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The Will of
of Hounslow, Middlesex, Deceased
Dated 03 April 1632
In the Name of God Amen the eight day
of Aprill Anno Domini one thousand six hundred thirty twoe and in the eight yeare of
in the Countie of Middlesex beinge {neasr} of body but of {xsert} mynd and remembrance
thankes be to God I do make and ordaine this my last {testain} {routeyi..inge} therein my last
5 will in manner and forme followinge That is to saie first I commend my soule into the hand of
Allmightie god my Creator and maker hopinge and trustinge throughe the mercy and {……tt.}
of Christ Jesus my Saviour and Redeemer to be made {ptafer} of eternall may his everlastinge
kingdom of heaven and my bodie to the earth until the joyfull {.s.ntition} of the {inst} to be buried
in the Chappell of Hownslowe aforesaid in that {de..nt} {mi….te} and to my {..t} {extaturd} here after
10 {……ed} shall seeme fittinge Item I give to my sonne Robert Crompton Esquire a Dyamond Ringe
Item I give to my daughter Dame Mary Gee my {….n.} (best) Emerald ringe Item I give to
Dame Katherine Littleton our {quisl.on} embroidered with gold and pearls Item I give to my
daughter Alice Clinton twenty pounds Item I give to my daughter Francis (sic) Fenn a dyamond
ringe. Item I give to my Cosen Mary {Wallis} a ringe Item I give to my Cosen {A….d}
15 {Ja.ell} a Ringe. I give unto John Chappell four pounds I give unto my servant
John {Ke.fir} five pounds And to all the rest of my servants which shal be dwellinge with me
at this house of my death twenty shillings apiece Item I give and bequeath to the poor of
Hownslowe forty shillings Ase the rest and residue of my estate as may {m..y.} in money {b.be}
{qurathrd}, I give and bequeath unto the rest of my grandchildren That is to saie the children of
20 Sir John Crompton {fu/t\} deceased the children of my daughter Dame Mary Gee, the children of
Robert Crompton Esquire the sonne of Francis (sic) (Fenn) the daughters of Elizabeth hyatt the sonne of
Maridlyn (Magdalene) Rogere the children of Alice {Colenton} and the children of Grace {Hrobald} And my
mynde and will is that all other my goods and chattels, plate {ir..elly} {Cattell} household {..…}
and all other of what {binde} soever shall by my execatore be sould to bye best proffitt and
25 benifitt that may be and the mony thereby {asisinge} and all other mony to the {s..ny} said
grandchildren formerly hereby bequeathed; shal be equally divided amongst them and
delivered unto them when they shall accomplishe the age of one and twenty years or be married
And if it shall happen that anie of them decease befour they come to lawfull ages or be married
then my mynd and will is that his or their parte soe {derruseinge} shall remaine to the rest
30 of them surviving to be paied and delivered to them at a foursaid And of this any left will
and {.st.ment} I doe nominate ordaine and appoint my sonne in law Robert (Fenn) Esquire and
my Grandchilde William Gee the executors hoping they will soe the same truly and faithfully
{pformed} (performed) in all things (and) my trust in them and I do givelizae to each of them a Ringe with a {dra.g.}
pearl for their paines And I do make and ordaine my sonne Robert Crompton to be {Oserster} (executor) of
35 this my last will and testament desiring him to be aydinge and assistinge to {myur} executons if by
them or either of them he shalle thereunto requested And I do hereby {.dwofd} and make saide all
other wills and testaments hertofour by me made, and do firmly ordaine this to be my last
Will and Testament In witnes where of I have hereunto sett my name {….}
this daie and year above written Mary Crompton, {Gr.led} signed and published in
40 the {pis..e} of {Srmaingn} {Ce.y} John Chappell 14 {Arbir} 1635. Item my wish and
{me..inge} is that if my estate after my debts are paied and my funerall be {sefi.yed} will be
sufficient to give each of my grandchildren tenn pounds apeece, they are not to request any more
by this will, Witnesses to this post scripte Thomas Chappell, Arthur {Redferne} {Foly}
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/and\ {....} {.a.r} [..] which ~ goe (sold) |
text inserted by the scribe above the line letters lost through blot, cropped paper, or illegible - one dot per missing letter some illegible or unknown letter - one dot per missing letter letters supplied by transcriber from possible end of line contraction scribal contraction expanded - supplied letters in italics end of line contraction or ending on next line words with their original spelling that can be translated into a modern word modern letter or word substituted |
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This page was created by Richard Crompton and maintained by Chris Glass |
Version A1 Updated 25 May 2020 |