Cayton Info 2 - Cayton By Scarborough origins
Cayton IGI records

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IGI v.4.01/02 and Vital records show several early Crumptons being christened in St John The Baptist, at Cayton By Scarborough. Some names and connections have yet to be accounted for.

Correspondence with RP Graham-Vivian, Windsor Herald of the College of Arms, dated 5 March 1952, lists Abraham and Abel, of Cayton, as Crompton. However IGI lists them as Crumpton.

There are date discrepancies with the IGI record. These may have occurred because the Parish Record changed their year date after Lady Day on 25 March. From January 1752 the year officially changed in January. However the old customs may have continued. Care was taken to trace the year of the Parish Record entries back to the 21st century equivalent.

Source: IGI v.4/5 Batch:   Source:    Type:
MC male christening,   MM male marriage,    FM female marriage
FC female christening, HM husband marriage, WM wife marriage


Richard CRUMPTON         Thomas Crumpton / Ellice           MC  20oct1699  C106192
William CRUMPTON         Thomas Crumpton / Eliz             MC  03may1702  C106192
                                                   [Parish Records give 23may1702]
William CRUMPTON         Thomas Crumpton / -                MC  22may1704  C106192

Abraham CRUMPTON (M)                       C: 02may1704     Ba: C106192
Father: [Thomas]         Cayton By Scarborough, Yorkshire   So: 919209   Pr: 6910790

Roger CRUMPTON (M)                         C: 08sep1706     Ba: C044341
Father: Thomas CRUMPTON  Cayton By Scarborough, Yorkshire   So: 0561429  Pr: 6910021

Mary CRUMPTON (F)                          C: 01feb1708     Ba: C106192
Father:                  Cayton By Scarborough, Yorkshire   So: 919209   Pr: 6910790

Elizabeth CRUMPTON (F)                     C: 11nov1711 [NB This is Ann's Parish Records DOB]
Father: Thomas CRUMPTON  Cayton By Scarborough, Yorkshire

Ann CRUMPTON (F)                           C: 19aug1716
Father: Thomas CRUMPTON  Cayton By Scarborough, Yorkshire

Prisilay CRUMPTON (F)                      C: 25jun1733
Father: Abraham CRUMPTON Cayton By Scarborough, Yorkshire

Elise CRUMPTON (F)                         C: 18nov1735
Father: Abraham CRUMPTON Cayton By Scarborough, Yorkshire

Thomas CRUMPTON (M)                        C: 21aug1738     Ba: C044341
Father: Abraham CRUMPTON Cayton By Scarborough, Yorkshire   So: 0561429 Pr: 6910021

Ann CRUMPTON (F)                           C: 16mar1741 [Parish Records give 1742]
Father: Abraham CRUMPTON Cayton By Scarborough, Yorkshire

Richard CRUMPTON (M)                       C: 27feb1744
Father: Abraham CRUMPTON Cayton By Scarborough, Yorkshire

Elizabeth CRUMPTON (F)                     C: 14apr1748     Ba: C04434
Father: Abraham CRUMPTON Cayton By Scarborough, Yorkshire   So: 0561429 Pr: 6910021
Mother: Isabel
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BIRTHS continued

Thomas Richard CRUMPTON (M)                C: 03dec1772     Ba: C105873
Father: Thomas CRUMPTON Bridlington, Yorkshire So: 0919162  Pr: 6910741

Jane CRUMPTON (F)                          C: 5 Oct 1733
Father: William CRUMPTON Scarborough, Yorkshire, England    So: 919205
Mary CRUMPTON William / -                  FC 27dec1736     C106192

William CRUMPTON  /                        MC 20aug1738     C106192
William Crumpton /

Mathew CRUMPTON (M)                        C: 06mar1740[1741?] Ba: C044341
Father: William CRUMPTON Cayton By Scarborough, Yorkshire   So: 0561429 Pr: 6910021
Mother: Mary

Thomas CRUMPTON (M)                        C: 10dec1743     Ba: C044341
Father: William CRUMPTON Cayton By Scarborough, Yorkshire   So: 0561429 Pr: 6910021
Mother: Mary [Also recorded as 27dec1734 in Vital]

Ann CRUMPTON William Crumpton / Mary       FC 30may1745     C106192

William CRUMPTON William Crumpton / Mary   MC 20aug1746     C106192

Jonathane CRUMPTON William Crumpton / Mary MC 19sep1748     C106192

Jane CROMPTON William Crumpton / Mary      FC 25dec1752     So.919205

Thomas CRUMPTON (M)                        C: 09dec1734
Father: Roger CRUMPTON Scarborough, Yorkshire, England      So: 919205

Ann CROMPTON Roger Crompton / -            FC 24aug1737     So.919205

Sarah CRUMPTON (F)                         C: 13 Jun 1739
Father: Roger CRUMPTON Scarborough, Yorkshire, England      So: 919205

Christopher CROMPTON Roger Crompton / Ann  MC 14apr1741     So.919205

Elizabeth CRUMPTON (F)                     C: 07nov1743
Father: Roger CRUMPTON Scarborough, Yorkshire, England      So: 919205

Frances CROMPTON Roger Crompton / Ann      FC 25oct1745     So.919205

Roger CROMPTON Roger Crompton / -          MC 17nov1747     So.919205

Sarah CRUMPTON (F) C: 24 Apr 1750
Father: Roger CRUMPTON Scarborough, Yorkshire, England      So: 919205

Thomas CRUMPTON Thomas / Jane              MC 30oct1768

Sally CROMPTON Matthew Crompton / Isabell  FC 20apr1773     So.919206

Matthew CROMPTON Matthew Crompton / Isabel MC 31jan1777     So.919206

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Cayton christenings with no known connections

John CRUMPTON (M)                          C: 08aug1669     Ba: C105033
Father: Langton By Malton, Yorkshire                        So: 1068378 Pr: 6910602
 Could this be part of the "drift" from the Driffield area to Scarborough?
Mary CRUMPTON - / -                        FC 01feb1708     C106192

Sarah CROMPTON Thomas Crompton / Ann       FC 26nov1755

Elizabeth CROMPTON Robert Crompton / Ann   FC 15dec1756     So.919205


Thomas CRUMPTON (M)                        M. 11apr1699
Spouse: Elice Walker Cayton By Scarborough, Yorkshire

Abraham CRUMPTON (M)                       M: 18may1732     Ba: M044341
Spouse: Isabell Brown Cayton By Scarborough, Yorkshire      So: 0561429 Pr: 6910022

Roger CROMPTON Ann Wellborn                HM 02dec1733     So: 919205

William CROMPTON Mary Clamon               HM 28nov1738     So: 919205
Isabel BROWN - / -                         FC 29aug1708     C106192

John MEEGLAORY Ann Crompton                HM 24dec1758

Ann CROMPTON (F)                           M: 25dec1763     Ba: 7926430
Spouse: John Tate Cayton By Scarborough, Yorkshire          So: 1260604 Pr:

Thomas CRUMPTON (M)                        M: 27jan1767     Ba: M044341
Spouse: Jane Hudson Cayton By Scarborough, Yorkshire        So: 0561429 Pr: 6910022

Matthew CROMPTON Isbell Smith              HM 20feb1770     So: 919206

Elizabeth RICHARDSON (F)                   M: 28apr1770     Ba: M105873
Spouse: Thomas Crumpton Cayton By Scarborough, Yorkshire    So: 0919162 Pr: 6910742

Cayton marriages with no known connections

Richard CROMPTON Elizabeth Cappelman    HM 25dec1758

Ann CRUMPTON William Radley             WM 31mar1775        C106192 

Thomas CRUMPTON Hannah Cowtan           HM 03dec1772 

Thomas CRUMPTON Hannah Cowltas          HM 19nov1778

Thomas CRUMPSON (M) Hannah Coultas      HM 08nov1779

John LAWSON Mary Crompton               HM 22feb1803

John CROMPTON Frances Glaves            HM 17apr1809 [Ref: Nesfield Glaves Crompton]

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This page was created by Richard Crompton
and maintained by Chris Glass
Version C6
Updated 30 July 2019