ann Hilerby 	   Serv   U   24   Cook                   Yorks, Lowthorpe
Fanny Wiles 	   Serv   U   19   House servant          Yorks, North Frodingham
William W Ringrose Board  U   45   Gentleman              Yorks, Cottngham
Robert Donkin 	   Board  U   20   Coachman               Yorks, Bridlington


IGI Births
Betsy ann Kingston
c.29jun1832 Flamborough by James and Mary
1841 Census Sun/Mon  6/7 June 1841
Source:   FHL Film TNA Ref HO107
          Piece: 1214;  Book: 3;  Folio: 18;  Page: 29   
Dwelling: Thornwick House [Off North Sea Lane?}
Place:    Flamborough, Yorks ER, England
Name             Age  Occupation         Born in County
James Kingston    40  Farmer	         Y
Mary Kingston 	  35                     Y
Henry Kingston 	  15                     Y
Betsy Kingston 	   9                     Y
William Kingston   6                     Y
Richard Kingston   2                     Y
John Jonison      25  Ag.Lab             Y
William ?         15  Ag.Lab             Y
Mark Harrison     15  Ag.Lab             Y
Robert ?          45  Ag.Lab             Y
Hannah Banks      23  Farm Servant       Y      
Mary Proctor      15  Farm Servant       Y

Note: Ages are usually rounded down to the nearest five years.

In the first quarter of 1842 Betsy Ann's mother, Mary KINGSTON, died (GRO ref: Bridlington 23 16).  Two years later, in the first quarter of 1844, the widow James KINGSTON remarried Sarah CLUBLEY (GRO ref: Sculcoates 22 335)

1851 Census Sun/Mon 30/31st March 1851
Source:     FHL Film  TNA Ref H1O7
            Piece 2367 Folio 320 Page 28 Sched 124
Dwelling:   Light House Lane   [before the Preventive Station] 
Place:      Flamborough, York ER, England

Name             Rel  Mar Age  Occupation                              Birthplace 
James Kingston   Head  M   52  Farmer of 150 acres employ 2 labourers  Yorks, Stronsall
Sarah Kingston   Wife  M   51                                          Yorks, Hull
Harry Kingston    Son  U   26                                          Yorks, Flambro'
Betsy A Kingston  Dau  U   18                                          Yorks, Flambro
William Ringrose  Vis  U   37  Gentleman                               Yorks, Hull
George Hope      Serv  M   43  Servant                                 Yorks, Driffield
John Coentham    Serv  U   17  Farm labourer                           Yorks, Beeford
John Atkinson    Serv  U   15  Farm servant                            Yorks, Bridlington
Ann Mainprize    Serv  U   21  House servant                           Yorks, Flambro'
Jane Knaggs      Serv  U   19  House servant                           Yorks, Flambro' 

Liz Vine's (researching the Huddleston tree) suggests that Sarah KINGSTON (née Clubley) of the 1851 census was Betsy Anne's step-mother. Sarah died in the third quarter of 1862 (GRO ref: Bridlington 9d 71). Liz wonders whether this is the connection with Stephen Clubley CROMPTON's middle name.

1825info1, sheet 4

Liz Vine (researching the Huddlestons) suggests that the relationship was blood rather than location and occupation.  Hannah PICKERING married Richardson Crompton and Richard Huddleston. In 1841, the approximately 10 year old Hannah PICKERING was living with Sarah CLUBLEY, her aunt, on the Promenade in Bridlington Quay. Sarah CLUBLEY, born in Holy Trinity, Hull on 19 July 1799, was the second wife of James KINGSTON. Liz now thinks that Ann PICKERING, née PHILLIPS, who was Hannah PICKERING's mother, and Sarah KINGSTON née CLUBLEY née PHILLIPS were sisters. This would also account for the closeness of the CROMPTON/HUDDLESTON and KINGSTON families and the use of the CLUBLEY name. At this moment the family tree looks like ...

Ann                       Sarah      
b.                        c.19jul1799
d.                        d.3rdQt1862 Bridlington 9d 171
|                         |
m.18jul1818 Brandsburton  m.1 02jul1827 ... m2 1stQt1844 Sculcoates 22 335
|                         |                 |
John Pickering            Stephen Clubley   James Kingston ...  m.1 21feb1821  Mary Jefferson
|                                           b.    ~1804
d.                        d.2ndQt1841       d.2ndQt1875                        d.1stQt1842
|                         Bridlington 23 16 Bridlington 9d 239                 Bridlington 23 16
|                                                               |
|===========                                                    |===========
Hannah                                                          Betsy Ann
|                                                           ... m.3 23feb1863 Rebecca Gibson née Major
m.1 4thQt1845 ........ m.2 30apr1863 .....                                    Bridlington 9d 431
|                      |
Richardson Crompton    Richard Huddleston
Stephen Clubley

With thanks to the research of Liz Vine who is researching the Huddlestons.

His death

The letter of Thomas C. WILSON, grandchild of Thomas CROMPTON, born 1803, to Mary Agnes TIBBITS, nee CROMPTON, dated North Dalton 23 February 1912 states 'Edmond who died early and has three daughters and he died in Nafferton and is buried there he would die about 1848 or so.' However, Edmund died in the second quarter of 1855 (GRO ref: Driffield 9d 157). The three(?) children were by Betsy Ann KINGSTON's second marriage.

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This page was created by Richard Crompton
and maintained by Chris Glass
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Updated 10 October 2024