1803 Info 7 for Thomas Crompton
The life of Thomas Crompton Wilson

A modern map locating Thomas Wilson's farms - 78kB jpg
Above: A modern map locating Thomas Wilson's farms

The modern Ordnance Survey map locates points in Thomas Crompton WILSON's life.

The 1881 census shows an enumerator or transcription error of Thomas Crompton WILSON's name.

1881 Census  Sun/Mon 2/3rd April 1881
Source:    FHL Film 1342157 PRO Ref RG11
           Piece: 4795; Folio: 38; Page: 13;  Sched:
Dwelling:  Bainton Field
Place:     Bainton, York ER, England
                        Rel   Mar Age  Occupation            Birthplace
Thomas Crompton Wilson  Head   U   27  Farmer of 350 Acres   Yorks, Harpham Field
                                       3 Labourers & 5 Boys
Margaret Ellin Wilson    Sis   U   24  Farmer's daughter     Yorks, Harpham Field
Elizabeth Wilson         Sis   U   15  Farmer's daughter     Yorks, Harpham Field
John Simpson Wilson      Bro   U   13  Farmer's son          Yorks, Harpham Field

Sarah Ann Hugill        Serv   U   21  General domestic      Yorks, Filey 
George Berriman         Serv   U   21  Farm serv indoor      Yorks, Kilham 
John Deighton           Serv   U   18  Farm serv indoor      Yorks, Rudstone 
Richard Alden           Serv   U   15  Farm Serv indoor      Yorks, Skipsea 
William Prank           Serv   U   15  Farm serv indoor      Yorks, Nafferton
James Whinham           Serv   U   17  Farm serv indoor      Cambridge, Castle Camp
1803info7, sheet 2
Map locating Bainton Filed in 1893 - 17kB gif
Above: A map of Bainton Field in 1893 - Scale 1:10560
Entrance to Bainton Height's Farm 2010 - 40kB jpg Bainton Field House 2010 - 50Kb jpg
Above: Entrance to Bainton Height's Farm 2010

Right: Bainton Height Farm from the B1246 in 2010

1803info7, sheet 3

Living at The Grange, North Dalton

Thomas married Margaret Hudson TOPHAM in the third quarter of 1888 (GRO: ref Driffield 9d 445). Three years later, the 1891 census shows them living at The Grange in North Dalton.

1891 Census   Sun/Mon 5/6th April 1891
Source:       FHL Film  TNA Ref RG12
              Piece: 3956; Folio: 38; Page: 2; Sched: 12
Dwelling:     The Grange
Place:        North Dalton, York ER, England

Name              Rel   Mar Age Occupation            Employ    Birthplace
Thomas C Wilson   Head   M  38  Farmer                Employer  Yorks, Harpham
Margaret H Wilson Wife   M  40                                  Yorks, Bainton
Eileen M Wilson   Dau        1                                  Yorks, North Dalton
Elizabeth Topham  S-i-L  S  43  Living on own means             Yorks, Bainton
John T Kirby      Serv   S  21  Farm servant                    Yorks, Langtoft
Thomas Lawson     Serv   S  17  Farm servant                    Yorks, Bainton 
Mark Wilson       Serv   S  17  Farm servant                    Yorks, Cranswick  
George Jackson    Serv   S  14  Farm servant                    Yorks, Cranswick 
Charles Taylor    Serv   S  15  Farm servant                    Yorks, Kirkburn
Kaziah A Dove     Serv   S  19  Servant domestic cook           Yorks, Bainton
William Wilburn   Serv   S  13  Farm servant                    Yorks, Middleton
Elizabeth Milson  Serv   S  18  Farm domestic                   Yorks, Middleton   
Tom Preston       Serv   S  31  Farm servant shepherd           Yorks, Millington
Right: Details of the buildings of North Dalton Grange,
Huggate Road,
North Dalton,
YO25 9EL
The Grange, North Dalton, planning - 38kB jpg

Thomas and Margaret's only child, Eileen, was born in the third quarter of 1889. (GRO ref: Driffield 9d 334).

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North Grange Farm, North Dalton 2010 - 15kB jpg North Grange Farm, North Dalton 2010 - 55kB jpg
Right: North Grange Farmhouse, North Dalton 2010
Map showing The Grange, North Dalton - 22kB gif
Above: A 1911 map showing North Dalton Grange, believed to be The Grange, North Dalton - Scale 1:10560
1803info7, sheet 5
1901 Census   Sun/Mon 31st March/1st April 1901
Source:       FHL Film  TNA Ref RG13
              Piece: 4520; Folio: 40; Page: 1; Sched: 2                   
Dwelling:     The Grange Farm
Place:        North Dalton, York ER, England

Name               Rel   Mar Age Occupation               Status    Birthplace
Thomas C Wilson    Head   M  47  Farmer                   Employer  Yorks, Harpham
Margaret Wilson    Wife   M  50                                     Yorks, Bainton
Eileen Mgt Wilson  Dau       11                                     Yorks, North Dalton
Florence Barker    Serv   S  20  General servant domestic           Yorks, Little Driffield  
William Gunn       Serv   M  27  Shepherd on farm                   Yorks, Market Weighton

1911 Census:      Sun/Mon 2nd April/3rd April 1911
Source:   TNA Ref:        RG14 PN28873  
          Reg. Gen. Ref:  RG78 PN1660  En.Dist: 4 Sched: 12
          RegDist: Driffield  SubDist: Driffield 
Dwelling: The Grange             
Place:    North Dalton, Yorkshire East Riding              
Rooms in dwelling, other than scullery, landing, lobby, closet, bathroom: 12
Years married: 22        
Children:      Alive 1, dead none 

Name                    Rel  Age Mar  Occupation            Status    Birthplace 
Thomas Crompton Wilson  Head  57  M   Farmer                Employer  Yorks, Harpham
Margaret Hudson Wilson  Wife  60  M   Farmer's wife                   Yorks, Bainton
Eileen Margaret Wilson   Dau  21  U   Farmer's daughter               Yorks, North Dalton
Mary Ann Etherington    Serv  24  U   Domestic serv. general          Yorks, Huggate
North Dalton 2001 - 38kB jpg Left: The pub and pond at North Dalton in 2001. Turn left at the top of the photograph for North Grange Farm.
1803info7, sheet 6
Right: North Dalton 2001 North Dalton 2001 - 37kB jpg
North Dalton 2001 - 37kB jpg Right: Main Street, North Dalton and the road to Bainton Farm and Driffield in 2001.
1803info7, sheet 7

Their deaths

Margaret Hudson TOPHAM died on 03 August 1923 at 7 Trinity Road, Bridlington (Probate and GRO Ref: Bridlington 9d 318) leaving £1,110 17s 5d to her husband. Thomas Crompton WILSON died on 21 May 1935 at 7 Trinity Road, Bridlington (Probate and GRO Ref: Bridlington 9d 401) leaving £10,612 8s 4d to Eileen Margaret WILSON spinster and Thomas Wilson MITCHELL.

Right: 7 Trinity Road, Bridlington
7 Trinity Road, Bridlington - 69kB jpg

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This page was created by Richard Crompton
and maintained by Chris Glass
Version A11
Updated 23 February 2020