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The Will of


of Thearne, County of York

Dated 1724

Gives to his son John Compton £250 and a black colt riseing 2 years old and the blue mares first foale.
Appoints Thomas Hewson husbandman of Waghen and John Baker husbandman of Skirtby Guardians of his Son John Hill he attains 21 years of age.
Gives to Jane Waugh his daur £30.
Gives to Edward Waugh his Son in Law £20.
Gives to Elizabeth Pauling the wife of Nathaniel Pauling £10 provided upon condition that his (Testator's) Son John die before attaining 21 years.
Gives to the children of John Compton his (Testator) half & Cousin of Waghen late deceased the sum of £35 that is to every one of them £5 apiece if any of them died their share to be divided amongst the rest on condition that his son John dye before attaining 21 years their legacies become due by death of said son John to be paid out of his portion & not by executrix.
Residue of Goods and Chattels to Jane Compton his (Testators) wife.
Executrix said Jane Compton
Date 18 October 1724
Witnesses. Tho. Thompson - James Boyes

Probate granted at York 10 Nov 1724 to Jane Compton widow the Relict [widow] & sole Executrix.

Source: A paper transcribed for Mary Agnes Crompton, circa 1912, by a professional genealogist.

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This page was created by Richard Crompton
and maintained by Chris Glass
Version B4
Updated 19 July 2019