1611info3 for The Cromptons of Breightmet
Gilbert Crompton, born 1786, and his family

Gilbert CROMPTON b.1786

LSD Members 'Sealings of the Dead'
Gilbert CROMPTON       b. September 786 c.10 October 1786 "Lillies" Duffield

The marriage of Dorothy CROMPTON to James YATE on 24 February 1824

Mayors of Chesterfield
Gilbert CROMPTON      1823, 1835, 1837, 1841

Free BMD Deaths
Gilbert CROMPTON      4thQt1844 (GRO ref: Chesterfield  19 317)

Gilbert's children

LSD Members 'Sealings of the Dead'
Deborah Sarah CROMPTON b.1817
Mary Ann CROMPTON      b.1821

Deborah Sarah CROMPTON b.1817

IGI Marriages
Deborah Sarah CROMPTON (F) M: 16sep1845 (born1817)    Belper 19 408
Spouse: Alexander Crawford BROMEHEAD Duffield, Derby  Belper 19 408
1851 Census Sun/Mon 30/31st March 1851
Source:     FHL Film  TNA Ref H1O7
            Piece: 2043; Folio: 164; Page: 77; Sched: 289 
Dwelling:   Graham Villa    
Place:      Great Malvern, Worcestershire, England

Name                           Rel Mar Age Occupation              Birthplace 
Eliza Broomhall               Head  U  35  Lodging house keeper    Worcs, Birmingham
Elizabeth Cross              Niece     10                          Worcs, Great Malvern
Alexander Crawford Bromehead   Vis  M  35  Incembent of Ridgeway   Derby, Eckington
                                           Diosceas of Lichfield  
Deborah Bromehead              Vis  M  32                          Derby, Chesterfield
Mary Agnes Bromehead           Vis      1                          Derby, Ridgeway
Charlotte Stark                Vis  -  18  House servant           Derby, Chesterfield
Elizabeth Headley              Vis  U  22                          Worcs, Peckenham
Agnes B Finlay                 Vis  U  21                          Somerset, Calder Bank
James Dart                     Vis  U  29                          Scotland
Elizabeth Norbury             Serv  -  48  Servant                 Scotland
1861 Census Sun/Mon. 7/8th April 1861
Source:     FHL Film  TNA Ref RG09
            Piece: 2529; Folio: 61; Page: 16; Sched: 99 
Dwelling:   New Square    
Place:      Chesterfield, Derby, England

Name                   Rel Mar Age  Occupation                    Birthplace 
George Crompton       Head  U   37  Banker & treasurer of County  Derby, Chesterfield
Deborah S C Broomhead  Vis  M   42  Ministers wife                Derby, Chesterfield
Mary A C Broomhead     Vis      11  Scolar                        Derby, Ridgeway
Ellen Ryde            Serv  U   38  Domestic servant              Derby, Turnditch
Catherine Mee         Serv  U   22  Domestic servant              Notts, Hintham
Fanny Beam            Serv  U   51  Domestic servant              Derby, Holland Ward
Elizabeth Ryde        Serv  U   38  Domestic servant              Liecester, Hoton
1611info3, sheet 2
1871 Census Sun/Mon. 2/3rd April 1871
Source:      FHL Film  TNA Ref RG10
             Piece: 3611;  Folio: 92;  Page: 21;  Sched: 117
Dwelling:    Soresby Street & High Street  [Possibly the present Post Office]
Place:       Chesterfield, Derby, England

Name                  Rel Mar Age Occupation          Birthplace
George Crompton      Head  U  47  Banker & landowner  Derby, Chesterfield
Deborah S Crompton Mother Wid 77                      Derby, Chesterfield
John G Crompton       Bro  U  51  Banker & landowner  Derby, Chesterfield
Deborah T Broomhead   Sis Wid 53                      Derby, Chesterfield
Mary A Broomhead    Niece  U  21                      Derby, Ridgeway
Emma Bartram         Serv Wid 38  Ladys maid          Middlesex, London
Elizabeth Draca      Serv  U  28  Housekeeper         Lincoln, Hagnaby Lock
Harriett Curtis      Serv  U  20  Housemaid           Lincoln, Laughterton
Ellen Draca          Serv  U  14  Kitchenmaid         Lincoln, Hagnaby Lock
John Leaper          Serv  M  36  Manservant          Notts, Gedling
1881 Census Sun/Mon 3/4th April 1881
Source:   FHL Film 1341821 PRO Ref RG11
          Piece 3432 Folio 103 Page 13
Dwelling: 33 New Square
Place:    Chesterfield, Derby, England

Name                 Rel  Mar Age Occupation            Birthplace
Deborah S. Bromehead Head Wid 62  Property Owner        Derby, Chesterfield
Mary A. Crompton     Sis   U  59  Property Owner        Derby, Chesterfield
Eliza Topham         Serv  U  40  Housekeeper Dom Serv  Derby, Alfreton
Eliza Richardson     Serv  U  26  Ladysmaid Dom Serv    Yorks, Spennithorne
Emma Consins         Serv  U  26  Ladysmaid Dom Serv    Notts, Sutton
Alice Watson         Serv  U  21  Kitchenmaid Dom Serv  Derby, Chesterfield

There is no immediate record of Deborah Sarah BROMEHEAD/BROOMHEAD in the 1891 census.

The will of Deborah Sarah Crawfurd (sic) BROMEHEAD of 'Woodlands' Dulwich-common Surrey widow [who] died 1 may 1897 at Camberley Surrey ... Administered in London [on] 28 July [left] Mary Agnes PALMER (wife of Cecil Brooks PALMER) ....  £2615 14s 5d (Equivalent to £140,253.03 in 2005).

1611info3, sheet 3

John Gilbert CROMPTON b.1819

LSD Members 'Sealings of the Dead'
The marriage of John Gilbert CROMPTON, born 1819, to Millicent Usula Mary SMEDLEY,
born ~1820 on about 1852.
The marriage of John Gilbert CROMPTON, born 1819, to Caroline Georgina CHAPLIN,
on 21 September 1865.
1881 Census Sun/Mon 3/4th April 1881
Source: FHL Film 1341815 PRO Ref RG11
        Piece 3409 Folio 84 Page 8
Dwelling: Lower Lillies
Place: Windley, Derby, England

Name                    Rel Mar Age Occupation                    Birthplace
John G. Crompton       Head  M  61  Magistrate/Deputy Lieutenant  Derby, Chesterfield
Isabella E. Arkwright   Dau  M  26                                Derby, Lillies
Millicent E. Crompton   Dau     14  Scholar                       Derby, Lillies
Charles E. Arkwright    SIL  M  33  Retired officer (army)        Bodenham, Leominster
Elizabeth M. Campbell   Vis  U  31  Annuitant                     Nova Scotia, Halifax
John E. Pollard        Serv  M  32  Footman                       Leicestershire, Hathern
William Warren         Serv  M  35  Gardener                      Derby, Turnditch
Louisa Warren          Serv  U  30  Domestic Servant (Cook)       Derby, Kirk Ireton
Edith M. Bushell       Serv  U  24  Ladies Maid                   Middlesex, Sunbury
Maria Smedley          Serv  U  19  Domestic Servant Housemaid    Derby, Turnditch
Eliza A. Foulke        Serv  U  16  Kitchen Maid                  Derby, Alvaston
Florence C. Hodgkinson Serv  U  14  House Maid Domestic           Derby, Turnditch

Free BMD Deaths

Millicent Ursula 4thQt1859 Belper 7b 287

Mayors of Chesterfield

John Gilbert CROMPTON 1847

IGI Marriages
Mary Ann CROMPTON (F) M: 22jun1856 Ba: M097894
Spouse: William Firmston EVANS, Cathedral, Manchester, Lancashire So: 438218
1881 Census Sun/Mon 3/4th April 1881
Source: FHL Film 1341791 PRO Ref RG11
 Piece 3318 Folio 82 Page
Dwelling: 3 Red Lion Court
Place: Mansfield, Nottingham, England

Name Rel Mar Age Occupation Birthplace
Mary A. Evans Head W 61 Derby, Chesterfield
Frederic Evans Son U 22 Groom Notts, Mansfield

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This page was created by Richard Crompton
and maintained by Chris Glass
  Version A5
Updated 10 April 2020