1805 Info 3g_1 for John Crompton
The early life of Captain John Crompton (Jack) - page 1 of 4

His life
From his attestation papers, Jack is described as being 5' 8½ and 146lbs with a fresh complexion, blue eyes and brown hair and a mole on his right shoulder. He had a 36 inch chest, which expanded by four inches. He was identified as a member of the Church of England. On 15 September 1914, at his medical in Scarborough, he was passed fit for service: he could see the required distance having 6/6 vision in both eyes: his heart and lungs were healthy with free use of his joints and limbs and was not subject to fits of any description. He was vaccinated in 1905.

Right: John Crompton - aged 18 before he went in the army
Captain JohnCrompton circa 1911 - 17kB jpg

Well Close, Lowthorpe - 77kB jpg John Crompton, known as Jack, was born at the family farm home of Well Close, Lowthorpe on 06 May 1893. (GRO ref: Driffield 9d 353)

Left: Well Close farm house, Lowthorpe from the drive Author: 22 October 2010
1805info3g_1, sheet 2
Right: The side entrance of Well Close farm house, Lowthorpe from the drive Author: 22 December 2007 Well Close, Lowthorpe - 33kB jpg
1909 Lowthorpe OS map - 67kB jpg
Above: The 1909 OS map showing Well Close Farm in Lowthorpe

Initially Jack enlisted in the Old Public School and University Men Corps based in Scarborough before being transferred to Royal Fusiliers. This suggest he attended a public school, which may have been Bridlington Grammar School where Harry was being educated as a border in 1911 and was likely to have entered Oxford and Cambridge examinations.

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Jack Crompton's matriculation paper - 54kB jpg
Jack Crompton's matriculation paper - 57kB jpg
Above: Jack Crompton's matriculation paper from the University of Oxford and Cambridge board from July 1909 at the age of 16. His First Class success tends towards his choice of accountancy as a career and his success in French, perhaps being useful when at the front as adjutant. As the presentation of this certificate was requested by his attestation board, there is no evidence that Jack took further examinations.

Given that his attestation papers, dated Scarborough 15 September 1914 when he was 21 years old, Jack lists his 'calling' as an accountant apprenticed to J Golding of Beverley, who had given him permission to enlist. The apprenticeship was either three years University plus two tears as an apprentice or five years as an apprentice. It is unlikely he attended a university. Since Jack was still an apprentice in September 1914 it is unlikely he joined the firm straight after school. This education and career probably accounted for this commission. Keyy's 1913 Directory records a John Goulding as accountant for the East Riding, based in County Hall on Cross Street, Beverley. 1

1805info3g_1, sheet 4
1901 Census   Sun/Mon 31st March/1st April 1901
Source:       FHL Film  TNA Ref RG13
              Piece: 4518; Folio: 44; Page: 11; Sched: 84
Dwelling:     Driffield Road
Place:        Nafferton, Yorks ER, England

Name                Rel  Mar Age  Occupation         Status  Birthplace
Thomas Crompton     Head  M  33   Farmer             Employer  Yorks, Lowthorpe
Mary Ellen Crompton Wife  M  36                                Yorks, Driffield
John Crompton        Son      7                                Yorks, Nafferton
Marjory Crompton     Dau      5                                Yorks, Nafferton
Harry Crompton       Dau      4                                Yorks, Nafferton
Edith Crompton       Dau      3                                Yorks, Nafferton
Jane E Dunnington   Serv  S  22   Cook (Domestic)              Yorks, Southburn
Florence Nobel      Serv  S  14   Housemaid (Domestic)         Yorks, Southburn
1911 Census:      Sun/Mon 2nd April/3rd April 1911
Source:   TNA Ref:        RG14 PN  
          Reg. Gen. Ref:  525  RG78 PN  28860; En.Dist: 05; Sched: 136
          RegDist:  525   SubDist: Driffield
Dwelling: West Field [West Gate]            
Place:    Nafferton, Driffield, Yorkshire East Riding              
Rooms in dwelling, other than scullery, landing, lobby, closet, bathroom: 11
Years married: 20         
Children:      Alive 5, dead 1 

Name                 Rel  Mar Age Occupation        Status   Birthplace 
Thomas Crompton      Head  M  43  Farmer            Employer Yorks, Lowthorpe
Mary Ellen Crompton  Wife  M  46                             Yorks, Driffield
John Crompton         Son  S  17  Articled clerk to          Yorks, Nafferton
Edith Crompton        Dau     13                             Yorks, Nafferton
Katherine Crompton    Dau      7                             Yorks, Nafferton
Charles Crompton      Son      4                             Yorks, Nafferton
Gertrude Collingwood Serv   S 19  Cook                       Yorks, Nafferton
Hilda Patrick        Serv   S 18  Housemaid                  Yorks, Middleton on the Wold

At this time Jack's sister Marjory had died Marjory died 23rd June 1902 aged 7 years three days before her brother Harry's sixth birthday, from food poisoning after eating berries. Harry was boarding at Bridlington Grammar School.

Westfield, Nafferton - 53kB jpg Westfield, the Family home in the 1911 census.

Left: A period photograph of Westfield, Nafferton with members of the family on the lawn
1805info3g_1, sheet 5
Right: Westfield Farm, Driffield Road, Nafferton Author: June 2003 Westfield, Nafferton 2001 - 42kB jpg
Westfield Farm OS 1911 - 45kB jpg
Above: The 1911 OS map locating Westfield Farm

End notes

  1. Kelly's Directory of N & E Ridings of Yorkshire, 1913. [Part 1: Localities, Court & Trade Directories] (Accessed: 20 December 2020)

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This page was created by Richard Crompton
and maintained by Chris Glass
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Updated 20 January 2021