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This family research and web site started from a few old family letters. See also Caleb Crompton's letter of 1845.
Letter to Mary Ellen Crompton (Elgey) from Arthur Crompton, grandson of John Crompton (b.1805)
7 April 1933
Dear Nellie
Pop (Mary agnes Tibbits nee Crompton b.1873) and I looked over her papers and I made a note of a few of the high Spots.
Her first Record of anyone of our name was of Simon de la Leigh de Crompton 1246 (A.D.)
Sir Thomas Crompton came from London Accompanied by the Earl of Essex to Elmswell which was given to him by Elizabeth. I dont know the exact date but he was married in 1570. He sold Elmswood to Henry Best in 1597, your ancester I believe. His son Sir John of Skenne and the Inner Temple died 1623. That must be the tomb that Tom spoke about.
The Rushton Parva branch was about 1670-1696
Sledmere sold 1721
Walter Crompton lived at Sunderlandwicke 1756
Robert Crompton 1610 married Jane daughter of Rev Culverwell of Cherry Burton, 2nd wife Ann daughter of Francis Haldesley at Cherry Burton 1625, 3rd wife Ceziah Strickland daughter of Walter Strickland of Boynton.
Our old man was born 1740 died 1822 and Pop has a copy of his Will also other Wills. In one Will Lowthorpe is spelt Lowthropp but that has nothing to do with the Estate.
I had a delightful week and thoroughly enjoyed myself. When I left you I went by Lowthorpe again to have a better look at our old house. The Garden path is all weeds.
Best love from Arthur
Letter from Thomas Crompton, born 1867.
12th June 1944
My dear Peter,
I think it would be as well to begin with my pedigree.
The first Thos. Crompton never would say where he came from but he lived on the High Green at Bridlington, and was a corn factor, he married twice and when he died was buried at Bridlington Priory Church. The grave as far as I know is under the pews in the North side of the Nave. I don't know his first wife's name - his second wife was a Jordan of Speeton. As far as I know there were three sons to the first wife.
Thomas Crompton of Bridlington High Green, farmer.
Richardson Crompton who lived at Nafferton in Crompton's yard after living at and farming Great Houndales which he had bought and lost in a Law Suit. He was buried near the vestry door in Nafferton Church yard with some of is family.
The only other son of the old T. Crompton as far as I know was Caleb Crompton and he was a sailor and went to South Africa where he settled.
Richardson Crompton had several sons and I cannot give their names - but he was my Great Grandfather I think I have made a mistake - the second Thomas Crompton was his son and when my Grandfather John Crompton of Thornholme and he were boys together they both went to Bridlington fair - the old man gave them 2/6 each to spend and the elder boy Thomas spent all his on sweets and fairings - John bought himself a hat. The old man their Grandfather had done this to test them and when he died it was found that by his will John inherited Little Houndales Farm - the other son Thomas only getting some few acres in Bridlington parish.
John Crompton son of Richardson of Thornholme had three sons - his wife was a Jefferson of Great Houndales and he also had three daughters.
Thomas Crompton of Lowthorpe
Henry Crompton of Nafferton
John of Thornholme.
3 daughters:-
Alice who married William Lovel of Scampston.
Polly or Mary married Craven Nicholson of Haisthorpe and Helperthorpe.
Annie who married Arthur Topham of Rowgate.
My father Thomas Crompton of Lowthorpe had 5 sons - 3 daughters
- myself. Thomas Crompton born Nov 21 1867 and farmed at Nafferton 24 years and at Cottam 7 yrs.
Charles W. Crompton born 1871 m. Lily Wright of Hedon farmed at Sleights Lowthorpe, Hall Green Wakefield.
Mary Agnes born 1873 m. F. Tibbits of Hull
John Henry born 1875 killed about 1916 near Ypres in the War - bachelor.
Richard C. Born-1876 a Miller - married - no family.
Margaret L. born about l879 married M. Duggleby of Davenport U.S.A.
Constance (Nelly) born 1881 died at Scarborough, about 20 years later.
Walter E. a bachelor engineer at Hull - Gaisborough and Newcastle on Tyne not married.
Arthur M. b 188 7 Lives in London and is a traveller in paint also a bachelor.
My wife Mary Ellen (Nelly) was the daughter of James Elgey - Chemist, Driffield. We have three sons and three daughters.
John died 1922 as a result of the last war and was buried at Nafferton and our eldest daughter Marjorie died when 7 years old and was buried at Nafferton. Our eldest living son Harry born 1896 farmer lives at Cottam Farm. Kita in Kenya and has one daughter Sheila.
Our eldest living daughter Edith (Popsy) married Donald Cranswick has three children and lives at Gisborne, New Zealand.
Third daughter Catherine (Kitty) married Mervyn Parkin and lives at Totley Rise, Sheffield and has two sons.
Third son Charles born 1906 engineer married Ruth Theskstone and has 1 boy, 1 girl and lives at Burton Agnes. F/Sgt. now in India.
My mother Margaret E. Crompton was the daughter of William Duggleby of Beswick her father and mother had over 50 Grandchildren so the Duggleby name should be carried on for many generations. They have farmed Beswick Old Hall farm for over 300 years.
Thomas continues with a biography of himself. The letter continues at 1805Info 9 for John Crompton
Letter to Mary Agnes Crompton great great grandchild of Thomas of Bridlington, from Thos. C. Wilson b.1853/54
N(orth) Dalton, Feb 23 1912
Dear Poppy,
Your letter recd. this morning re Crompton Acenstri.
I will try to answer your questions to my best ability. I am using a large sheet but I thought it might be better than a number of small ones.
The oldest Crompton we really know of was Thos Crompton who was supposed to have come to Bridlington about 1750 and settled down and married a Miss Edmond (and had one son Thomas Richardson Crompton) and his wife died and at the age of 70 married his housekeeper and had one daughter Mary, who married James Jordan late of Speeton and you can find a daughter of James Jordan & Mary in the wife of Frank Wood farmer & milk seller, Spring Head Farm, Hessle.
Thos. Crompton died at the age of 82 in 1822 and was buried in the Priory Church, Bridlington this man had a brother a ships captain of him I know nothing.
I always understood they came from Nottingham district but as you say he was quiet on the subject.
Thomas R. Crompton married a Miss Hyde of Barmston and had a large family.
Thomas my grandfather
John your grandfather
James who died age 94
William was killed at Nafferton by falling of a stack
Edmond who died early and had 3 daughters and he died at Nafferton and is buried there he would about 1848 or so.
My Mother remembers well he bought big Houndales and lost £10,000 by the deal as it was proved the people who sold it did not possess it. It has always been thought that this man was heir to some money and if he had made of his chance would have got it. the tale is a solicitor came for him in a cab twice but he would do nothing as he had lost over Houndales and said it would turn out similar.
My grandfather was buried at Priory Bridlington in 1862 and was the eldest son and brother of your grandfather. Thomas R. Crompton was his father as you will see, we have no old bible
Your grandfather died 1872
My grandfather was born in 1804.
There are some Cromptons buried at Little Driffield but whether are descended from them I dont know.
The Jeffersons have some book which have some some entries that ought to be interesting to you in your research, also you might find something in Burkes Extinct Peerage.
It has been said that Scampeton? belonged to some Miss Crompton and was got wrongly and that the Park is haunted by a lady at nights walking about, and some think that was what the Sol. wanted with T.R.C. but it may all be nothing.
If you could have any money it would be a good job whoever got it but the first is there any to get or rather is there any for getting in Chancey.
I have just thought I might find something of use in some old papers I have and I find something that rather puzzles me, that is an old Will of a Caleb Crompton dated 1727 Master Mariner who leaves his property to his wife Rebecca & only daughter Jane.
I also have a sch. of the property of the first Thos. at Bridlington & Nafferton the first date of this 1772, so it appears the Cromptons must have been in Bridlington longer than we have thought that is by Caleb, your grandfather had a brother called Caleb who went to Australia as a young man and when doing well was thrown from his horse and killed.
It is about midnight so I must close this old rigmarole hoping it may be of some use to you. Mr Jas Wood may be some use to you your husband will know him and she is a very nice homley body and would be glad to see you I am sure.
So much for the Cromptons.
Mrs Wilson has come down to day from a touch of Bronchits - is that spell rightly for 10 days she has been rather bad. Eileen has had a bad cold well she began first after me I think in Meggie's case it was the "flu" however is about alright again.
Mother was a week in bed with a cold about 3 weeks ago but is not quite well and looks well her eyesight is failing or she is wonderful. at Middleton where Isabel has been for 4 weeks she is not real well but wouldnt own to being amiss
I saw your mother a week ago she looked well I thought, Meggie & Eileen send their love and say they hope that you will be able to come and see us this year at one or other of the Bank Holidays or anytime for that matter.
I am happy to say we have got a good servant and hope that you are well suited We should all like to see your home very much. I must now shut up. If there is anything I could help to in I shall be pleased. It has just struck me are you and Fred thinking of Continuing the Line that makes you so anfious?(curious)
Believe me
Your affectionately
Mr Thos C. Wilson
Surviving part of letter sent by Thomas Crompton to Eileen Crompton, his daughter-in-law, in 1939 from UK to Kenya (Mail ship sunk)
Dear Harry & Eileen,
I send you a short Pedigree of our family
My sister aunt Pop (Mary Agnes) knows a lot about the Cromptons but I dont know a lot more than what I am sending.
I don't think there is much doubt but that the Crompton were decended from Sir John Crompton of Driffield Castle where he lived in the 1700's. Our old paus? Mr. Davidson of Nafferton once lent me a book which gave a long history of these Cromptons, & in it there was something about a Crompton who married a Best of Elmswell, & also about a St Quinten who married a Crompton & was Hieress to Lowthorpe and all the Estates.
Thomas Crompton b.1740, died 1822 (he would never say where he came from & was buried in the Priory Church Bridlington)
Richard Crompton Of Gt Houndale (no dates) bought Gt Houndale & lost it in a law case, then lived in Crompton's Yard? Nafferton where he is buried. I think he married a Hyde of Barmston?
John Crompton Born 1805 (of Little Houndale & Thornholme. Married a Jefferson of Gt Houndales and had 3 sons & 3 daughters, buried Burton Agnes
Thomas Crompton of Lowthorpe born 1837 died 1890. Married M.E. Duggleby of Beswick, had 3 sons & 3 daughters, died 1890. The Duggleby's? have been at Beswick Hall for over 300 years. Grandmother...... Thomas Crompton married Mary Ellen Elgey and lived at Houndales Farm, Nafferton where I (Harry) was born 1896.
Popsey Crompton married Fred Tibbits, a corn merchant etc Hull, daughter Ino
Charley Crompton married Lily Wright, daughter of mother's sister, Lizzie? & had 3 children - Leila, Reginald Crompton (killled in action 1918) Ruth.
Dick Crompton Farmed in S. Africa for a time, later became a miller in England. Married late Aida? No children.
Harvey Crompton [John Henry] Farmed in S.Africa for a time, then in Canada. He was killed in France in Australian Army.
Maggie Crompton married Steven Duggleby late in life, live in Iowa USA. Steven was a land agent & well off.
Nellie Crompton died when about 20.
Walter Crompton married - engineer on drawing side with Parsons N/Tyne. Served in 1st war as Motor Cycle Despatch Rider on HDQr (Headquarters') Staff. (At one time this included The Prince of Wales. Walter "left" a document signed by The Prince of Wales.)
Arthur Crompton Went into business and was out in America. I think he did a spot of bootlegging and left in a hurry. He died in 1964 in London aged about 78. (see Arthur's letter)
Steven Duggleby Was a cousin of my father & his father farmed at Cottam where Steve was brought up.
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This page was created by Richard Crompton and maintained by Chris Glass |
Version A2 Updated 10 September 2003 |