1600 Info 1 for the Cromptons of the Stuart Period |
Dr. Thomas Crompton LLD, of Bennyngton, Bishop Burton and of the Middle Temple ('Auditor' Crompton) was Comptroller (of finances) to Queen Elizabeth I and Auditor to the Exchequer. 1However, Thomas is not listed in the records of the Middle Temple. 2
Neither Foster's Alumi Oxonienses nor Venn's Alumi Cantabrigienses mention, in detail, such a distinguished alumni. However, Venn does records one Thomas Crompton as Maric[ulating: enrolling]. pens[ioner; the second of the three ranks in which students Matriculated] from TRINITY, Easter 1573. Given that scholars went up to University aged 16 or 17 this would suggest that Thomas was born around 1556 and was 46 at the time of his death. (See lease on Little Munden). The Cambridge qualification LLD has been described as a Bachelor of Law degree requiring four or five years of study. A further thirteen years of study was required for a doctorate.
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In A.D.1591 Thomas Crompton of c[ounty] .Heref[ord]., Esq. was granted a
seal described as: Red: very much injured. A shield of arms: a fess wavy between 3 lions
rampant CROMPTON. Crest, a helmet & mantling, illegible. - Beaded boarder. 7/8 inch x
¾ inch. It was attached to :“Deed of Sale from Alexander King, Esq, John Baynham, Edmund
Downing, and Henry Best, to Thomas Compton, Robert Wright, and Gelley Mayrick[?] of the
Lordship manor of Rofe[?]. co. Hereford, Dat. 9 June, Eliz. [1591] Lat. 3 seals.”
3 Thomas Crompton seals armorial: a fess wavy between three lions rampant; for a crest, a talbot sejant, in dexter a coil of rope. 4 Left: The seal of Thomas Crompton from a document dated 4 April 1598 5 |
Crompton describes Dr Crompton as 'Auditor of the Exchequer and agent for nearly all the principle noblemen and statesmen about the Court. He was a great trafficker of Crown lands and acquired (amongst other great estates) Houndslow Priory in Middlesex, Skerne Manor in Yorkshire and Mountgrace Abbey 1 and Bennington Park, Herts'. 6
His origins
Hyde introduces her biography of Thomas Crompton with: 'Crompton’s father came from Lancashire and married into one of its ancient landed families'.
Thomas' marriage to Mary
Dugdale's Visitation of Yorkshire records that:
Thomas Crompton, of Houndslow in co[unty]. Middlesex mar[ried]. Mary, daughter of Henry Hudson of ... in com[merce] Surr[ey] Esqr.
This is supported by a reference in the will of Sir John of Skerne who asks his Uncle Henry Hudson to deal sympathetically with the debit of Sir Robert Wright. However, Patricia Hyde records that Thomas 'm.span> Mary, da. of Robert Hodgson of London' in a non-referenced statement.
His early career
Hyde lists Thomas' offices as:
Court of Common Pleas - From the time of Magna Carta until 1873 this was the highest court for civil issues that always sat in Westminster Hall. 'Common Pleas was otherwise called the fine office'. Initially the Court of [Common] Pleas dealt with legal proceedings on matters over which the Crown claimed an exclusive jurisdiction. Later, it dealt with actions at law brought by one subject against another, now identified with civil actions. The chirographer, a term with origins in Medieval English, was the officer appointed to note final concords and filing records of engross fines (chirographs), in the Court of Common Pleas. 8
In Thomas' time it was an active court for minor civil cases. In the early 17th century some pleas of trespass concerned small parcels of land and were settled after two or more suitors were appointed to 'view' the land and report to the court. The Court of Common Pleas was also involved in land transfers determined by lucrative fines and recoveries, with debt, dower, account, defamation, promise, trespass, waste, ejectment, damage, appeals of murder and mayhem and for cases between a subject and the Crown. Also within its brief were 'letters patent under the Great Seal of England', the 'Court of the Exchequer'; 'lands bought of her majesty [Elizabeth I]'. Fines were still levied in 1782 but the practice was said, in 1832, to be long discontinued.
The Fines Office building were in the grounds of the Inner Temple. In
November 1580 Thomas began, ‘to his great charge’, the erection of a new office with
‘divers chambers, lodgings and rooms over it and to the same adjoining’. In consequence,
he was specially admitted gratis to the Inner Temple by the Parliament of 28 May 1581, at
the request of Thomas Rysden, Lent reader for 1578, being granted a right of veto on
admission to these chambers.' 9 Pledges were from George Wylde and William
Thomas gave his occupation as 'gentleman' and his address as 'City of London'. Source: The Inner Temple Admissions Database (Accessed 13 March 2020) Right: Inner Temple in 2008 |
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Members of the Court could only be paid from the profits from litigants. Dr James Ross calculates that there were 40,000 cases heard by this most popular court in 1610. John P Ferris reports that as chirographer in the court of Common Pleas he was said to be worth £1,000 p.a. (equivalent to £143,125 at Bank of England Retail Price Index 20107 10). From the profits of office, to the annual value of £1,500 (£214,688 BofE RPI 2010) he acquired land in Yorkshire and elsewhere.
Thomas was anxious to ensure that his heirs continued to receive the profits of the chirographer’s office after his death, and to that end he procured three reversions in the names of trustees, one of whom was Sir John Morley*. These came to Sir John Crompton on the death of his elder brother, Sir Thomas, in 1606. 11
As steward of Beverley, Thomas may have been an official appointed by the Elizabeth to represent her in a county, and may have a mandate to govern it in hername. The term also refer to the chief servant of a landed estate.
Thomas in Parliament
Thomas Crompton was MP for:
Thomas Crompton almost certainly owed his seats in Parliament for Steyning and Radnor to Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex: the former was controlled by (Sir) Thomas Shirley I of Wiston, who must have done Essex the favour of returning Thomas Crompton, and the latter was no doubt secured through the influence of the Earl as constable of Radnor Castle, who was looking round for parliamentary seats for his followers, and Essex’s agent Gelly Meyrick.
At Leominster, where Essex was high steward and where he made a greater effort than usual to secure the return of his followers, his influence is apparent in the 1597 election when Thomas Crompton, Essex’s close friend, was returned. However, it is not clear whether Thomas sat for Leominster in 1597 or whether he also took a seat at Beverley where he was also returned and where he was a steward. If he did sit for Beverley ten days later, there is no evidence of a by-election to replace him at Leominster. It is not known whether he chose between them. 12 The most likely explanation is that Crompton was returned for both places, though the possibility that another Thomas Crompton was involved at Leominster cannot be ruled out. 13
Medieval Beverley was a wealthy town with a diverse population of skilled workers. In total thirty-nine guilds and trades were present in the town. [...] A place of pilgrimage in the Middle Ages, it eventually became a notable wool-trading town. It was once the tenth largest town in England as well as one of the richest. 14
Thomas' patron, Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex
Robert Devereux 2 second Earl of Essex, was a contemporary of Thomas Crompton, entering Trinity, Cambridge in 1578 when only twelve years of age. Though he does not appear to have been regular in his residence, he became a fair scholar. It is possible that even from these early days Essex played a large part in Thomas' life.
However, it was probably at the Inner Temple that Thomas met Devereux, who was admitted in October 1588. In the following year Essex sent Thomas to William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley 3 to explain his plans for parting with some lands to the Queen to satisfy his debts.
From then onwards Thomas Crompton became one of the Earl’s agents and
‘faithful followers’. (Hyde)
Thomas acted in numerous land transactions with Essex's servants, Robert Wright, Gelly Meyrick and Henry Lindley. On 27 October 1592 the Earl of Essex's warrant passed thirteen parks to Robert Wright, and Gelly Merryck. (Source: British Library: Lansdowne MS 69/73). The Victoria History of the County of Oxfordshire (VCH) records that Elizabeth I granted Thomas Crompton and others, as agents for Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, the reversion of the title to Castle Mill. The Mill, thought to originate from the mid-11th century, was then sold to the city of Oxford in 1591. NB:In his will Thomas describes Henry Lindley, an exactor, as 'my good frendes Sir Henrie Lindley, knight', who received 'a bole of silver of ten pounds' Source: The Victoria County History for Oxfordshire, vol. IV, page 328 Right: Painting of Castle Mill beside St George's by J.A. Shuffrey (1859- 1939). The Norman mill was demolished in the early twentieth century |
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On some occasions Essex preferred that the land should pass in one of their names rather than his own: for example, when he bought the manor of Little Munden in Hertfordshire, he particularly asked that the names of either his ‘friend’ Crompton, or his ‘servant’ Lindley, should be used. Thomas Crompton was one of the trustees appointed by Essex’s will, made in 1591, to sell lands to pay outstanding debts. 15
On the 27 October 1592 the Earl of Essex's warrant, thirteen parks passed by to Thomas Crompton, Robert Wright, and Gelly Merryck. Source: British Library Lansdowne MS 69/73
Thomas at Little Munden, near Benington
The Victoria History of the County (VCH) of Hertfordshire hints further at Thomas' patronage. On the death of Henry, Earl of Essex, on 4 December 1529, the manor of Benington passed to the husband of Mary, second daughter of Sir William Say. In 1539 Benington passed to their second daughter Anne and her husband Sir William Parr(e), Marquis of Northampton. Parr supported the Pretender Lady Jane Grey 4.
Parr's lands were forfeited to the Crown. When Anne Parr died in 26 January 1571, the land passed to Walter Devereux, Viscount Hereford, who in 1572 became Earl of Essex. On his death in 1576, the manor of Bennyngton [sic]and Little Munden passed to his widow Lettice Knollys, thence to their son Robert, Earl of Essex.
'... William Says [sic] into whose possession [the manor of] Little Mundon [sic] came ... died seised of it in 1529, after which it descended to his heirs in the same manner of Benington (qv) and came with that manor to the Crown. It was leased to Thomas Crompton in 1594-5 for twenty-one years. In 1602 Thomas Crompton conveyed his lease to Michael Woodcock.' 16
Thomas' relinquishing of the lease of Little Munden coincides with the proving of
his will in 1602. The Manor continued to be Crown property until 1620. The title, however,
was defective, probably because only the twenty-one years' lease of the manor had
been sold by Thomas Crompton, which term would run out about this time
Right: An undated sketch of Lordship Farm taken from the VCH of Hertfordshire page 130 |
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The building is thought to be from the 16th century. It is assumed that the name
Lordship Farm derives from the Crown Land or the place of the manorial seat. Both images
exhibit the same ground plan, window positions, walls, gates, and out buildings. However,
the modern building appears to have been rendered and the chimney stacks modernised from
what appear to be four Tudor stacks to three modern brick stacks, built across the ridge.
Left: Lordship Farm, Little Munden, November 2005 |
Right: The 1840 Tithe Map of Lordship Farm, Little Munden
The modern layout of the farm appears to follow the same ground plan. Clicking on the map will open a 513Kb map of the wider Tithe area - 1161x1102 pixels. On this map Little Munden is referred to as Great Munden. Today Little Munden is known as Dane End. Source: Hertfordshire Archives and Library Services |
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Above: A modern map locating Benington and Lordship Farm, near Dane End. |
The VCH makes no mention of Thomas owning land in or around Benington as early as 1588. That he was 'of Bennyngton, Co. Herts'. suggests that he lived at Benington, rather than being an absentee landlord.
Clearly, Thomas was an important person who was able to lease Crown lands. He seems also to have been a wealthy person for an unknown source, dated 9 August 1588, refers to ‘Thomas Crompton, Senr. of Bennyngton, Co. Herts. Esq.' [Benington, Hertfordshire], who held estates in 'Hounslow, Sussex, Middlesex, Skirne Marn (Skerne?). This and subsequent records refer to various land sales in Everingham, Overdeanbrigge, Kirkeoswold, Staffhull, Highbanckhill, Scales, Croglinge, Crosfeild, Scatts, Monnoweke alias Mannaweke, Flaggclose, Blowderfeild, Heskew, Parkehedd, Hudderskew alias Heskew, Bulscorigge and Kynner Heughe, in co. Cumberland, the manor of Whalsall alias the Isle of Whalsall and Bygottes Wood in Lockington .'
Thomas is mentioned in The Cromptons of Crompton Co. Lancashire as
The 'Cromptons of Crompton Co. Lancashire describes Pedro Crompton [1488-1550 17] as spending much of his time at Hatfield (Benington) with ' a wealthy kinsman Sir (sic) 18 Thomas' [CROMPTON] friend and patron, the great Cecil' 19. Sir Thomas was further described as 'Auditor of the Exchequer, and agent for nearly all the principal noblemen and statesmen about the Court. He was a great trafficker in Crown lands, and acquired (among other great estates), Houndslow Priory in Middlesex, Skerne Manor in Yorkshire, and Mountgrace Abbey and Bennington Park, Herts.' This is clearly, by occupation and lands owned, Thomas 'Auditor' CROMPTON of Driffield. It is further recorded that 'Mountgrace, an estate in Yorkshire which he [Lord Farnworth] had recently acquired, and which had been the property of Sir Thomas Crompton in the days of Queen Elizabeth, but which had been sold by his descendant in 1642.' [for £27,000]. 20 Perhaps, the sale of Mountgrace [for £24,000], though a reported seven years before the compound, provided the source of revenue to pay the fine. [Lord] Farnworth also purchase Skerne for £19,480 21 both to forward his Viscountcy. 22 >Mount Grace Priory is at East Harlsey, North Yorkshire.
Some of his other estates
Of Thomas Crompton’s estates in Middlesex, Hounslow Manor appears to have been his southern residence, an estate that seems to be passed from one auditor of the Exchequer to another.
'Another lease was granted to the Marquess of Northampton in 1552, but Awnsham's widow was still in occupation when was by in 1558 Mary granted William, Lord Windsor, the freehold reversion of Hounslow Manor. in 1571 his son Edward, Lord Windsor, sold the house and lands to Anthony Roan, auditor of the Exchequer. […] The next Lord Windsor conveyed the reserved rent and manorial rights in 1596 to Thomas Crompton.[Thomas] Crompton also acquired Roan's estate in the house and land, and the whole property had passed to his son Thomas by 1602. Sir Thomas Lyttleton and his wife [Katherine], who was […] the younger Crompton's daughter, […] conveyed Hounslow in 1625 to Justinian Povey, another auditor of the Exchequer.' 23
The financial transactions of the Dairyhouse and lands further illustrates the closeness between Thomas Crompton and Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex. Dairyhouse lands were part of Syon Abbey, Isleworth in the county of Middlesex, on or near the site of the present Georgian mansion of Syon House.
'Following the execution of Edward Seymour, 1st Duke of Somerset and Lord Protector to Edward VI the lands came back to the Crown.
In 1560 Sir Francis Knollys and his wife received a 31-year lease of the Dairyhouse and other lands and he was made keeper of the house and woods and steward and bailiff of the manor for life. The lands stayed with members of the Knolly family until Robert Knollys mortgaged the property in 1587 to John Stanhope, who assigned his interest a year later to the Earl of Essex, the son of Robert's Knollys’ sister. Essex and a creditor of his own, Thomas Crompton, to whom he had in turn assigned his interest, transferred their rights to Sir John Perrott, the father-in-law of Essex's sister Dorothy. After the death of Perrott's son in 1594 Dorothy married Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland. By 1598 Percy had secured all Knollys's rights in the Dairyhouse and received from the Crown a new 40-year lease to run from 1612, when Knollys's lease fell in.' 24
In 1594 Henry, Lord Windsor (d. 1605), sold Cranford [St John] manor, probably including both estates, to Thomas Crompton of Hounslow Manor. By 1602 the manors had come to Robert Knight. 25
According to the handwritten catalogue of Harley Charters, the seal (see above) is attached to is described as:
“Deed of Sale from Alexander King, Esq, John Baynham, Edmund Downing, and Henry Best, to Thomas Compton, Robert Wright, and Gelley Mayrick[?] of the Lordship manor of Rofe[?]. co. Hereford, Dat. 9 June, Eliz. [1591] Lat. 3 seals.” 26
At this moment there is no record of the manor of Rofe in the Hertfordshire Victoria County History (VCH).
Thomas arrives in Driffield
It is said that Thomas came to Elmswell, the site of an abandoned medieval village,
accompanied by Earl of Essex, to an estate granted by Queen Elizabeth 1. The estate was
sold to Henry Best in 1597.
He owned the manor of Bishop Burton, Cherry Burton, Skerne, Wansford, Skidby and Ruston; farms in Beverley, Skerne and Killingwoldgraves; controlled the benefices of Slateborne, Leven and Foxholes; the parsonage and tithes of Skidby. His will was written at Bishop Burton, where he lived at the time. 27 Right: Click on the blue circles for a larger map. |
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Above: An 1855 OS map of Elmsell, then spelt Emswell, showing the Hall and its then buildings Clicking on the map will open a scaleable pdf in a new window |
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Above: The front page of Thomas Crompton's letters patent 28 |
East Riding Archives, Beverley, catalogues 16 May 1593 reports: 29
An idea of Thomas' Driffield lands is given in Yorkshire Fines 1600 which records: ...all implements at Helmeswell [Elmswell] bought by Henry Beat from Thomas Crompton; a pair of swans on Helmeswell [Elmswell] beck and Driffield Beck
East Riding Archives, Beverley, catalogues 12 May 1598 reports: 30
Bargain and sale of the Manor of Elsmwell | |
Parties 1) Henry Beat of London 2) James Beat of Hutton Cranswick, gentleman With power of attorney of Reverend John Smyth, John Smyth of Kirkborne and Robert Taylor, yeoman to deliver seisin |
Witnesses: Robert Hollande,
Richard Best,William Hyde, John Bost, John Ormedhaw, scrivener and Edward Britten
Endorsement of livery of seisen. Witnesses: Robert Fitz William, Richard Nevile, Matthew Hotman, Lawrence Grey, William Marks, Leonard Wise, Edward Hodgkinson, John Wite, William Hill alias Lorrimer, Anthony and Martin and Thomas Milton |
William Morehouse, gent. | Thomas Crompton, esq., and Mary his wife | Messuage and 5 cottages with lands in Hooton Cranswick als. Hutton Cranswick, and the rectory, with all the tithes and oblations in the same and in Sunderlandwick, the advowson of the vicarage church there, and £20 rent in Ratsey. 31 |
Thomas arrived with his thirteen pages of 'letters patent' - a legal instrument in the form of a published written order issued by a monarch, granting an office to a person -, which opens with the name Elizabeth. Unfortunately, it was impossible to transcribe even the front page, or to determine whether the language used was old English or Latin
The Essex rebellion of 1601
Although, unlike his son, Thomas Crompton played no part in the 1601 rebellion, he and the Earl’s other agents were left in serious financial difficulties. As the Countess of Essex explained to Sir Robert Cecil 5 (son of William Cecil), her husband’s whole estate was made over to the agents for the payment of his debts, and there was a danger that they would have to sell all their interests were the Queen to insist on the forfeitures to which she was entitled by the attainder. 32
Thomas' death
Thomas died at Bishop Burton. John Chamberlain reported his death as 31 October 1601. His will was proved on 18th February 1601-02. The content of his will, written 24 October 1601, suggests:
Thomas was buried at Hounslow. 33
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Left: Thomas Crompton's signature 1595 attached to his seal shown above. 34 |
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Lady Jane Grey
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Robert Cecil, (1 June 1563-24 May 1612) 1st Earl of Salisbury
Robert Cecil, the son of William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley, was an English statesman noted for his direction of the government during the Union of the Crowns, as Tudor England gave way to Stuart rule (1603). After his education at St John's College, Cambridge, Salisbury was made Secretary of State following the death of Sir Francis Walsingham in 1590. In 1598, after the death of his father, he became, Secretary of State of England (1596–1612) and Lord High Treasurer (1608–1612), the leading minister to Queen Elizabeth and King James. He was Elizabeth I's Lord Privy Seal. He fell into dispute with Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex, and only prevailed because of Essex' s poor campaign against the Irish rebels during the Nine Years War in 1599. He was then in a position to orchestrate the smooth succession of King James, through 'secret correspondence.'
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This page was created by Richard Crompton and maintained by Chris Glass |
Version C26 Updated 16 June 2024 |