1811 Info 3b for Elizabeth Crompton
Elizabeth Sowersby's origins

Elizabeth SOWERSBY (SOWERBY 1851 census) was born in the second quarter of 1840. (GRO ref: Partington 23 64). The 1851 census of North Frodingham, using the spelling SOWERBY, has the following family:

1851 Census Sun/Mon 30/31st March 1851
Source:     FHL Film  TNA Ref H1O7
            Piece 2366 Folio 58 Page 19 Sched 71
Dwelling:   North Lain [sic]   
Place:      North Frodingham, York, England

Name            Rel   Mar  Age  Occupation  Birthplace 
Thomas Sowerby  Head   M   36   Ag Lab      Yorks, Gt. Kelk 
Ann Sowerby     Wife   M   35               Yorks, North Frodingham 
William         Son        14   Groom       Yorks, North Frodingham 
Elizabeth       Dau        12   At home     Yorks, North Frodingham 
Mathew          Son        10   School      Yorks, North Frodingham
Jane            Dau         5   School      Yorks, North Frodingham
Pricilla        Dau         1   At home     Yorks, North Frodingham

FreeBMD shows a Thomas SOWERSBY married in the first quarter of 1838 in Pocklington to an Ann Hayes. (GRO ref: Pocklington 23 115) This date relates to the birth of William.

A modern map locating North Frodingham - 50Kb gif
Above: A modern map locating North Frodingham
1811info3b, sheet 2
North Frodingham 1855 - 38kB jpg
Above: North Frodingham in 1855 showing Main Street where the family lived in 1861. North Lane cannot be identified.

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This page was created by Richard Crompton
and maintained by Chris Glass
  Version A5
Updated 29 February 2020