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WILL of Scroll graphic
of Bridlington Gentleman - 19 February 1822

Prerogative [Probate granted at York]

Will & Codicil of Thomas Crompton late of Bridlington decs proved by William Johnson James Smith and Michael Hardy the Executors in Trust 28 November 1823

This is the last Will and Testament of me Thomas Crompton of Bridlington in the County of York Gentleman where by I give devise bequeath and dispose of my real and Personal Estates and Effects in manner following – that is to say

I give and bequeath to my Grandson Thomas Crompton my silver Cup which his father now has in his possession and also the Bedstead and Curtains now in my little room;-

I give and bequeath to my Grandson John Crompton my silver Cup which I now have in my possession and also my oak chest where in I keep my Deeds and Writings;-

I give to my Grandson William Crompton my half dozen silver Tea spoons marked with a Ship and the letters W.C.;-

I give and bequeath all the ready money which I shall have by me at the time of my death and all my plate marked with the letters M.C. and all the residue and remainder of my household furniture beds bedding bedstands and wearing apparel, not herein given and bequeathed, unto my dear wife Mary Crompton to and for her own sole use and benefit and disposal;-

And I give and devise all that my Close which I have lately purchased situate near the Pinfold in the Lordship of Bridlington aforesaid mentioned to my Grandson Richardson Crompton his heirs and assigns for ever;-

And I give and devise my two Houses and premises situate in the Bail in Bridlington aforesaid unto my said wife and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life if she shall so long continue my widow;-

And from or after her decease or second marriage whichever of such Events shall first happen I give and devise the said two Houses and premises unto my daughter Mary Crompton and her heirs and assigns for ever;-

But in case my said daughter shall then be dead or shall afterwards depart this life under the age of twenty one years – Then I give and devise the same two Houses and premises unto my two Granddaughters Elizabeth and Mary Crompton their heirs and assigns for ever to be equally divided between them as Tenants in Common and not Joint Tenants;-

But in case either of my said Granddaughters shall then be dead – Then I give and devise the same two Houses and premises to the survivor of them her heirs and assigns for ever;-

I give and bequeath the sum of Five Hundred Pounds of lawful money unto my said wife and William Johnson of Bridlington aforesaid Grocer their executors administrators and assigns to be retained immediately after my decease Upon Trust to invest or place out the same at Interest upon Government real or other sufficient securities and to vary after and transpose such securities as they shall think proper until the money there on be invested shall be payable under the Trusts of this my Will;-

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And upon Trust to pay to or otherwise to permit and suffer my said wife and her assigns to have and receive the yearly Interest and proceeds thereof for and during the term of her natural life if she shall so long continue my Widow for her own use and to and for the Maintenance Education and bringing up of my said daughter;-

And from and after her decease or second marriage which ever of such Events shall first happen - In Trust to pay and apply the yearly Interest and proceeds thereof to and for the Maintenance Education and bringing up of my said daughter until she reaches the age of twenty one years;-

And Upon Trust when and so soon as my said daughter shall attain her age of twenty one years (my said wife being then dead or having married again) to pay the said sum of five hundred pounds unto my said daughter to and for her own use and benefit;-

But in case my said daughter shall die under the age of twenty one years or shall be dead at the decease or second marriage of my said wife - Then Upon Trust to pay the said Principal sum of Five hundred pounds unto and equally amongst the daughters then living of my son Thomas Richardson Crompton on their respectively attaining the age of twenty one years the Interest in the mean time to be paid and laid out towards their maintenance Education and bringing up;-

I direct that their shares both original and accruing shall survive and accrue to the other and the other of them if more than one in equal shares and proportions in case any of them shall die under the age of twenty one years;

And I give and bequeath unto the said William Johnson and James Smith of Bridlington aforesaid Farmer their Executor Administrators and assigns all the rest residue and remainder of my goods chattels Personal Estate and Effects whatever and wherever not hereinbefore disposed of Invest with all convenient speed after my decease to sell dispose of collect get in and convert the whole thereof into money and to stand possessed of the Monies arising there from Upon the Trust hereinafter mentioned and declared concerning the same;-

And I give and devise all the rest residue and the remainder of my real Estate and premises at Bridlington aforesaid And also all my real Estate and premises at Nafferton in the said County of York unto the said William Johnson and James Smith their heirs and assigns upon Trust until the twenty first day of December which will be in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty two to cultivate manage or otherwise to demise and lease the same to any person or persons for the best rent or rents in Money that can be reasonably obtained for the same;-

And I declare and direct that the said William Johnson and James Smith their executors administrators and assigns shall stand and be possessed of the monies so to be collected and gotton in from my Personal Estate and from the rents Issuse and profits arising from my said real Estate so devised to them aforesaid for the period aforesaid In trust thereout to pay my just debts and funeral Expenses and the expenses of proving and registering this my will and also after such last mentioned payments being fully made thereout pay, when as my said Trustees or the Trustee for the time being of the said Trust Monies shall think occasion required unto my said son Thomas Richardson Crompton and Martha his wife or the survivors of them for and towards the maintenance and support such sum and sums of Money as the said Trustees shall in their discretion from time to time think proper until the twenty first day of December which will be in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty two; and after payment thereof to place out or invest the residue of such Monies rents Houses and profits at Interest on Government real or other sufficient securities in their names and from time to time to vary after and transpose such Securities and funds as they shall think proper until the Money thereon to be invested shall become payable by virtue of the Trusts and directions of this my Will;-

And I declare and direct that the said Trustees or the Trustees or Trustee for the time being of the said Trust premises shall and do so soon as convenient may be lay out and invest the yearly Interest dividends and annual proceeds of the sum of money to be invested or placed out at Interest in pursuance of this my Will on Government or real or other sufficient securities in their names until the said twenty first day of December one thousand eight hundred and thirty two so that the same Interest dividends and annual proceeds may in the mean time accumulate in the nature Compound Interest – And shall and do vary after and transpose such securities when and as they shall think proper;-

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And I declare and direct that my said Trustees or the Trustees or Trustee for the time being of the said Trust monies shall stand and be possessed of the said monies so to be invested and the Interest dividends and annual proceeds thereof and accumulations thereof and of such part of the said rents Ifsues and profits as shall not be invested on the said twenty first day of December one thousand eight hundred and thirty two – In trust for my said wife and daughter Mary and all my Grandchildren now living being the children of my said son Thomas Richardson Crompton in equal shares and proportions as tenants in common and not as joint Tenants;-

And I declare and direct in the case of any of them shall die before the said twenty first day of December one thousand eight hundred and thirty two the shares of such of them so dying shall go and belong and be payable or transferable to the others and other of them at the same time as his her or their original shares shall become payable or transferable;-

And that all and every the share or shares so directed to survive and accrue shall from time to time survive and accrue together with the original share and shares until such original share and shares shall by virtue of this my Will become vested;-

And from and immediately after the said twenty first day of December one thousand eight hundred and thirty two I declare and direct that my said Trustees shall be seized of all my said real Estate and premises at Bridlington aforesaid so devised to them as aforesaid to my Grandson Thomas Crompton and his assigns for and during the term of his natural life;-

And from and after his decease in trust for such son of the said Grandson Thomas Crompton as shall first attain the age of twenty one years and for his heirs and assigns for ever;-

But in the case of my said Grandson Thomas Crompton shall not leave a son him surviving or leaving a son or sons if they shall all die before the age of twenty one years – Then – In trust for such son of my Grandson James Crompton as shall first attain the age of twenty one years and for his heirs and assigns for ever;-

And in case neither of my said Grandsons shall have a son or sons or leaving a son or sons if they shall not die before they attain the age of twenty one years – Then In trust for my own right heirs;-

And from and immediately after the said twenty first day of December one thousand eight hundred and thirty two I declare and direct that my said Trustees shall stand seized of all my said real Estate and premises at Nafferton aforesaid In Trust for my Grandson John Crompton and his assigns for and during the term of his natural life;-

And from and after his decease - In Trust for such son of my said Grandson John Crompton as shall first attain the age of twenty one years and for his heirs and assigns for ever;-

But in the case of my said Grandson John Crompton shall not leave a son him surviving or leaving a son or sons if they shall all die before the age of twenty one years – Then – In trust for such son of my Grandson William Crompton as shall first attain the age of twenty one years and for his heirs and assigns for ever during the term of his natural life;-

And from and after his decease – In Trust for such son of my said Grandson William Crompton as shall first attain the age of twenty one years and for his heirs and assigns for ever;-

And in the case that neither my said Grandsons John Crompton and William Crompton shall leave a son or sons or leaving a son or sons if they shall all die before the age of twenty one years – Then – In trust for my own right heirs;-

And I charge and subject my said Estate at Nafferton with and to the payment of the sum of Three hundred pounds of lawful money which I direct shall be raised by my said Trustees by Mortgage or Sale of the same Estate or a sufficient part thereof at or before the expiration of Four years next after the said twenty first day of December one thousand eight hundred and thirty two with Interest in the mean time after the same the said twenty first day of December one thousand eight hundred and thirty two after the rate of Four pounds per Centum per Annum;-

And I give and bequeath the said sum of Three hundred pounds and the Interest thereof unto to and equally between my two Grandsons James Crompton and William Crompton;-

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And I direct that in case either of them shall depart this life before the time hereinbefore appointed for the raising thereof the whole of the said sum of Three hundred pounds and the Interest thereof shall go to and belong to the survivor of them;-

And I declare and direct that my said Trustees shall and do by and out of the rents, issues and profits of my said estate in Nafferton aforesaid raise and levy and pay unto Martha Crompton wife of my said son Thomas Crompton for and during the term of her natural life an Annuity or clear yearly rent charge or sum of Forty Pounds by two equal half yearly payments in a year the first of such payment to commence and be made at the expiration of six calendar months after the said twenty first day of December one thousand eight hundred and thirty two and clear of and from all tax charges and impositions whatsoevere;-

And I direct that the same annuity or yearly rent charge shall be paid unto the proper hands of Martha Crompton or into the hands of such person or persons as she shall from time to time, but not by way of Mortgage sale or Anticipation, appoint to receive the same to the intent that the same may be for her sole and separate use and may not be subject to the debts control disposition or Engagement of her said husband;-

And I declare and direct that the receipt or receipts of the said Martha Crompton or of such person or persons as she shall appoint to receive the same and her or their receipts only shall be a good and sufficient discharge to the person or persons paying the same for so much thereof as in such receipts shall expressed to be received;-

And in case the said Martha Crompton shall happen to die in the life time of my said son – Then I declare and direct that my said Trustees shall raise and pay the said annuity or yearly rent charge of Forty Pounds as and in manner aforesaid unto my said Son from the time of the death of the said Martha Crompton for and during the term of his natural life;-

And I declare and direct that in the case of the said Martha Crompton shall survive my said son Thomas Richardson Crompton and shall marry again then and from thenceforth such annuity shall cease and be no longer payable;-

And I declare and direct that in the case of the said Martha Crompton shall survive my said son Thomas Richardson Crompton and shall marry again then and from thenceforth such annuity shall cease and be no longer payable;-

And I declare and direct the receipt or receipts of my said Trustees or survivors of them or the Trustees or Trustee for the time being of this my Will shall be a good and sufficient discharge to the Purchaser or Purchasers Mortgage or Mortgages of the estates to be sold or Mortgaged under the Trusts or powers of this my will for so much Money as shall therein expressed to be received and that after such receipts or receipts the person or persons paying the same their heirs exactors or administrators shall not be answerable or accountable for any misapplication or nonapplication thereof or of any payment thereof;-

And I give and devise to the said William Johnson and James Smith their heirs and assigns all such real Estates as are now vested in me by way of mortgage in order to enable them to get in the monies owing thereon;-

And I give and devise to the said William Johnson and James Smith their heirs and assigns all Trust Estates now vested in me upon and subject to the Trust affecting the same;-

And I constitute and appoint my said wife and the said William Johnson and the survivor of them Guardians of my said daughter Mary during her minority;-

And I constitute and appoint the said William Johnson and James Smith joint Executors In Trust of this my last Will and Testament;-

And I hereby revoke all former Wills;-

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And I declare and direct that if any of the Trustees hereby appointed shall die or refuse to act in the Trusts of this my Will - Then a new Trustee or Trustees may be appointed by the surviving or continuing Trustees or Trustee – And the said Trust Estate Monies and premises shall in that case be conveyed and assigned so as to be vested in such a new and surviving or continuing Trustees or Trustee and with the same powers as are hereinbefore declared – And so form time to time as that case shall happen – And I declare and direct that my said executors and Trustees and the Trustees and Trustee for the time being of this my Will shall be allowed and may retain to and reimburse themselves all their costs charges damages and expenses to be occasioned by or about the execution of the Trusts hereby in them reposed;-

And I do also declare and direct that my said executors and Trustees shall be charged and chargeable only every of them for and with their and his own respect receipts payments acts and wilful defaults and not otherwise and not be charged or chargeable with or for any sum or sums of money other than such or shall actually and respectively come to their or his hands by virtue of this my Will, or any of the trusts hereby in them or him reposed nor shall they or any of them be answerable or accountable for any Banker Broker or other person with whom or in whose hands any part of the said Trust Monies shall or may be deposited or lodged for safe Custody or otherwise in the execution of any of the trust hereinbefore mentioned, nor shall they or any of them be at any time answerable or accountable for the insufficiency or deficiency of any Security or Securities, Stocks or funds in or upon which the said trust monies or any part thereof shall be placed out or invested, not with or for any loss that shall or may happen of or to the said Trust Monies or premises or any part thereof so as such loves happen without their respective wilful default nor shall one of them be answerable or accountable for the other or others of them or for the Acts Deeds receipts or disbursements of the other or others of them but each of them only for his own particular Acts Deeds receipts and disbursements nor shall they or any of them be answerable or accountable for any monies which he or they do not take into his or their actual possession – notwithstanding his or their signing any receipt or other discharge for such monies for conformity or jointly with the other Trustee or Trustees or any of them;-

In Witness whereof I the said Thomas Crompton the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament contained in Three sheets of paper, to each of the first two set my hand and to the third and last sheet my Hand and Seal this Nineteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty two –

Signed sealed published and declared by the said Thomas Crompton, the Testator, and as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence, at his request, and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto
W Smith
William Carter
John Warley

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Whereas I Thomas Crompton of Bridlington in the County of York Farmer have duly made and published my last Will and Testament in Writing bearing the date nineteenth day of February in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty two and thereby nominated and constituted and appointed William Johnson of Bridlington aforesaid Grocer and James Smith of the same place Farmer Joint Executors In trust of my said Will Now do I hereby declare this present instrument to be a Codicil to my said Will and direct to be taken as part thereof And do hereby nominate constitute and appoint Michael Hardy of Bridlington aforesaid Farmer (together with the said William Johnson and James Smith) Executors of my said Will as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes and in all respects as if the said Michael Hardy had been by me in said Will originally constituted and appointed an Executor together with the said William Johnson and James Smith In Witness where of I have to this said Codicil set my hand and seal this fifteenth day of October in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty two

Signed sealed published and declared by the said Thomas Crompton, as a Codicil to his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence, at his request, and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto -  
John Nightingale
Wm Woodcock
Rt Nightingale

I William Smith of Bridlington in the County of York Grocer, being one of the People called Quakers, do solemnly, sincerely, and truly declare & affirm that I believe the writings here unto annexed, and to me shewn, are, and contain the last Will and Testament with a codicil there to of Thomas Crompton late of Bridlington aforesaid in the Diocese of York Gentleman, deceased; that I will well and truly execute & perform the same, by paying his Debts, & then the Legacies therein contained, so far as his Goods, Chattels, & Credits will extend, & the Law charges me; that I will exhibit into a true, full & perfect Inventory of all the said Goods, Chattels & Credits and render a true & just account of the same when I shall be there to lawfully called; and that I believe that the whole of the said Goods, Chattels, & Credits within the Province of York, do not amount in value to the Sum of Six |Hundred Pounds. Witness my Hand,
William Johnson

I do hereby certify, that on the Twenty Ninth day of October in the year of our Lord 1823, the above written affirmation was duly made & subscribed by the said William Johnson, before me,
Geo: Smith Surrogate

I do hereby certify that on the Twenty Ninth day of October in the year of our Lord 1823, James Smith of Bridlington in the County of York Farmer & Michael Hardy of the same place Farmer, two of the Executors in Trust named in this or the within last will and Testament with a Codicil thereto annexed of Thomas Crompton late of Bridlington aforesaid in the Diocese of York Gen: the man deceased, were sworn well and truly to execute & perform the same; and that the whole of the Goods Chattels & Credits of the said deceased within the Province of York, do not amount in balance to the sum of Six Hundred Pounds. Witness my hand:
Geo: Smith Surrogate


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This page was created by Richard Crompton
and maintained by Chris Glass
Version B7
Updated 19 July 2019