1660 Info 1: Cromptons of the Restoration
Robert Crompton Esq of Driffield

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Robert CROMPTON Esq of Driffield - third son of Thomas CROMPTON

There are no reports of the birth of Robert in IGI records.

Robert was Clerk to the Augmentation Office. The Court of Augmentations and Revenues, incorporated into the Exchequer in 1554 as the Augmentation Office, had administered the estates of the crown - the 'Augmentations' being the lands seized by Henry VIII when he dissolved the monasteries. It continued through to Elizabeth I. Its primary function was to gain better control over the land and finances formerly held by the Roman Catholic Church in the kingdom. Until the Restoration in 1660, appointments were made by the crown by letters patent under the Great Seal. [Explain] Unless otherwise indicated these were for life.

He was married three times:

  1. to Jane, daughter of Rev CULVERWELL of Cherry Burton on 7 August 1610 (IGI);
  2. in 1614 to Ann, daughter of Francis HALDENBY of Haldenby Hall near Adlingfleet, who was buried at Cherry Burton in 1625 (Query as there are no family dates or IGI records);
  3. to Ceziah STRICKLAND, daughter of Walter STRICKLAND of Boynton, at Boynton on 30 September 1628.

Source: Hull University Manuscripts and Archives department [Hull History Centre ref: U DDSY/68/15, IGI)

Robert held the manor and estates of Wanford, which were passed to his daughter Anne and her husband William METCALFE, Alderman of York. Source: DDSY/68/15 On 19 March 1653, Ceziah CROMPTON of Great Driffield, a widow, bought land for £266.13s, from Sir Thomas Remington of Lund. Source: Hull History Centre ref: U DDCV/100/2 Land was sold by Ceziah CROMPTON, now of Leckonfield (sic), to her eldest son and third child Walter CROMPTON of Sunderlanwicke (sic) esq., on 12 May 1662. This agreement was witnessed by Robert CROMPTON, her second son and fourth child. Source: Hull History Centre ref: U DDCV/100/3

On the death of Sir William GEE, 1612, Robert was involved in the 'wardship and marriage of John GEE son and heir of Sir William GEE dec'd by making a grant to his sister Dame Mary. Source: Hull History Centre ref: U DDGE/6/19)

Robert died on 4 September 1646 and was buried at Cherry Burton on 10 September 1646 Source: Cherry Burton Parish Register

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When St. Mary's Church in Cherry Burton was rebuilt any tomb or monument to Robert or Anne was destroyed. However, these coat-of-arms on two brass shields were dug- up from the churchyard in the early 1900s. They were found buckled-bent, then straightened, put on a wooden plaque and placed inside the rebuilt church.

Right: The arms of Ann HALDENBY/Crompton in Cherry Burton Church
The arms of Ann Crompton/Haldenby in Cherry Burton Church - 52kB jpg

The heraldic quarters are:

When married, a woman may unite her arms with those of her husband in what are called marital arms; their arms are impaled, meaning placed side by side in the same shield, with those of the man on the dexter (right) and those of his wife on the sinister (left). Source: College of Arms

Anne HALDENBY was the daughter of Francis and Elizabeth HALDENBY. Francis's ancestor Robert HALDENBY married an Isabella USFLETE, her great-uncle John USFLETE (junior) being a Preceptor- Master of the Knights Templar c.1304-6 at a place in Scotland, now named Temple Village, where he was during the "lull" between the wars and battles.  Ann was buried 04 September 1625 at Cherry Burton.

Source: Photographs, research and text courtesy of Raymond E.O. Ella who also provides additional information about:

See also:
Borthwick Institute (q.v.), York: Sale of property to Thomas CROMPTON, 11 October 1660: ref: YM/D/PO/13, YM/D/PO/14

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To the Cromptons of the Restoration
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This page was created by Richard Crompton
and maintained by Chris Glass
Version A3
Updated 13 March 2020