1813 Info 1 for Mary Crompton
Her life

Mary's birth

Mary Crompton to Martha and Richardson Crompton
              b.20dec1813   c.06feb1814 Beeford
Above: A composite image of Mary Crompton's baptism 06 February 1814

Mary's marriage

The marriage of Richard Fisher JOHNSON to Mary CROMPTON is recorded in GRO marriages:

Source: GRO Marriages
Crompton Mary           2nd Quarter 1842 Bridlington  vol. 23 page 42
Johnson Richard fisher  2nd Quarter 1842 Bridlington  vol. 23 page 42

Children of Mary and Richard

Source: IGI christenings - ref: C012082
by Richard fisher and Mary Johnson
Richard fisher Johnson c. 12apr1843  Holme upon Spalding Moor
Agnes Johnson          c. 07feb1845  Holme upon Spalding Moor

1851 Census Sun/Mon 30/31st March 1851
Source:     FHL Film  PRO Ref HO107
            Piece 2358 Folio 21  Page 6
Dwelling:   Lock House
Place:      Holme upon Spalding Moor, York, England

Name             Rel   Mar  Age  Occupation                      Birthplace 
Richard Johnson  Head   M    46  Farmer of 225 acres of tillage  Yorkshire, Newbald
                                 100 acres of common land and
                                 employing 6 indoor labourers
Mary Johnson     Wife   M    37                                  Yorkshire, Nafferton
Richard Johnson  Son          7  Scholar home                    Yorkshire, Holme
Agnes Johnson    Dau          6  Scholar home                    Yorkshire, Holme
Richard Robsey   Serv   M    58  Groom                           Yorkshire, Shipton
Robert Brabbs    Serv  Wid   34  Ag.Lab                          Yorkshire, Holme
Thomas Brabbs    Serv   M    30  Ag.Lab                          Yorkshire, Holme
William Brown    Serv   U    22  Ag.Lab                          Yorks., Market Weighton  
Henry Lawrence   Serv   U    20  Ag.Lab                          Norfolk N.K.
John Knottingham Serv   U    16  Ag.Lab                          Yorkshire, Laneton
Isaac Boterill   Serv   U    14  Ag.Lab                          Yorkshire, Holme
Ann Lazenby      Serv   U    18  General servant                 Yorkshire, Holme
Alice Hampson    Serv   U    14  General servant                 Yorkshire, N.Newbald
1813info1, sheet 2

Bessy JOHNSON, though a child of Richard and Mary JOHNSON, is not identified on Frank Wright's family tree. Mary would have been 25 when Bessy was born, with plausible five year gap before Richard Fisher JOHNSON's birth. Bessy would have been 12 in the 1851 census, but is not recorded, suggesting that she could have died, left home to go in to service, or belonged to another JOHNSON family in Holme.

1861 Census Sun/Mon. 7/8th April 1861
Source:     FHL Film  PRO Ref RG09
            Piece 3562 Folio 16 Page 3
Dwelling:   Lock House    
Place:      Holme upon Spalding Moor, York, England

Name                 Rel  Mar Age  Occupation                    Birthplace 
Richard Johnson     Head   M   56  Farmer:230 acres 2 Lab 4 Boys Yorks, North Newbald
Mary Johnson        Wife   M   48                                Yorks, North Newbald
Richard F Johnson    Son   U   17                                Yorks, Holme on Sp Moor
Agnes Johnson        Dau   U   16                                Yorks, Holme on Sp Moor
Edmond Johnson       Son        9                                Yorks, Holme on Sp Moor
John C Johnson       Son        5                                Yorks, Holme on Sp Moor
Francis Johnson      Son        2                                Yorks, Holme on Sp Moor
John Hatchcroft     Serv   U   24  Gen. Serv                     Yorks, North Newbald
William Richardson  Serv   U   22  Gen. Serv                     Norfolk, Garberton
James French        Serv   U   20  Gen. Serv                     Lincs, Barnoldby Le Beck
Edward Marsden      Serv   U   14  Gen. Serv                     Yorks, Wilton
Hannah Metcalf      Serv   U   14  House Serv                    Yorks, Huggate
Willaim             Neph   U   18  Drapers Ap.                   Yorks, Hotham
1871 Census Sun/Mon. 2/3rd April 1871
Source:      FHL Film  PRO Ref RG10
             Piece 4761 Folio 18 Page 6 Sched 
Dwelling:    Lock Farm
Place:       Holme upon Spalding Moor, York, England

Name               Rel   Mar  Age  Occupation            Birthplace
Richard F Johnson  Head   M    66  Farmer(of 237 acres)  Yorkshire, North Newbald
Mary Johnson       Wife   M    56                        Yorkshire, North Newbald
Richard F Johnson   Son   U    26                        Yorkshire, Beeford
Agnes Johnson       Dau   U    24                        Yorkshire, Holme
Frank Johnson       Son        12  Scholar               Yorkshire, Holme
John Fox           Serv   U    26  Farm Servant          Yorkshire, Barmby
William Lingwood   Serv   U    24  Shepherd              Norfolk
George Clark       Serv   U    19  Farm Servant          Yorkshire, Barmby
Alfred Hodgeson    Serv   U    19  Farm Servant          Yorkshire, Holme
John Cooper        Serv   U    13  Farm Servant          Yorkshire, Holme
Elizabeth Gasley   Serv   U    43  General Servant       Yorkshire, Holme
Eliza Hawcroft     Serv   U    25  General Servant       Yorkshire, Holme

Richard Fisher Johnson died on 22 October 1879 (GRO ref: Howden 9d 57)

Their children

Richard Fisher JOHNSON jun.

1881 Census  Sun/Mon 2/3rd April 1881
Source:      FHL Film  TNA Ref RG11 
             Piece: 4521;  Folio: 20;  Page: 33;  Sched: 162                      
Dwelling:    13 Halton Street 
Place:       Leeds, Yorks, England

Name              Rel  Mar Age Occupation        Birthplace
Richard Johnson   Head  M  38  General labourer  Yorks, Holme upon Spalding Moor
Louisa E          Wife  M  37                    Yorks, North Newbald
Louisa M Johnson   Dau     12  Scholar           Yorks, Holme upon Spalding Moor
John G Johnson     Son      9  Scholar           Yorks, Holme upon Spalding Moor
Eva Johnson        Dau      7  Scholar           Yorks, Holme upon Spalding Moor
Frederick Johnson  Son      5  Scholar           Yorks, Holme upon Spalding Moor
Frances J Johnson  Dau      3                    Yorks, Micklethwick
Flory Johnson      Dau      3mn                  Yorks, Leeds
1813info1, sheet 3
1891 Census   Sun/Mon 5/6th April 1891
Source:       FHL Film  TNA Ref RG12
              Piece: 3666;  Folio: 72;  Page: 44;  Sched: 306
Dwelling:     15 Ledbury Street
Place:        Hunslet, Leeds, Yorks, England

Name               Rel Mar Age Occupation          Status    Birthplace
Richard Johnson   Head  M  48  Horse Man           Employed  Yorks, North Newbald
Louisa E Johnson  Wife  M  47                                Yorks, North Newbald
John G Johnson     Son  S  26  --- Man             Employed  Yorks, North Newbald
Rose Johnson       Dau  S  24  Tailoress           Employed  Yorks, North Newbald
John Johnson       Son  S  19  Butchers assistant  Employed  Yorks, North Newbald
Eva Johnson        Dau  S  17  Tailoress           Employed  Yorks, North Newbald
Frederick Johnson  Son  S  15  Grocery assistant   Employed  Yorks, North Newbald
Frances J Johnson  Dau     13  Scholar                       Yorks, Leeds
Flossy Johnson     Dau     10  Scholar                       Yorks, Leeds
Richard H Johnson  Son      7  Scholar                       Yorks, Leeds
Lilly Johnson      Dau      4                                Yorks, Leeds
Hilda Johnson      Dau      1                                Yorks, Leeds
1901 Census   Sun/Mon 31st March/1st April 1901
Source:       FHL Film  TNA Ref RG13
              Piece: 4194; Folio: 148; Page: 8; Sched: 48
Dwelling:     52 Moor View Road
Place:        Hunslet, Leeds, Yorks, England

Name             Rel  Mar Age Occupation             Status  Birthplace
Richard Johnson  Head  M  59  Horse feed--           Worker  Yorks, North Newbald
Elizabeth L      Wife  M  58                                 Yorks, Holme upon Spalding Moor
Ann E Johnson     Dau  S  38  Char woman             Worker  Yorks, Leeds
Florence Johnson  Dau  S  20                                 Yorks, Leeds
Richard H Johnson Son  S  17  Grocers assistant      Worker  Yorks, Leeds
Lilly Johnson     Dau  S  14  Paper bag sorter       Worker  Yorks, Leeds
Daisy Johnson    Gdau      6                                 Yorks, Leeds
Joseph J Johnson Neph  S  21  Railway engine cleaner Worker  Yorks, Market Weighton
1911 Census:      Sun/Mon 2nd April/3rd April 1911
Source:   TNA Ref:        RG14 PN  
          Reg. Gen. Ref:  RG78 PN 27148; En.Dist: 31; Sched: 176
          RegDist: 501 SubDist: Hunslet
Dwelling: Dewsbury Road             
Place:    Leeds, Yorkshire               
Rooms in dwelling, other than scullery, landing, lobby, closet, bathroom: 6
Years married: 49         
Children:      Alive 12, dead 1 

Name                   Rel  Mar  Age  Occupation            Status  Birthplace 
Richard Fisher         Head  M   68   Horsekeeper           Worker  Yorks, Newbald
Loisa Elizabeth        Wife  M   67                                 Yorks, Holme upon Spalding Moor
Ann Elizabeth Johnson   Dau  S   48   at home                       Yorks, Leeds
Lilly Johnson           Dau  S   24   Tailoress finisher    Worker  Yorks, Leeds
Hilda Johnson           Dau  S   21   Boot machineist       Worker  Yorks, Leeds 
Doris Johnson           Dau  S   16   Sewing machineist     Worker  Yorks, Leeds

1813info1, sheet 4

Mary as a widow

The 1881 census shows Mary to be a widow farming Lock Farm with two of her sons and five employees. This would seem to be too many people for 15 acres, unless it was some form of intensive farming such as market gardening.

Lock Farm is at the head of the Market Weighton Canal, situated on the old road between Holme and Weighton.

Right: The hotspot opens an 1855 map of Lock Farm
Modern map of Holme 11kb-gif
1881 census Sun/Mon 3/4th April 1881
Source:	    FHL Film 1342144   PRO Ref RG11
            Piece 4735  Folio 16  Page 3
Dwelling:   Lock Farm
Place:	    Holme On Spalding Moor, York

                 Rel  Mar Age  Occupation              Birthplace
Mary Johnson	 Head  W  65   Farmer of 250 acres     Yorkshire, Beeford
                               employing 5 Labourers
Edmond Johnson   Son   U  29   Farmers son             Yorkshire, Holme On Spal Moor
Frank Johnson    Son   U  22   Farmers son             Yorkshire, Holme On Spal Moor
William Mount    Serv  U  51   Ag Lab farm serv Ind    Hunt, Eastchurch
Robert Bradley   Serv  U  18   Farm servant Indoor     Yorkshire, Holme On Spal Moor
John Harris      Serv  U  17   Farm servant Indoor     Yorkshire, Laxton
Thomas Leeson    Serv  U  20   Farm servant Indoor     Warwick, Hillmorton
Matthew Allison  Serv  U  16   Farm servant Indoor     Yorkshire, Crowle
Mary Liversidge  Serv  U  18   Gen Serv Domestic       Yorkshire, Cottingham
Emily Lergeants  Visit U  22   Farmers Daughter        Yorkshire, Hunsingore, Wetherby
"The front part of the house was built in 1774, as the lock keepers house, when the canal was dug and was called Lock House. All the land belonged to the owners of Holme Hall. The main canal is to the right of the house and is at the end of the buildings. The off shoot was dug by George Hudson, the railway king and it was intended to take it through to Londesborough, as he lived at Londesborough Hall, but they ran out of water so it only went to Stray Farm on the main Market Weighton to Holme road. It was known as the Vavasour canal. When all the land of Holme Hall was sold, Lock House was given land and became Lock Farm.'
Hoverbox Photo Gallery - Older Lock Farm
This feature does not function correctly on phones and tablets
1. Lock Farm circa 1940 2. Lock Farm circa 1953 3. Lock Farm circa 1956
1   2   3  
  Lock Farm c1940 - 33kB jpg Lock Farm c1940 - 33kB  jpg Lock Farm c1953 - 31kB jpg Lock Farm c1953 - 31kB jpg Lock Farm c1956 - 32kB jpg Lock Farm c1956 - 32kB jpg
1813info1, sheet 5
Hoverbox Photo Gallery - Lock Farm in 2003
This feature does not function correctly on phones and tablets
1. The front of Lock Farm house
2. The rear of Lock Farm house
3. The farm drive with the old canal
4. The long drive to main road
1.   2.   3.   4.  
Front of Lock Farm house 2003 - 37kB jpg Front of Lock Farm house 2003 - 37kB jpg Back of Lock Farm house 2003 - 54kB jpg Back of Lock Farm house 2003 - 54kB jpg Lock Farm drive and old canal 2003 - 21kB jpg Lock Farm drive and old canal 2003 - 21kB jpg Lock Farm drive to main road - 30kB jpg Lock Farm drive to main road - 30kB jpg
Source: With thanks to Enid Greenwood and Tom Sergison - 26 June 2003
Tom Sergison farmed there for many years. The house is now empty and looking rather derelict. Christopher Payne, who now lives at the first farm - Stray Farm, says it is a mess, with the ceilings coming down, but hasn't been demolished. The canal was partly filled in past the lock. Later the yard was covered by corrugated iron as a fold yard."
Lock Farm lies in land very close to the old St Williams' Roman Catholic Reformatory School.

Mary's death

GRO death suggests that Mary died in the 4th quarter of 1887. Whilst she appears in the 1881 census she is missing from the 1891 census.

Source: GRO Deaths
Johnson Mary    75  4th Quarter 1887  Howden  vol. 9d  page 63

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Updated 14 October 2024