1821 Info 7a: Caleb Crompton
Annie Florence Cox and James John Pritchard McLeish, daughter of William Henry Cox, and her descendents

Annie Florence COX

Annie Florence was born in 1879 (Vic BMD 4299/1879)

Right: Annie Florence Cox c.1895, aged 16, taken in Ballarat
Annie Florence Cox c.1895 - 30kB jpg
Source: Digger - Death Index. Victoria 1921-1985
Annie Florence Cox
Born:           1879  M[oun]T JE[fson], Melbourne South
Married:        1905  James John McLeish
Died:           1956  in Rich[mond], Melbourne, Victoria
Age:            76
Reg Number:     7186

John Pritchard McLeish
Father:          James George
Mother:          Laura Young
Place of birth:  Ehil[ ]1882
Reg. No.:        2416
Death Place:     Arma[dale]1959
Age:             77
Reg Number:      732
Right: Annie Cox with, it is assumed, James John Pritchard McLEISH - unknown date
Annie Cox unknown date - 22kB jpg

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Family life

The Federal Australian Electoral Roll, which started 1903 and is available in Ancestry, give the family home as

, which no longer exists, until the 1917 Roll when they had moved to

until 1931 when they moved to

and took in, at various times, members of their family. They remained there until the end of the Roll in 1954 or their death: Annie Florence dying in 1956. Throughout his life James John Pritchard was a brass moulder. Today, 66 Park Street appears to be a modern steel and concrete factory/office block.

Their deaths

Annie was cremated at Fawkner Memorial Park on 29 June 1956 and her ashes were scattered over the Rose Garden, Bed Y Position 792. James was cremated at Fawkner Memorial Park on 09 January 1959 and his ashes were scattered over the Rose Garden, Bed Y Position 793, next to Annie..

Their children

Olive Milner McLEISH

Source: Marriage records 1921-1930 Victoria
Born:           1906 in Melbourne West
Married:        1924 Alfred George Gow
Reg. No:        8257

The Australian Electoral Roll gives Alfred George Gow's home as

before marrying and moving 5km to

and then moving 12 km south of the Yarra to a Federation bungalow at

For a short period the couple lived with Olive's parents at

before moving back to

where they remained until the 1954 Roll when there was another 5km move

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to what appears to be a modern brick development. Their final home was another 6km move south to

Although Olive Milner McLEISH remained at Chanak Street until the 1980 Roll, Alfred George, a painter for the whole of his working life, was not included on the 1972 Roll. Alfred George died on 15 March 1968 and Olive on 16 June1991. Both were cremated at Springvale Botanical Cemetery.

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Sylvia May McLEISH

Source: Digger - Edwardian Index. Victoria 1902-1913
Born:          1908 in Melbourne South
Reg. Number:   21

Source: Marriage records 1921-1930 Victoria029
Married:       1927    Alex[ander] William Charles Edwards
Reg. No:       5102

The Australian Electoral Roll give the family home as

  • 1931 2155 Edwards, Alexander William Charles, 4 Fishley st., labourer - South Melbourne (3025) a subdivision of Port Melbourne
  • 1931 2175 Edwards, Sylvia May, 4 Fishley st., home duties
  • 1931 9177 Edwards, Stanley George, 4 Fishley st. printer
The family of three remained there until 1943 when, with a change of job and move for
  • 1943 3622 Edwards, Stanley George,274 Dorcas st., driver
By the 1958 Roll, with a change of occupation, Sylvia and Alexander moved 12km to a shiplap Federation bungalow
  • 1958 5911 Edwards, Alexander William, 19 First av, E5, driver - Kew North a subdivision of Kooyong (3101)
  • 1958 5914 Edwards, Sylvia May, 19 First av, E5, home duties
Three moves are recorded between the 1963 and 1977 Rolls: to
  • 1963 2818 Edwards, Alexander William, No 4, 23 Bardia st., driver - now a complex of retirement type bungalows 9km north to Heidelberg West a subdivision of Darebin
  • 1963 2839 Edwards, Sylvia May, No 4, 23 Bardia st., home duties
4 Fishley Street, South Melbourne 2015 - 26kB jpg
Above: 4 Fishley Street, South Melbourne in 2015

By 1977 Alexander had retired, but at this moment there is no record of his death. Sylvia May EDWARDS/McLEISH died on 18 February 1991 and is buried in Lilydale Lawn Cemetery.

The northwest side of Mt Pisgah, which borders the north east corner of modern-day Miners Rest and the car park of the Dowling Forest racecourse. On its southern slopes property titles are rife with the surname Edwards - the family name in to which Sylvia may married. The original survey maps and overlays for the entire region, including farm names and ownership are available.

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James William Henry McLEISH

Source: Digger - Edwardian Index. Victoria 1902-1913
Born:          1911 in Melbourne South
Reg. Number:   5144

As a bachelor James William Henry was living with his parents between the Rolls of 193 and 1936.

From 1937, on his marriage, to 1963 the Australian Electoral Roll gives the family home

a small, sub-divided, brick built bungalow. Dorothy May lived 60m from her sister Olive Milner GOW at 43 Mackay Street. In 1963 the couple moved 5km to a building of Edwardian grandeur at

where they both lived until at least 1980. James William Henry McLEISH died on 01 January 2003 at the age of 92 and Dorothy May on 15 September 1990. Both were cremated at Springvale Botanical Garden Cemetery.

Charles Robert Leslie McLEISH

In 1937 the Australian Electoral Roll records Charles living with his parents

The 1949 Roll records the first family home was

before moving 15km into the brick and shiplap bungalow home where Charles Robert McLeish died in 1984.

Source: Digger - Death Index. Victoria 1921-1985
        Digger - Great War Index. Victoria 1914-1920

Born: 1915 in Melbourne South
Reg. Number: 5566
Died:	     02 July 1984 in Coburg, Victoria
Age:         69
Reg Number:  5172
Probate available
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1 No No 15172/84
Description -
2 (1) When and where died ..
   (2) Usual place of residence ..
3 Name and Surname
4 Sex and age
2 July 1984   Fitzroy
78 Cameron Street Coburg
Charles Robert MCLEISH
Male 69 Years
5 (1) Cause of death and duration
       of last illness
  (2) Legally qualified medical
       practitioner by whom
       certified and when he last
       saw deceased
Bronchopneumonia - 3 days
Anoxia brain damage - 12 days
Ventricular fibrillation - 12 days
Myocardial infraction - 12 days
Carcinoma of tongue - 2 years
Dr Cunningham 2 July 1984
6 Name and surname of father
  and mother (maiden name, if
  known), with occupation
James McLeish
Anne Florence McLeish
maiden name Cox
Glass Moulder
7 Signature, description and resi-
   dence of informer
R.C. McLeish
78 Cameron Street Coburg 3058
8 (1) Signature of Registration
   (2) Date
   (3) Where registered

13 July 1984
9  When and where buried
    Undertaker by whom certified
10 Name of Religious Minister
    or names of witnesses of
5 July 1984
Cremated at Fawkner Crematorium
11 (1) Where born
    (2) Period of residence in
Melbourne, Victoria
69 years
If deceased was married -
12 (1) Where and
   (2) At what age and
   (3) To whom
   (4) Conjugal Condition at
        date of Death
Richmond, Victoria
26 years
Rita Catherine Waldon
13 Issue in order of birth, the
   name and ages
Charles 41 years
Janice 33 years

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This page was created by Richard Crompton
and maintained by Chris Glass
  Version A8
Updated 16 December 2022