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The Late Norman Period The Stuart Period The Restoration Period Thomas of Bridlington
Cayton origins Filey connections Bridlington connections Hunmanby connections

Bridlington Quay connections
BridInfo1 - 2kB gif
    Unknown                                                                      Thomas
    b.....~1665                                                                  b.
    d.                                                                           d.
    |              Coupland                                                      | (Source: EYFHS Bridlington Priory 
    m.                |                                                          m. Parish Registers 1688-1706/8)
    |     |===========|===========|=========||                                   | 
    Anne (Coupland?)  William(?)  John(?)                                        ? crbridquayinfo2 Will of Caleb Master Mariner - 4kB gif
    |                                                                            |
    |==========??=============|==================??==================|========|| |============|========|| 
    Thomas - Sea Captain      Caleb - Master Mariner                 Joseph      Joseph       Thomas 
    b.....~1690               b.....~1691                            b.          c.           c.26sep1703 
    d.                        d.28may1727                            d.          b.12mar1695 
    |                         |                                      |
    m.                        m.                                     m.21nov1723
    |                         |                                      |              
                              Rebecca                                Mary Wright                          
    |                         |                                      |
    |============|========||  |============|============|========||  |============|============|========||
    Caylup       Rachel       Thomas       Jane         Joseph       Joseph       Elizabeth    Mary       
    c.26sep1714  c.20may1716  c.14jun1716  c.03apr1718  c.07jan1721  c.21oct1724  c.29sep1726  c.20jul1730
                 d.           d.....-1727  d.           d.14dec1721  d.
                 |              *********  |              *********  |
                 m.04feb1753               m.01nov1753               m.02jun1756
                 |                         |                         |                                    
                 Matthew Sellar            William Caylam            Frances Richardson                   

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This page was created by Richard Crompton
and maintained by Chris Glass
Version E8
Updated 10 April 2020