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The Will of
of Bennyington, Hertfordshire, and Bishop Burton, East Yorkshire: Deceased
Proved 18th Feb., 1601-2

Oct.18,43 ELIZ. (1592) Thomas Crompton of Bennyngton in the countie of Hertford, esquire. I give unto my wife all my plate, chaines, jewels, household stuff, corne, graine, haye, oxen, hyne, sheepe, horses, geldings, and mares, whiche I have in London and Hounslowe. I give unto my lovinge sonne in law, William Gee, esquire, Roger Raute, esquire, and John Brewster, gentleman, all the rectorye and parsonage in Bisshopburton, in the countie of Yorke, and all glebe landes, tithes, proffittes etc., belongonge, and the manor of Walkington and all the woodes, called Bisshops woods in Walkington, and all the other landes wherin I have anie estate for terme of yeres, and also the manor of Killithorpe, in the countie of Yorke and also the lease for tennements in Skerne, which is of truste made to Francis Jackson and Clement Dawbeney, to have and to hold to the said William, Roger and John for the term of eight yeres after my deathe for the performaunce of this my will, and from after the saide terme ended then the parsonage of Bisshopburton, the manor of Walkington, the woodes and manor of Killithorpe, the lease of Skerne to remain whole to my sonne Thomas Crompton and his assignes provided alwaies and uppon condicon that the siade Thomas Crompton the sonne, within the space of two years next after my death doe assure by good assuraunce unto my younger sonnes John Crompton, Robert Crompton and Edward Crompton to each of them for the term of fourscore years if they or any of them soe longe live, one yearelie somme of one hundred marckes a piece to issue out of the proffittes of the office called the cirographers office of the Common Plees, otherwise called the fine office, the siad yerelie somme or peneon to be paid equallie at fower termes in the year; widelicet the last daie of Michalmas termes; the last daie of Hillaries terme; the last daie of Easter termes; and the last daie of Trinitie termes; and the first payment thereof to be made at such of the saide daies as shall first happen after the death of me, the said Thomas Crompton, and of Maister Thomas Pagit, esquire, if the estate in the aide office graunted to the saide Thomas Parfit, the siade Thomas Crompton, the younger and to one John Norley, gentleman, or anie of them by lettres patientes under the grate Seale of England, shall soe longe continue or might have soe longe continued; and if my saide sonne Thomas Crompton shall not within two years nexte after my deceasse convey and assure the saide yerelie somme to the saide John, Robert and Edward, accordinge to the true entent hereof, or if the saide somme be nott well paiied unto my sonnes at the daies nor by the space of fortie daies nexte after the same, that then the estate soe bequeathed by this my will of the personages, mannors etc., to my sonne Thomas Crompton shall cease to be voide, and then my will is and I bequeath the same premisses unto John, Robert and Edward Crompton after the eight years after my death, without anie condicon. I give my sonne Thomas Crompton my best seale ringe of gould, my best bason and ewer of silver parcell guilt, my two livery pottes of silver parcell guilt, and my best standing cup of silver guilt and all my suites of hanging tapestrie, or arras, saving one suite for my wief at her eleccon, all my household stuff, corne, and cattell in the countie of Yorke. To my daughter Elizabethe one thousand poundes and to everie of my daughters Magdalene, Alice, Margaret, Suzan, Sara and Frances as shall accomplish the age of twentie and one yeres or to be married withe the consent of my wief or my eldest sonne or of some of my overseers one thousand marckes, and in the mean time yearlie twentie poundes a piece, all which sommes to be paied out of the money which shall arise ofthe sale of my landes appointed to be sold and oute of the proffittes of my landes, leases and office of cirographer; to my daughter Gee my Turkey ringe; to my daughter Elizabethe one standing cup of silver and my dyamond ringe; To my sonne John a guilt bole with the cover, which was Sir Christopher Hatton's, the late lorde Chaunceler, and to each other of my sonnes a peece of plate. To Frances Jackson, Clement Dawbiney, my servauntes, twentie pounds (each); to other servauntes which have served me above three yeres fower pounds a peece; to each other of my men and women servauntes fortie shillinges a peece; to Robert Jones, my cooke an annuities of twentie shillings; to William George, my butler an annuity of fortie shillinges; to the poore of Hounslowe, of the Hospitall of Christ Church in London, of the overseers of the poore of Bennyington, five poundes (each). I paron all the debts my brother John Crompton oweth mebeing five hundred poundes. Where I and my brother John have joyntlie the stewardship and baillywick of Beverley, and other possessions in the countie of Yorke by patent under the seal of the Courte of Exchequer, my will is that my brother surrender the patent, and that a new patent be taken to my sonne Thomas and my brother; howebeit I will that my brother during his life shall have the whole fee. To my Cousen Elizabeth Courte, who hath married William Courte, tenn poundes. To her sister, Anne Warriner, tenn poundes. To every of my good friends that my wife thinke meete a ring of gould. All my leases, gooded not bequeathed, shall be sould, and the proffittes I give to my sonnes Thomas, John, Robert and Edward. To my youngest sonne , Edwarde, the fee simple of the parsonage of Lekenfeild, in the countie of Yorke the fee simple of those landes in Frothingham, called Emot landes and Futher Holme, with all the lands bought of her maiestie. Executors, my sonne and heire Thomas and sonne in lawe William Gee esquire. Overseers, my good frendes Sir Henrie Lindley, knight, and Thomas Pagit, esquire, to each a bole of silver of ten pounds

The will of Thomas Crompton of Bennyington, sheet 2


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This page was created by Richard Crompton
and maintained by Chris Glass
Version A5
Updated 23 July 2019