1821 Info 8a: Caleb Crompton
William Henry Cox Junior and his descendents

William Henry COX (CROMPTON)

William Henry COX was born in 1882 at Mt. Jeffcott, Victoria, and it was not long after this that his father, also William Henry COX, passed away. William's mother, Elizabeth Emily Milner CROMPTON, was unable to cope with the new arrival and the loss of her husband so she gave William away to her brother and his wife, Charles Walter CROMPTON and Elizabeth COX. Charles and Elizabeth were, in fact, unable to have children of their own.

William's upbringing, with his uncle and aunt, was very tough as Charles worked him very hard on the farm and it is said that he was basically a servant. It is most likely that this was the reason that William ran away at the age of 13. He was living in Victoria at the time and when he ran away he made his way across the desert to Western Australia. William moved around through his teenage years and into his twenties, presumably trying to find work etc. At one point he was stung by
William Henry Cox Crompton 1943 - 46Kb jpg
Above: William Henry taken
9 January 1943
an insect on his eye and he ended up losing the sight in his right eye. He was befriended by a tribe of aborigines at one point and he lived with them for a time and they looked after him.

After many years he eventually made his way back to Victoria, but not to his family. He met and fell in love with Alice Jessie Mabel DOBSON, a domestic servant born in South Brighton in 1890. Alice's parents, Robert (b.1856) a railway employee and Jessie Cochrane DOBSON (b.1860), (nee Carse) of Poowong, Gippsland, South Victoria did not like William at all. He was a heavy drinker and very keen gambler, vices perhaps of his nomadic life.

Alice was given an ultimatum by her parents: stop seeing William Henry or be disown. Alice stuck to her guns though and William and Alice married on 03 May 1913 in the Dorcas Street Presbyterian Church, South Melbourne. Alice never spoke to her parents again.

Right: Click on the image for a 488Kb full size marriage certificate image.
William and Alice's marriage certificate - 85Kb gif
1821info8a, sheet 2

It's interesting to note that William's marriage certificate records his surname as COX-CROMPTON, which he no doubt had because his uncle and aunt were Crompton. But, on his daughter's birth certificate (Stella May, born in 1922 and married at Marrickville, NSW) and his death certificate he had changed back to Cox. Diane Thorne writes:

[When William Henry jnr was adopted he was] given the name COX-CROMPTON as his mother did not want him to lose his true identity, and therefore some off-spring were christened Cox-Crompton. The Crompton was dropped when my mother Stella was born.
My grandparents were quite poor people and here, as I'm sure elsewhere, a double barrel name represented a certain status, which I'm sure both of them felt uncomfortable with. Perhaps, when his adoptive parents died, he felt as though he could drop the [Crompton] without hurting anyone's feelings. Although, this to me doesn't seem to be the reason why as he always told of being mis-treated as a youngster and that is why he absconded. He may have even dropped the name because of this very thing!
Dorcas Street Presbyterian Church c.1900 - 50kB jpg
Above: The Presbyterian Church at 210 Dorcas Street, South Melbourne, circa 1900. The foundation stone of the present church, designed and built by William Ireland, was laid on 1 November 1859 and the building opened on 18 March 1860. Further extensions took place in 1867 and later a spacious vaulted apsidal organ chamber with vestries beneath.
Husband:    William Henry Cox CROMPTON
Birth:      1882   Place: Mt Je(ffcot), Vic(toria)
Source:     Victoria Pioneer Index Ref: 17071
Occupation: Farmer
Father:     William Henry Cox (1842-1882)
Marriage:   03 May 1913
Place:      Dorcas Street Presbyterian Church, South Melbourne

Wife:       Alice Jessie Mabel DOBSON
Birth:      ?1890  Place: South Brighton, Vic(toria)
Occupation: Domestic servant
Father:     Robert DOBSON (1856-)
Mother:     Jessie Marie Cochrane CARSE

Minister:   William Goyer(?)
Witnesses:  Ellen Caroline Eldridge and Thomas Crompton Forsyth
Right: Alice Jessie Mabel DOBSON perhaps taken in the late 1930's, 1940's or early 1950's when dressed, perhaps, for one of her children's weddings.
Alice Dobson post WW2 - 29Kb gif
1821info8a, sheet 3
Hoverbox Photo Gallery - Dorcas Street Presbyterian (Uniting) Church 2006
This feature does not function correctly on phones and tablets
1. Fincham & Hobday organ of 1891
2. Organ loft and floor before restoration
3. The nave
1   2   3  
Interior Dorcas Street Presbyterian Church 2006 - 53kB jpg Interior Dorcas Street Presbyterian Church 2006 - 53kB jpg Interior Dorcas Street Presbyterian Church 2006 - 68kB jpg Interior Dorcas Street Presbyterian Church 2006- 68kB jpg Interior Dorcas Street Presbyterian Church 2006- 45kB jpg Interior Dorcas Street Presbyterian Church 2006 - 45kB jpg

Source: James Thorne, Diane Thorne (James' mother and Caleb's great great grandchild) and information from the marriage certificate.

Family life

The Federal Australian Electoral Roll, which started 1903 and is available in Ancestry, shows that bachelor William Henry COX-CROMPTON was living with his adoptive father in Drouin, east-south-east of Melbourne. Charles Walter CROMPTON left the Drouin area in 1915. When Alice Jessie Mable DOBSON married William Henry in 1913, they continued to live in Drouin until sometime after the 1919 Roll. Alice is recorded as living in Athlone, 15km south-south-east of Drouin.

Map locating Dourin and Athlone - 46kb jpg
Above: Map locating Dourin and Athlone

There is no Roll record for the Cox family until 1930 when the family appear in Casula, an area of Sydney's south-western Liverpool suburb.

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In 1943 William Henry and Alice's second child, Bonnie, had been living at

After the William Henry's death Alice Jessie and her daughter Alice Jessie Elizabeth (Bonnie) moved. In the 1949 to 1958 Rolls they lived at
  • 1949 1202 Cox, Alice Jessie, Casula Road, Casula, home duties - Liverpool subdivision of Parramatta, NSW
  • 1949 1202 Cox, Alice Jessie Elizabeth, Casula Road, Casula, clerk

Right: One of three 'original' bungalows, perhaps typical of Alice Jessie's home in Casula Road, Casula, NSW in 2014
Casula Road, Casula NSW 2014 - 46kB jpg

In 1944, William Henry Jnr. worked in the gardens of Hurlstone Agricultural College, Roy Watts Road, Glenfield NSW, a south western suburb of Sydney. He died at the College whilst resting on a shovel and telling a joke.

Colin William COX-CROMPTON

See above. Note he is registered as Cox-Crompton for his birth and death, but not marriage.

Source: GW Index Ref: 5580
William Cox CROMPTON
Birth: 1914  Place: Melb(ourne) E(ast), Vic(toria)
Source: Death Index Ref: 28762
Death: 1981  Place: Chel(tenham) (Melbourne) Vic(toria)

His early life

Until the birth of Stella May, William Henry's fifth child, the family has used the double- barrel surname COX-CROMPTON - see 1821info8b. When Colin William ' fled' to Victoria as a young man, their being an assumed misdemeanour, he dropped the Cox part of his surname.

'There is also another interesting story. This one surrounds Colin [william cox- Crompton].
When Colin was in his late teens he had a relationship with a girl who didn't have the cleanest reputation. One day she turned up at Colin's house and said that she was pregnant and that Colin was the father. However, it was well known that Colin would not have been the only potential father but, for whatever reason, this girl picked out Colin as being the one.
Colin's parents, William and Alice, were having none of it and refused to let this girl see Colin. The police became involved as in those days it was a serious crime to get a girl pregnant out of wedlock and not take responsibility for it in terms paying maintenance etc. So, to escape the clutches of the police, William and Alice packed up their son and sent him down to Victoria to stay with one of the Cromptons. Before he left, William and Alice advised Colin to take his grandmother's maiden name and to be known as Colin Crompton. [William and Alice were living in Casula Road, Casula, New South Wales]
Colin had to lay low in Victoria and keep a low profile. He was never caught by the police, though they tried. At his father's funeral in 1944, the police were in attendance in case he turned up.
1821info8a, sheet 5
My grandma was about nine when Colin left at the age of about 18 or 19. She didn't see him again until she was in her late 40's, when she went on a holiday to Victoria.
Colin was a very talented cricketer and rose to the level of the state team. But, nobody knew why Colin wouldn't go on tour and travel with the state team to NSW. He was afraid of being arrested as soon as he got over the border. Colin didn't attend his mother's funeral as the police were believed to waiting for him. He was never found by the police and lived a very happy life with his wife and two children.'

Source: James Thorne, Diane Thorne (James' mother and Caleb's great great grandchild) and information from the marriage certificate.

However, there is no record of a Colin/William/Cox/Crompton/Cox-Crompton listed as a Victoria State cricketer. Colin Neil Cox-Crompton achieved this level.

Colin William married Daisy Maud(e) Cotton in 1935 (Vic BMD 8278). She was the daughter of Edward Charles Cotton and Jessie Jennings, born in 1913 in Cheltenham, Victoria (Vic BMD 11000).

The Federal Australian Electoral Roll, which started 1903, and the Rate Book and which are available in Ancestry, shows that Colin William and Daisy Maud lived at

until 1938 when they moved to:

before moving up the road to

where they were recorded until 1954. According to the Rent Book this was classified as a BS with five rooms at a rent of £4/17/6 in 1942, increasing to £11 in 1946, £12/7/6 in 1947, £14/11/8 in 1950 and £20/12/6 in 1954.

Right: 709 Huntly Road, Elsternwick
709 Huntly Road, Elsterwick - 34kB jpg

By 1958 Colin William, Daisy Maud and their son Colin Neil had moved to

1821info8a, sheet 6

and then to

Until 1972-75 the couple lived at

before another move to

Alice Jessie Elizabeth CROMPTON

Source: GW Index Ref: 5251
Alice Jessie Elizabeth CROMPTON
Birth: 1916  Place: Melb(ourne) E(ast), Vic(toria)

Walter Henry CROMPTON

Source: GW Index Ref: 28304
Walter Henry CROMPTON
Birth: 1917  Place: Drouin, Vic(toria)
Walter Crompton-Cox burial form is entitled Walter Henry COX with the Cox scored through. Does this indicate a confusion of surname or a highlight? Liverpool Presbyterian Cemetery shows he was buried as Cox in General Section: N Grave 31.

Right: Walter Crompton-Cox burial form
  Walter Crompton-Cox burial form - 40kB jpg

1821info8a, sheet 7


Source: GW Index Ref: 21014
Heather Jean Cox CROMPTON
Birth: 1919  Place: Melb(ourne) E(ast), Vic(toria)

In 2006 Heather was living in Queensland.

Stella May COX

Date and place
of birth
Name Sex Father's name
occupation, age
and birthplace
Date and place of marriage
Previous issue
Mother's name
maiden surname, age
and birthplace
Informant Particulars of
19th March
Cessnock Five?
Stella May Female William Henry
38 years
Mount Jeffcott,
    3rd May 1913
 South Melbourne
Colin W     8 years
Alice JM   6 years
Walter H    4 years
Heather J   2 years
None deceased
Alice Jessie
31 years
AJ Cox
Paynes Crossing
William J Frazer
28thMarch 1922
Stella may's wedding 1934 - kB jpg Left: Stella and Franks wedding, 9 January 1943

Left to right: John (Jack) Edmonds (the grooms younger brother), Heather COX, Janet COX, Francis EDMONDS, Stella COX, William Henry COX-CROMPTON, Carmen COX, William Graham (Gray) HAYDON (husband of Heather)

Below: Stella and her bridesmaids
1821info8a, sheet 8
Stella May's bridesmaids 1934 - 67kB jpG
Frank Edmonds in WW2 - kB jpg Left: Frank EDMONDS, Stella's husband and William Henry's son-in-law. He enlisted in the Australian Air-force to fight in WW2, but was forced to leave because he had high blood pressure.   Stella Cox in 1978 - kB jpg
Right: A young Stella COX of an unknown date. The photograph shows the Crompton wavy hair. Stella Cox unknown date - kB jpg   Above: Stella one week before she died in August 1978. She and Frank had retired a month earlier and moved up the coast to Bateau Bay. They had spent the previous couple of years building their retirement home there. Five weeks after they moved in, she had a massive heart attack and died.

1821info8a, sheet 9

Neil Robert COX

NSW crest - 28kB jpg
Date and place of birth of child Name and whether
parent or not
Sex Father's name, occupation, age and
Date and place of marriage - previous issue Mother's name, maiden surname, age and
Informant Witness Particulars of registration
47669 1928 5th October Campletown Road, Casula NS Wales Municipality of Liverpool Neil Robert
not present
Male William Henry Cox Farm Hand 45 years Mount Jeffcott Victoria 3rd May 1913 South Melbourne Victoria
Colin W 14
Alice JE 12
Walter A 9
Heather A 8
Stella M 7
Carmen J 4
Charles B 2
none deceased
Alice Jessie Mabel Dobson
38 years Brighton, Victoria
William H Cox Father Campletown Road, Casula, via Liverpool Dr Pirie Nurse Smith 6th October 1928 Liverpool

NSW crest - 28kB jpg
Date and place of birth of child Name and whether
parent or not
Sex Father's name, occupation, age and
Date and place of marriage - previous issue Mother's name, maiden surname, age and
Informant Witness Particulars of registration
15776 1933 9th April 'Trescol' Private Hospital 469 Alfred Street Municipality of
North Sydney
Margaret Mary
not present
Female Eric Charles Barrett Account's Clerk Health Dept 32 years Glenmorie NSW 1932
5th July Sydney NSW
Mary Jean Decline
27 years Albury NSW
EC Barrett Father
11 Lihon Street. Lane Cove
Dr Shand Sister Jensen 10th April 1933 North Sydney

The couple were married on 10 October 1959 (NSW Marriage 26827/1959)

1821info8a, sheet 10
MARRIAGES registered in the District of Sydney at Liverpool              in the State
of New South Wales by
     John Michael Cronin          Assistant District Registrar
1. No. in Register 279
2. Date and place of marriage 10th October, 1959. All Saints Church, Liverpool
  Bridegroom Bride
3. Christian names and surnames of parties NEIL ROBERT COX. MARGARET MARY BARRETT.
4. Occupation Warehouse Manager. Chemist.
5. Age 31 years. 26 years.
6. Condition Bachelor. Spinster.
7. Birthplace Casula, NSW North Sydney, NSW
8. Residence Casula Road, Casula Lidcombe Road, Lidcombe
9.Christian name and surname of father
Occupation of father
Christian name and surname of mother
William Henry COX. (Deceased)
Alice Jessie DOBSON. (Deceased)
Eric Charles BARRETT.

Manager State Hospital
Mary Jean DEVINE
10.Name of person or persons giving consent where party or parties were miners    
11. Name of celebrant
Rites according to which the marriage was celebrated
Roth Andrew John Delaney
Roman Catholic Church
12. Names of witnesses to marriage Allen R. Newbury  J.E. Cox
13. Signature of Assistant District Registrar
Date of registration

28th October, 1959.

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This page was created by Richard Crompton
and maintained by Chris Glass
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Updated 08 June 2023