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The Cromptons of Breightmet The Cromptons of Crompton The Cromptons of Driffield

1598: The Cromptons of the Stuart Period
The Cromptons of Hacking

 Johanna a widow
 John Crompton of Prestolee m.~1515 Catherine dau. of Alan(?) Hulton of Farnsworth Hall
 b.~1490                            b.~1495 (Speculative)
 John of Prestolee and London m. 27may15?? Eleanor dau. of Ralph Assheton of Gt. Lever, Whalley
 b.                                        b.~1525
 |                                                    1598info 1 Modern maps showing the locations of family homes - 2kB gif
 John         Dr Thomas Crompton LLD   Richard    
 of Beverley  of Driffield             of Hacking
 b.           b......~1556             b.             1598info2 Early IGI records - 3kB gif
 d.~1604      d.-10sep1602             d. Will proved 1598 at Chester
              |                        |
              m.~1570                  m.
                                       John                                              James       
                                       b.1553                                            b.
                                       d. Will 1611 at Bolton                            d.-1602
                                       |                                                 |
                                       m.                                                m.
                                       |                                                 |           
                                       ?                                                 Ann         
                                       |                                                 |
cr1598, sheet 2
                                       |                                                 |
 |=========|=========|========|========|========|===========|==============|=========||  |=========||
 Jane      Catherine Ellen    Gertrude Alice    Ellis       Thomas         Robert        Richard     Will of Thomas Crompton 1628 - 4kB gif
                                                of Hacking  of Breightmet
 b.        b.        b.        b.       b.      b.          b.             b.            b.
 d.        d.        d.        d.       d.      d.1632      d.-02feb1628   d.            d.      
                                                ?                    ?
                                                |                    |
|===========|===========|===========|===========|=========||         |=========||
Ellis       John        Thomas      William     Mary                 Lawrence
            of Hacking  in Ireland              |                    |
b.          b.          b.          b.          b.                   b.
d.          d.1625      d.          d.          d.                   d.
            |                       |           |                    |
            m.                      m.1629      m.                   m.
            |                       |           |                    |
            ?                       Katherine   James                |
            |                       Porse(?)    of Prestwick         |
            |                                                        |
 |==========|==========|===========|===========|=========|=======||  |=========|=======||
 John       Mary       Rebecca     Elizabeth   Anne      Grace       Lawrence  Daughters
 b.1616     b.         b.1620      b.          b.        b.
 d.1669     d.         d.          d.          d.        d.
 |                     |                                 |
 m.1635                m.1638                            m.
 |                     |                                 |          
 Cecila                Henry                             James
                       Crompton of Breightmet            Fennyside  

Source: Mary Agnes Tibbits (nee Crompton) research of 1912.

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This page was created by Richard Crompton
and maintained by Chris Glass
Version A10
Updated 10 April 2020