This is the Last Will and Testament of me
of Mount Jeffcott
in the Colony of Victoria
I appoint "The Trustees Executors and Agency Company Limited" Executor and Trustee of this my Will I devise all my real estate including all hereditaments of which I may be seised (sic) at my death as Trustee or Morgagee and bequeath all my personal estate to the said Company upon trust hereinafter declared concerning the same I declare that the said Company may execute any of the trusts or powers herein contained by its own officers And I direct my Executor or Trustee to sell my real estate either together or in parcels and either by public auction or by private contract with power to make stipulations as to the title or evidence of title or otherwise and to buy in at any public sale and to rescind or vary either on terms or gratuitously any contract for sale and to resell as aforesaid without being answerable for any consequential loss And to call in and convert into money my personal estate And to stand possessed of the moneys arising from the sale calling in and conversion of my said real and personal estate after payments of my funeral and testamentary expenses and debts and the expenses connected with such sale and realisation and of executing the trust of this my Will Upon trust for Elizabeth Cox My wife
absolutely In witness whereof I the said William Henry Cox have this my last Will and Testament hereunto set my hand this Nineteenth day of March One thousand eight hundred and Eighty two
Signed by the said | ![]() |
as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us present at the same time who in his presence and presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses. | ![]() |
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In the Supreme Court of the Colony of Victoria In its Probate Jurisdiction
In the Will of William Henry Cox late of Mount Jeffcott in the Colony of Victoria Farmer deceased
Statement of All and singular the Real and personal Property of the above named William Henry Cox deceased at the time of his death and of the value of the same and also the debts to or by the said deceased
Real Estate Nil Personal Estate 220 acres of land in the parish of Jeffcott County of Kara Kara being Allotment 103 (This land is held under a license of Section 19 and was bought under the New Act - 1st December 1880)
The improvements on this land are valued at £150530-0-0 Bay Horse 15-0-0 Bay Mare 15-0-0 Two cows 9-0-0 Dray - old 6-0-0 Sprung cart - old 5-0-0 Double-furrow plough 15-0-0 Set Wooden Harrows 2-0-0 Share in Stripper 25-0-0 Chaff Cutter 5-0-0 Small quantity of Household furniture 8-0-0 Carried over
£633-0-0 Debts due to deceased Nil Debts due by deceased G.Munro - Double-furrow plough £24-0-0 M.Egan £12-14 Brown - Chemist £ 1-6 A very large numbers of small debts £62 Note In consequence of the length of time since the deceased died the Widow is unable to give full list of debts due but states that she has paid all except the three above named Balance for Duty
£533-0-0 Dated this day of May 1884
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This page was created by Richard Crompton and maintained by Chris Glass |
Version A2 Updated 20 July 2019 |